Slow G - PORKERIA - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Slow G - PORKERIA

Un cigarrillo en el bolsillo
A cigarette in my pocket
Un dedo ¡bang! y te jalan gatillo
One finger, bang! and they pull the trigger
Y te va' a morir bien rápido, a lo que hago el estribillo
And you'll die real quick, by the time I finish the chorus
Mi ganga es mi familia, y nos conocemos de niños
My gang is my family, we've known each other since we were kids
A vuelta me hago millo', dale checa al corretillo
I make a million in a flash, check out my hustle
Están alerta, les tumbamos la puerta
They're on alert, we break down their door
Y los voy a descender en el juego, soy Xavi junto con Iniesta
And I'll take them down in the game, I'm Xavi alongside Iniesta
Ella se viene conmigo, duro la faca no inserta
She comes with me, I hit it hard, the blade won't insert
Yo tengo un bulto de pakas, y una burra en la desierta
I have a bundle of cash and a girl in the desert
Cannabis, tengo pila de enemigos
Cannabis, I have a pile of enemies
Tranquilo, arriba de la cima del otorrino
Relax, on top of the ENT's peak
A ver si me cogen la nota
Let's see if they catch my vibe
A ver si me cogen el hilo
Let's see if they catch my drift
A ver si lo que están diciendo me lo paso por el pico
Let's see if I give a damn about what they're saying
'Toy arriba de la nave fumando y por el kunomi
I'm on top of the spaceship smoking and feeling the high
Con los ojos de chino, dos pepi' y te monto una porni'
With slanted eyes, two pills and I'll make you a porno
Yo soy nuevo de paquete, si quieren hacerme el fronti'
I'm fresh off the package, if they want to front me
Mis papeles y toas' mis letras, escondidas en el pasaporte
My papers and all my lyrics, hidden in the passport
Y la gaveta, la tower, y la droga en la caleta
And the drawer, the tower, and the drugs in the stash
Y montamos a dos monos tapaos' en una jeepeta
And we ride with two masked monkeys in a jeep
Con las metras, extensiones full, suena la chipeta
With the guns, full extensions, the chipeta sounds
Ahora todos esos maleantes están comiendo mi libreta
Now all those thugs are eating off my notebook
Y normal, que se me quieran pegar
And it's normal, they want to stick to me
Al que no le gustaba, ahora me quiere saludar
The one who didn't like me, now wants to greet me
La ex que yo tenia ahora me tira al Instagram
The ex I had now throws herself at me on Instagram
Pero tengo una mas dura, y por favor no molestar
But I have a hotter one, so please don't bother
Una me parte la roca, una le beso la boca
One breaks my back, one I kiss her mouth
Una le gustan los pillos, también la vida lujosa
One likes thugs, also the luxurious life
Ella se guía de calle, dice que es una peligrosa
She's streetwise, says she's dangerous
Y al que se pase de listo, le vamos a dejar rosas
And to the one who gets smart, we'll leave roses
Los cazamos por la noche y descansamos por el día
We hunt them at night and rest during the day
Si no le meto balazo', lo atropello con la Kia
If I don't shoot them, I run them over with the Kia
'Toy lleno de municiones, les dejamos una avería
I'm full of ammunition, we leave them a wreck
Mis cuchillo esta afilao', para hacerle cirugía
My knife is sharp, to perform surgery
Donde tu ibas, ya yo me venia
Where you were going, I was already coming
Si ya todos lo sabemos, que tu amigo es policía
If we all know, that your friend is a cop
Y que vendían, y que esa plata no es de regalía
And that they were selling, and that money isn't from royalties
Yo he tenio' al mismo diablo, haciéndome las compañías
I've had the devil himself, keeping me company
Huela sauer, no salen afuera de las nacionales
They smell the heat, they don't leave the national territory
Y vengo a bajarle humos a los perros comerciales
And I come to bring down the commercial dogs
Y que lo mamen, no saben romper las instrumentales
Let them suck it, they don't know how to break the instrumentals
Y yo estoy poniendo pista, pa' que el verso no se acabe
And I'm putting on a track, so the verse doesn't end
En la calle estoy poniéndome como el malo de juego
On the street I'm becoming like the bad guy in the game
Si no entienden por la buena, va a tener que ser lo feo
If they don't understand the good way, it's gonna have to be the ugly way
Soy amigo de un gitano, y tu suerte no la veo
I'm friends with a gypsy, and I don't see your luck
'Toy poniendo de capota, y a todos les bajo de ego
I'm putting on a show, and I bring everyone's ego down
En la movie, estoy quemando mas que Scary Movie
In the movie, I'm burning more than Scary Movie
Traje pepa' y una runi', la butaca pega al booty, como curry
I brought pills and a girl, the seat sticks to the booty, like curry
En sexto baby, tu dame la ubi'
In sixth gear baby, give me the location
Hoy te vienes con el gánster
Today you're coming with the gangster
Y dejo tira la uni'
And I leave the university behind
'Toy soltero y tu casa'
I'm single and at your house
Que no te vea el historial, ni meno el WhatsApp
Don't let him see your history, let alone your WhatsApp
Ponle privado, y que te deje de molestar
Put it on private, and let him stop bothering you
Esa butaca tu la tiene' para bailar, no para quejar
You have that booty to dance, not to complain
Conmigo, el brillo mas precioso que un zafiro
With me, the brightest shine, more precious than a sapphire
Contigo, me voy de viaje, banco un palestino
With you, I'm going on a trip, I support a Palestinian
Del tiro, los dejo tirándome el efectivo
Right away, they leave me throwing the cash
Y partimos, la vuelta baby, sigo positivo
And we split, the return baby, I remain positive
No querían, pero estoy en la mía
They didn't want it, but I'm on my own
El tipo no es de calle, esta buscando una avenia'
The guy isn't from the streets, he's looking for an avenue
Y yo que soy de calle, quiero dejarla partia'
And me, being from the streets, I want to leave it split
Mai' de Pedro Aguirre Cerda
Mai' from Pedro Aguirre Cerda
Corremos con sangre fría
We run with cold blood
Y motherfucker, disparo con el AK
And motherfucker, I shoot with the AK
Saco uno de la mata, y la mente me susaca
I pull one out of the bush, and my mind takes me away
Mi sicarios dan calaca, los míos te machacan
My hitmen give death, mine crush you
Y no confíes en nadie, porque siempre uno te delata
And don't trust anyone, because there's always one who rats you out
Los cazamos por la noche y descansamos por el día
We hunt them at night and rest during the day
Si no le meto balazo', lo atropello con la Kia
If I don't shoot them, I run them over with the Kia
'Toy lleno de municiones, les dejamos una avería
I'm full of ammunition, we leave them a wreck
Mis cuchillo esta afilao', para hacerle cirugía
My knife is sharp, to perform surgery
Donde tu ibas, ya yo me venia
Where you were going, I was already coming
Si ya todos lo sabemos, que tu amigo es policía
If we all know, that your friend is a cop
Y que vendían, y que esa plata no es de regalía
And that they were selling, and that money isn't from royalties
Yo he tenio' al mismo diablo, haciéndome las compañías
I've had the devil himself, keeping me company

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