Sleiman feat. Gilli & Young - Fundament - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sleiman feat. Gilli & Young - Fundament

Barndommens gade, støbt i beton, cement og metal sætter om
The streets of childhood, cast in concrete, cement and metal surrounds
Vinduerne, murene, navnene dørene
The windows, the walls, the names on the doors
Bror du kender hver en krog, hvert et hjørne
Brother, you know every nook and cranny, every corner
Lydene, duftende, minderne,
The sounds, the scents, the memories,
Hver gang du går ud, passer du ind i det
Every time you go out, you fit right in
Og den mand du er blevet til, er det fordi du har set det og lavet det?
And the man you've become, is it because you've seen it and done it?
Barndommens gade er en del af dig
The streets of your childhood are a part of you
Og du kan aldrig lig det helt bag dig
And you can never fully leave it behind
Men du kan nemt komme til at glemme hvad der virkelig gør et hjem til et hjem
But you can easily forget what truly makes a home a home
For det dem bag murene, dem i vinduerne,
For it's those behind the walls, those in the windows,
Dem der ber en stille bøn for dig ind i stuerne
Those who pray a silent prayer for you inside the living rooms
Du finder din venner, når vinden den vender,
You find your friends when the wind changes,
Dit fundament er der hvor overhalingsbanen ender.
Your foundation is where the fast lane ends.
Tænk de ting der sket, de ting vi går igennem mig de ting vi har set
Think about the things that have happened, the things we go through, and the things we've seen
Det vors mentalitet
It's our mentality
Kort dage, beton, lys, stopper, blå blink,
Short days, on concrete, lights, stops, blue flashes,
Ingen vil dele, alle vil gerne tjene penge
Nobody wants to share, everyone wants to make money
Det vors mentalitet
It's our mentality
Længe leve under klassernes liv
Long live under the life of the classes
At vi ikke elsker ghettoen, vil ikke passe at skriv
That we don't love the ghetto, wouldn't be right to write
For ser du, vores fundament, er det tunge cement
Because you see, our foundation is the heavy cement
Vi har kun hinanden, men det har de unge glemt
We only have each other, but the young ones have forgotten that
Vi omringen af det pis der gør vores hjerner dumme
We're surrounded by the shit that makes our brains so dumb
Vi har meget vi vil sige, som de gern vil forstå
We have so much we want to say, that they would like to understand
Oftest går det galt pga lærenes grund
Often it goes wrong because of the teachings' foundation
du ved, vi udsatte, (&) vi udmatte, (jear) vi lever livet som vi tror gud vil ha det
So you know, we're exposed, (&) we're exhausted, (yeah) we live life the way we think God wants it
Og nogle af os, ja vi ude hele natten, (hele natten)
And some of us, yeah we're out all night, (all night)
Og gør ting som skaber brud i debatten
And doing things that cause a break in the debate
Ingen tvivl om der er mange der blinde, men hvis vi får et overblik, kan vi langsomt vinde,
No doubt there are many who are blind, but if we get an overview, we can slowly win,
hvad en udvandrer, når han egentlig vandrer ind?
So what's an emigrant when he's actually wandering in?
Det sund fornuft, ikke for pest at andre sind.
It's common sense, not to plague other minds.
Tænk de ting der sket, de ting vi går igennem mig de ting vi har set
Think about the things that have happened, the things we go through, and the things we've seen
Det vors mentalitet
It's our mentality
Kort dage, beton, lys, stopper, blå blink,
Short days, on concrete, lights, stops, blue flashes,
Ingen vil dele, alle vil gerne tjene penge
Nobody wants to share, everyone wants to make money
Det vors mentalitet
It's our mentality
Tænk de ting der sket, de ting vi går igennem mig de ting vi har set
Think about the things that have happened, the things we go through, and the things we've seen
Det vors mentalitet
It's our mentality
Kort dage, beton, lys, stopper, blå blink,
Short days, on concrete, lights, stops, blue flashes,
Ingen vil dele, alle vil gerne tjene penge
Nobody wants to share, everyone wants to make money
Det vors mentalitet
It's our mentality
(Har gjort det godt jeg kan. Ret i det, hvis der er fejl. Tak.) :-)
(Did the best I could. Correct it if there are mistakes. Thanks.) :-)

Writer(s): Sleiman Sleiman, Jesper L Helles, Redur Akram Hussein, Kian Rosenberg Larsson, Esben Pilgaard Zefting, Yonnas Tesfai Debessai, Soeren-william Hardam Nohns

Sleiman feat. Gilli & Young - Fundament
date de sortie

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