Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - France: (The March of Marseille) Arise, Children of the Fatherland... - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - France: (The March of Marseille) Arise, Children of the Fatherland...

France: (The March of Marseille) Arise, Children of the Fatherland...
Франция: (Марсельеза) Вставайте, дети Отечества...
Allons enfants de la Patrie
Вперед, дети Отчизны,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
День славы настал!
Contre nous de la tyrannie
Против нас тирания
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Кровавый стяг подняла.
Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes
Слышишь ли ты в наших полях
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Рёв этих свирепых солдат?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras.
Они идут прямо к вашим домам,
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
Чтобы перерезать горло вашим сыновьям, вашим женам!
Aux armes citoyens
К оружию, граждане,
Formez vos bataillons
Формируйте батальоны,
Marchons, marchons
Вперед, вперед,
Qu'un sang impur
Пусть нечистая кровь
Abreuve nos sillons
Оросит наши поля.

Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - Winter Olympic Anthems: Sochi 2014, Vol. 1
Winter Olympic Anthems: Sochi 2014, Vol. 1
date de sortie

1 Estonia: My Native Land, My Joy, Delight...
2 Croatia: Our Beautiful Homeland...
3 France: (The March of Marseille) Arise, Children of the Fatherland...
4 Georgia: (Liberty) My Icon Is My Motherland... [Short]
5 Germany: Song of the Germans
6 Great Britain: (God Save the Queen) God Save Our Gracious Queen... [Olympic Version]
7 Greece: (Hymn to Freedom) I Shall Always Recognise You...
8 Hong Kong: (March of the Volunteers) Arise, Ye Who Refuse to Be Slaves!...
9 Hungary: (Hymn) God Bless the Hungarians With Good Cheer... [Olympic Version]
10 Iceland: (Song of Praise) O God of Our Land... [Olympic Version]
11 Finland: (Our Land) Oh Our Land, Finland, Fatherland...
12 Iran: Upwards On the Horizon Rises the Eastern Sun...
13 Israel: (The Hope) While yet Within the Heart...
14 Italy: Italian Brother, Italy Has Awakened... (The Song of the Italians) [Olympic Version]
15 Jamaica: (Jamaica, Land We Love) Eternal Father, Bless Our Land...
16 Japan: (His Majesty's Reign) May Your Reign Continue for a Thousand, Eight Thousand Generations...
17 Kazakhstan: (My Kazakhstan) Sky of Golden Sun...
18 South Korea, Tong-Hai Sea and Pakdoo Mountain... (Patriotic Hymn)
19 Kyrgyzstan: High Mountains, Valleys and Fields... (Olympic Version)
20 Latvia: Bless Latvia, O God... (Latvian State Anthem) [Olympic Version]
21 Ireland: (The Soldier's Song) Soldiers Are We...
22 Denmark: (Fatherlands Song) There Is a Lovely Land... [Olympic Version]
23 Czech Republic: (Czech State Hymn) Where Is My Home... [Olympic Version]
24 Cyprus: (Hymn to Freedom) I Shall Always Recognise You...
25 Lebanon: All of Us! for Our Country, For Our Flag and Glory!...
26 Albania: (Hymn to the Flag) The Flag Which in Battle Unites Us...
27 Algeria: We Swear By the Lightning That Destroys... (Olympic Version)
28 Andorra: (Andorra Hymn) The Great Charlemagne, My Father... [Olympic Version]
29 Argentina: Mortals! Hear the Sacred Cry... (Short)
30 Armenia: (Our Fatherland) Land of Our Fathers, Free, Independent...
31 Australia: (Advance Australia Fair) Australians All, Let Us Rejoice... [Olympic Version]
32 Austria: (Austrian Federal Hymn) Land of Mountains... [Olympic Version]
33 Azerbaijan: (Azerbaijan March) Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!... [Olympic Version]
34 Belarus: (State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus) We Are the Belarussians... [Olympic Version]
35 Belgium: (The Song of Brabant) Noble Belgium, For Ever a Dear Land...
36 Bosnia and Herzegovina: The National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Olympic Version)
37 Brazil: There Was Heard... (Olympic Version)
38 Bristish Virgin Islands: (God Save the Queen) God Save Our Gracious Queen...
39 Bulgaria: (Dear Homeland) Proudly Rise the Balkan Peaks...
40 Canada: O Canada! Our Home and Native Land!... [Short & Fast]
41 Cayman Islands: (Beloved Isle Cayman) O Land of Soft, Fresh Breezes... [Olympic Version]
42 Chile: Chile, Your Sky... (Olympic Versio)
43 People's Republic of China (March of the Vounteers) Arise, Ye Who Refues to Be Slaves!

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