Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - Slovakia: "Lightning Flashes Over the Tatra…" (Statna Hymna Slovenskej Republiky) paroles de chanson

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Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra feat. Peter Breiner - National Anthems of the World, Vol. 7: Qatar - Syria

1 Qatar: "Swearing By God Who Erected the Sky…" (Al-Salam Al-Amiri - The Peace for the Amir)
2 Qatar: "Swearing By God Who Erected the Sky…" (Al-Salam Al-Amiri - The Peace for the Amir) [Olympic Version]
3 Quebec: "The Time We Take to Say I Love You…" (Gens Du Pays - People of the Country)
4 Reunion: "Arise, Children of the Fatherland…" (La Marseillaise - The March of Marseille)
5 Romania: Wake Up, Romanian, From Your Deadly Slumber...
6 Russia: "Russia, You Are Our Sacred Power!…" (Gimn Rossyskaya Federatsiya)
7 Russia: "Russia, You Are Our Sacred Power!…" (Gimn Rossyskaya Federatsiya) [Short Version]
8 Russia: "Russia, You Are Our Sacred Power!…" (Gimn Rossyskaya Federatsiya) [Alternate Version]
9 Rwanda: "Beautiful Rwanda Our Motherland…"
10 Rwanda: "Beautiful Rwanda Our Motherland…" (Olympic Version)
11 Sahara: "Islamic People..." (Hymne National de la Republique Arabe Sahraoui Democratique)
12 Saint Helena and Dependencies: "God Save Our Gracious Queen…" (God Save the Queen)
13 Saint Kitts And Nevis ["O Land Of Beauty! Our Country Where Peace Abounds…"]
14 Saint Kitts and Nevis: "O Land of Beauty! Our Country Where Peace Abounds…" (Olympic Version)
15 Saint Lucia ["Sons And Daughters Of Saint Lucia…"]
16 Saint-Pierre and Miquelon: "Arise, Children…" (La Marseillaise - The March of Marseille)
17 Saint Vincent And The Grenadines ["Saint Vincent! Land So Beautiful…"]
18 Western Samoa: "Samoa, Arise and Raise Your Banner…" (The Banner of Freedom)
19 Western Samoa: "Samoa, Arise and Raise Your Banner…" (The Banner of Freedom) [Short Version]
20 San Marino: "Honour to You, O Ancient Republic…" (Inno Nazionale - National Anthem)
21 San Marino: "Honour to You, O Ancient Republic…" (Inno Nazionale - National Anthem) [Olympic Version]
22 Sao Tome and Principe: "Warriors In the War…" (Independencia Total - Total Independence)
23 Saudi Arabia: "Hasten to Glory and Supremacy!…" (Aash Al Maleek - Long Live Our Beloved King)
24 Scotland: "O Flower of Scotland When Will We See Your Like Again…" (Flower of Scotland)
25 Sealand: (E Mare Libertas - Freedom from the Sea)
26 Senegal ["Sound, All Of You, Your Koras, Beat The Drums…"]
27 Senegal: "Sound, All of You, Your Koras, Beat the Drums…" (Olympic Version)
28 Serbia: "God of Justice - Thou Who Saved Us When In Deepest Bondage Cast…"
29 Serbia & Montenegro: "Hey Slavs! Our Grandfathers' Word Still Lives…"
30 Seychelles: "Seychelles, Our Homeland…" (Koste Seselwa - Seychellois, Unite!)
31 Sierra Leone ["High We Exalt Thee, Realm Of The Free…"]
32 Singapore: "Let Us, the People of Singapore…" (Majulah Singapura - May Singapore Progress)
33 Slovakia: "Lightning Flashes Over the Tatra…" (Statna Hymna Slovenskej Republiky)
34 Slovenia: "My Friends, the Vines Have Produced Again Sweet Vine…" (Zdravljica - A Toast)
35 Solomon Islands ["God Bless Our Solomon Islands From Shore To Shore…"]
36 Somalia ["Somalia Wake Up, Wake Up And Join Hands Together…"]
37 South Africa: "Ringing Out from Our Blue Heavens…" (Die Stem Van Suid-Afrika - God Bless Africa)
38 South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands: "God Save Our Gracious Queen…" (God Save the Queen)
39 Spain: "Gloria, Gloria…" (Himno Nacional Espanol - Spanish National Anthem)
40 Spain: "Gloria, Gloria…" (Himno Nacional Espanol - Spanish National Anthem) (Olympic Version)
41 Sri Lanka ["Mother Lanka, We Salute Thee!…"]
42 Sri Lanka: "Mother Lanka, We Salute Thee!…" (Olympic Version)
43 Sudan ["We Are The Army Of God And Of Our Land…"]
44 Suriname ["God Be With Our Surinam!…"]
45 Swaziland ["O Lord Our God, Bestower Of All Blessings On The Swazi…"]
46 Sweden (National): "You Ancient, Free…" (Sang Till Norden - Song of the North)
47 Sweden (National): "You Ancient, Free…" (Sang Till Norden - Song of the North) (Short Version)
48 Sweden (Royal): "From the Depths of Swedish Hearts…" (Kungssangen - Royal Song)
49 Switzerland: "When the Morning…" (Schweizerpsalm, Cantique Suisse, Cantico Svizzero - Swiss Psalm)
50 Syria: "Defenders of the Realm, Peace On You…" (Homat el Diyar - Guardians of the Homeland)

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