Skywalkeri feat. Hale - Balerina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skywalkeri feat. Hale - Balerina

Balerina, red carpet, noćas ću joj sve dat', yeah
Balerina, red carpet, tonight I'll give you everything, yeah
Briga me kol'ko je sati, Skywalkeri i Hale
I don't care what time it is, Skywalkeri and Hale
Noćas bengamo na party, sutra bani mi na after
Tonight we're going to party, tomorrow you'll be on my after-party
Uvijek igram krive karte, VIP smo nikad parter
I always play the wrong cards, we're VIPs, never the audience
Mala je diva, moja balerina
You're a diva, my ballerina
Sprite mi je u čaši, pun je kodeina
Sprite is in my glass, it's full of codeine
Tebe sam seen-a, za mene si prima
I saw you, you're perfect for me
Izjebem ju jednom onda mi nije bitna
I'll bang you once then you won't be important to me
U džepu nina, blok ti se spina
Nina in my pocket, your block is spinning
To stavim na svog sina, al' nemam si sina
I'll put that on my son, but I don't have a son
U sobi dima, uvijek se ima
Smoke in the room, there's always something
Exotic got me high to je prava visina
Exotic got me high, that's the real height
Kreni mi srat, ciljam u vrat
Start talking shit, I'm aiming for your neck
Kmica želi beef, započet' ću rat
The chick wants beef, I'll start a war
Hale moj brat, nećemo stat'
Hale is my brother, we won't stop
Tvojoj maloj za Božić, kurac ću dat'
For your girl for Christmas, I'll give her my dick
Još ste mali vama treba inkubator
You're still small, you need an incubator
Kad ostanem bez daha tražim inhalator
When I run out of breath, I look for an inhaler
Tražim inhalator, treba ti inkubator
I look for an inhaler, you need an incubator
Pobim tebe, tvoje pretke Terminator
I'll beat you, your ancestors like Terminator
Kao Terminator, noću kao predator
Like Terminator, at night like a predator
Trčim za parama i drogama kao senator
I run for money and drugs like a senator
Izdat' geng neću nikad, rađe idem u zatvor
I'll never betray the gang, I'd rather go to jail
Kažu "Filip, mijenjaš se", ali sam isti zato
They say "Filip, you're changing", but I'm the same for that reason
Kačit' se sa gengom, nije ti mjesto
Getting involved with the gang, it's not your place
Znaš da volim svoje pare kao što volim svoj pesto
You know I love my money like I love my pesto
Kako volim svoje pesto, znaš da bit' će tijesno
How I love my pesto, you know it's gonna be tight
Kad izvadim svoju ninu i propucam te bijesno
When I pull out my Nina and shoot you fiercely
Balerina, red carpet, noćas ću joj sve dat', yeah
Balerina, red carpet, tonight I'll give you everything, yeah
Briga me kol'ko je sati, Skywalkeri i Hale
I don't care what time it is, Skywalkeri and Hale
Noćas bengamo na party, sutra bani mi na after
Tonight we're going to party, tomorrow you'll be on my after-party
Uvijek igram krive karte, VIP smo nikad parter
I always play the wrong cards, we're VIPs, never the audience
Pleše Manilla moja kao balerina
My Manila is dancing like a ballerina
Mala ovdje ti je bara, al' sa gro krokodila
Here you have a bar, but with a lot of crocodiles
Ono vi ste svi tu dobri, ali Hale ti je villian
You're all good here, but Hale is a villain
Keš dolazi iz kasina, linjo prečesto je pijan
Cash comes from the casino, the line is too often drunk
Svaki dan čujem novi lajn o meni
Every day I hear a new line about me
Pazi sad tu je Hale, Skywalkeri
Watch out, here's Hale, Skywalkeri
Ideš zabit' nekaj, fulaš kao Krohn-Dehli
You're going to score something, you miss like Krohn-Dehli
Reperi su mekani kao da su zobeni
Rappers are soft like they're oatmeal
One 'oće plesat, ja je pitam "Šta je mila?"
They want to dance, I ask her "What's up, honey?"
Ona 'oće gensat, skužim to je balerina
She wants to dance, I realize it's a ballerina
Nestala dim, dam se kladit' sad je bila
She disappeared like smoke, I bet she was here just now
Sva je divna balerina, ne znam di sam, kad je imam
She's beautiful like a ballerina, I don't know where I am, when I have her
Keš teče kao Dunav, geng sljeće, bratko Dujma
Cash flows like the Danube, the gang lands, brother Dujma
Sve ste fake kao CBD, here to stay, to je RGR
You're all fake like CBD, here to stay, that's RGR
Balerina, red carpet, noćas ću joj sve dat', yeah
Balerina, red carpet, tonight I'll give you everything, yeah
Briga me kol'ko je sati, Skywalkeri i Hale
I don't care what time it is, Skywalkeri and Hale
Noćas bengamo na party, sutra bani mi na after
Tonight we're going to party, tomorrow you'll be on my after-party
Uvijek igram krive karte, VIP smo nikad parter
I always play the wrong cards, we're VIPs, never the audience

Writer(s): Filip Dujmović, Fran Haluzan Hale, Niko Bukovac

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