Shutdown! Viděl sem tvou show vole ty si fakt klaun
Shutdown! I saw your show, man, you're a real clown
Vyrvu ti majk check raz dva celá tvá crew v hajzlu v momentě kdy dám bars
I'll snatch your mic, check, one-two, your whole crew's in the toilet the moment I drop bars
Žádnej fight žádný muay thai ale vzduchem lítaj facky papapapa
No fight, no muay thai, but slaps are flying through the air, papapapa
Čistej hype žádnej gang rhyme ale vzduchem lítaj výstřely ratatata
Pure hype, no gang rhyme, but shots are flying through the air, ratatata
Takže pa pa řeknu ti to klidně anglicky bye bye ostatní zmizte pryč
So bye-bye, I'll tell you in English, bye-bye, the rest of you disappear
Když mám majk cejtim se jak král na stagi mám chrám
When I have the mic, I feel like a king, the stage is my temple
Slyšim fans řvát bars směju se haha hahahaha
I hear the fans screaming bars, I laugh haha hahahaha
Na mou show se nechodí jen tak stát jestli máš problém jdi pryč nebo shut up tohle je shutdown
You don't just stand around at my show, if you have a problem, get out or shut up, this is a shutdown
Shutdown kdykoli naběhnu na stage je to shutdown
Shutdown, whenever I hit the stage, it's a shutdown
Každá show je rave je to shutdown
Every show is a rave, it's a shutdown
Zkoušel sem bejt klidnej ale nejde to
I tried to be calm, but I can't
Shutdown shutdown
Shutdown shutdown
Mý druhý jméno je shutdown
My middle name is shutdown
Každá čubka už ví co je shutdown
Every chick already knows what a shutdown is
Nasral sem hodně lidí, ale nasrat
I pissed off a lot of people, but so what
Naser mě a hned zjistíš co je shutdown
Piss me off and you'll immediately find out what a shutdown is
Shutdown kdykoli naběhnu na stage je to shutdown
Shutdown, whenever I hit the stage, it's a shutdown
Každá show je rave je to shutdown
Every show is a rave, it's a shutdown
Zkoušel sem bejt klidnej ale nejde to
I tried to be calm, but I can't
Shutdown shutdown
Shutdown shutdown
Mý druhý jméno je shutdown
My middle name is shutdown
Každá čubka už ví co je shutdown
Every chick already knows what a shutdown is
Nasral sem hodně lidí, ale nasrat
I pissed off a lot of people, but so what
Naser mě a hned zjistíš co je shutdown
Piss me off and you'll immediately find out what a shutdown is
Jedu shutdown mode shutdown shows každej ví že mam shutdown flows
I'm running shutdown mode, shutdown shows, everyone knows I have shutdown flows
Shutdown stages shutdown raves všichni v klubu ten shutdown chtěj
Shutdown stages, shutdown raves, everyone in the club wants that shutdown
Shutdown fm shutdown web shutdown rádio shutdown net
Shutdown fm, shutdown web, shutdown radio, shutdown net
Shutdown grime nebo shutdown rap když naběhnu já je to shutdown hned
Shutdown grime or shutdown rap, when I come in, it's a shutdown right away
Shutdown shows každej ví že mam shutdown flows
Shutdown shows, everyone knows I have shutdown flows
Shutdown stages shutdown raves všichni v klubu ten shutdown chtěj
Shutdown stages, shutdown raves, everyone in the club wants that shutdown
Shutdown fm shutdown web shutdown rádio shutdown net
Shutdown fm, shutdown web, shutdown radio, shutdown net
Shutdown grime nebo shutdown rap když naběhnu já je to shutdown hned
Shutdown grime or shutdown rap, when I come in, it's a shutdown right away
Přesně tak, když naběhnu já, je to shutdown. Nejen shows, nejen raves, nejen kariéry ostatních MC's, nejen jejich kurvy, ale i rádio zažilo shutdown. Zdravím všechny, který znaj můj pořad, Iscream. Řeknu vám co se stalo. Shutdown!
Exactly, when I come in, it's a shutdown. Not only shows, not only raves, not only the careers of other MC's, not only their bitches, but even the radio experienced a shutdown. Greetings to everyone who knows my show, Iscream. I'll tell you what happened. Shutdown!
Vypnu tvý rádio v Česku neni ani jedno vyspělý rádio
I'll turn off your radio, there's not even one decent radio in Czechia
Programový ředitelé chytrý jak rádio ať ladim jak chci vyčpělý rádio
Program directors are as smart as the radio, no matter how I tune it, it's a stale radio
Celý mladý Česko nás žere ale stejně nás nehrajou v rádiu
The whole young Czechia eats us up, but they still don't play us on the radio
Vidim playlist řikám si co se vám děje blbci si mnou prsty ale já bleju
I see the playlist and I'm like, what's wrong with you, idiots, they finger me, but I puke
Kdysy nás Hugo vzal do rádia wave v živym vstupu jsme jim ukázali rave
Once Hugo took us to Radio Wave, in a live broadcast we showed them a rave
Za chvíli volal ředitel českýho rozhlasu že tohle neni to co
A moment later, the director of Czech Radio called and said that this is not what
český rádia chtěj
Czech radio wants
Český rádia spěj stejně tak spí Spin rádio fail
Czech radio is heading the same way, Spin radio is asleep, radio fail
Novej programátor se choval jak píča řikám omluv se, ne? Hm tak se v tom rádiu měj
The new programmer was acting like a bitch, I said apologize, no? Well, have fun at that radio then
Shutdown kdykoli naběhnu na stage je to shutdown
Shutdown, whenever I hit the stage, it's a shutdown
Každá show je rave je to shutdown
Every show is a rave, it's a shutdown
Zkoušel sem bejt klidnej ale nejde to
I tried to be calm, but I can't
Shutdown shutdown
Shutdown shutdown
Mý druhý jméno je shutdown
My middle name is shutdown
Každá čubka už ví co je shutdown
Every chick already knows what a shutdown is
Nasral sem hodně lidí, ale nasrat
I pissed off a lot of people, but so what
Naser mě a hned zjistíš co je shutdown
Piss me off and you'll immediately find out what a shutdown is
Shutdown kdykoli naběhnu na stage je to shutdown
Shutdown, whenever I hit the stage, it's a shutdown
Každá show je rave je to shutdown
Every show is a rave, it's a shutdown
Zkoušel sem bejt klidnej ale nejde to
I tried to be calm, but I can't
Shutdown shutdown
Shutdown shutdown
Mý druhý jméno je shutdown
My middle name is shutdown
Každá čubka už ví co je shutdown
Every chick already knows what a shutdown is
Nasral sem hodně lidí, ale nasrat
I pissed off a lot of people, but so what
Naser mě a hned zjistíš co je shutdown
Piss me off and you'll immediately find out what a shutdown is
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