Sleiman - Nabolag - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sleiman - Nabolag

Nogle når til tops, andre falder af
Some rise to the top, and others fall away
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle rykker frem, andre står tilbage
Some make progress, and some stay behind
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nu det tide at vågne, holder min øjne åbne
Now it's time to wake up and open my eyes
Holder min værste fjende endnu tættere end en homie
Keeping my worst enemy even closer than a homie
Jeg prøver at fokusere, at holde mit hoved klart
I try to focus, keep my head clear
Der ikke plads til mere, stresset inde i mit hoved snart
There's no more room for stress in my head
Ingen lytter til mig, men de smiler til mig
No one listens to me, but they smile at me
Sæt dem i mine sko og lad dem en kilometer
Put them in my shoes and let them walk a mile
Vær gang det går fremad, kommer der tit problemer
Every time I make progress, there's always a problem
Yeah, de vil et chok, hvis de kunne se mig nu
Yeah, they'll get a shock if they could see me now
Med en kaliber 44. siger, fuck dem alle
With a 44 caliber, and I say, screw them all
Vi var vej hen imod kanten, mens jeg hører blokken kalde
We were headed toward the edge, and I hear the block calling
Hyæner haler ind bag mig, jeg hører hundene
Hyena tails behind me, I hear the dogs bark
Det er dem der rammer bunden, tusind gange uden at
They're the ones who hit rock bottom, they die a thousand deaths
Nogle når til tops, andre falder af
Some rise to the top, and others fall away
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle rykker frem, andre står tilbage
Some make progress, and some stay behind
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle når til tops, andre falder af
Some rise to the top, and others fall away
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle rykker frem, andre står tilbage
Some make progress, and some stay behind
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nu det tide at vågne, holder mine øjne åbne
Now it's time to wake up, keep my eyes open
Holder blikket slangerne, der vil stå i krogen
Keeping an eye on the snakes, waiting in the shadows
Jeg prøver at fokusere og holde mit hoved højt
I try to focus and hold my head high
Holder mig to skridt foran dem, der vil se mit blod sprøjt'
Staying two steps ahead of them, I'll watch my blood splatter
De vil se mig giv op, de vil
They want to see me give up, they do
De vil se mig ligge mig ned
They want to see me break down
De vil vide jeg giver en FUCK
They want to know I give a damn
Hvis de vidste [?]
If they only knew [?]
kanten ud af små rotter
On the edge of these lowlives
Ku' skub' mig i, snakker bag mig, men kigger ned
They could push me in, they talk behind my back, but look down
Der findes ægte brødre
There are real brothers out there
Men der findes flere putas
But there are more backstabbers out there
Fucking backstabbers, du taler som Judas
Fucking snitches, you talk like Judas
Blod er tykkere end kronere, euro og dollars
Blood is thicker than crowns, euros, and dollars
Nogle når til tops, andre falder af
Some rise to the top, and others fall away
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle rykker frem, andre står tilbage
Some make progress, and some stay behind
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle når til tops, andre falder af
Some rise to the top, and others fall away
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle rykker frem, andre står tilbage
Some make progress, and some stay behind
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle når til tops, andre falder af
Some rise to the top, and others fall away
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood
Nogle rykker frem, andre står tilbage
Some make progress, and some stay behind
I mit nabolag, i mit nabolag
In my neighborhood, my neighborhood

Writer(s): Redur Hussein, Jesper Lading Helles, Sleiman Sleiman, Soren Nohns, Espen Zefting

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