Smiley - Am Bani De Dat (Tengo Dinero) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Smiley - Am Bani De Dat (Tengo Dinero)

Am Bani De Dat (Tengo Dinero)
I Have Money To Give (I Have Money)
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Oh no! Nu am bani in buzunar
Oh no! I don't have any money in my pocket
N-am nici un leu macar
I don't even have one leu
Si strig: No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
And I scream: No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
Yooo! Sunt doar un vagabond,
Yooo! I'm just a vagabond,
N-am nici un leu in cont
I don't have a leu in my account
Si strig: No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
And I scream: No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
Si yo! Am plecat de-acasa ieri
Yes! I left home yesterday
Nu stiu ce vrei sa-mi ceri
I don't know what you want to ask me for
Dar spun: No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
But I say: No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
Stiu, si maine e la fel
I know, tomorrow is the same
Sufla vantu-n portofel
The wind blows in my wallet
(Las-o ma!) No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
(Leave it!) No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
Banii zboara
The money flies
Banii zboara
The money flies
Banii zboara
The money flies
Banii zboara
The money flies
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
E praf si-n seif si in stomac
It's dust in the safe and in the stomach
Si nu am ce sa ma... (ba!) nanc
And I don't have anything to... (ba!) eat
No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
Dar da, sunt roman in tara mea
But yes, I am Romanian in my country
Oficial mi-e bine-asa
Officially I'm fine like this
Da' no tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
But no tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Beau iar eu nu de ce ci din nou
I drink again, not why, but again
Am bani de dat la stat numai mii de euro
I have to give money to the state, only thousands of euros
Dar nu le dau nimic, aa, nu, nu vreu
But I don't give them anything, aa, no, I don't want to
N-am nimic trecut pa numele meu
I have nothing in my name
Acu' nu c-as avea vreo' proprietate pe la mare
Now, not that I would have some property by the sea
Am doar prafu' da pa toba mare
I only have the dust, yes, on the big drum
Care-mi suna boc-boc, boc-boc in cap
Which sounds boc-boc, boc-boc in my head
Ai bani de dat, da' n-ai nimic de luat
You have money to give, but you have nothing to take
Asa c-o ard gen haiducilu' 7 cai
So I'm burning it like the outlaw with 7 horses
Prind fetele pa cal ca-n Rapirea din Serai
I catch the girls on horseback like in The Abduction from the Seraglio
Nu le duc la palat, le duc la un prieten
I don't take them to the palace, I take them to a friend
Ii bag telenovede deci tre' sa faca m***
I put on soap operas so they have to f***
Banii zboara
The money flies
Banii zboara
The money flies
Banii zboara
The money flies
Banii zboara
The money flies
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Tengo dinero, mucho, mucho
Tengo dinero, mucho, mucho
Mucisimo la ciorap si la saltea cum face chucho
Mucisimo in the sock and under the mattress like chucho does
Mi-e lene sa-i numer ziua, ziua ca m-apuca noaptea
I'm too lazy to count it day by day, because the night catches me
Si statu' nu doarme te face sa bagi mana-n sac si sa-i dai partea
And the state doesn't sleep, it makes you put your hand in the bag and give it its share
Fiscul ne baga pe toti in sperieti cand bate la usa
The IRS scares us all when it knocks on the door
Se prinde de tine si-ti vine sa-l arzi cu bricheta ca pe-o capusa
It grabs you and you want to burn it with a lighter like a tick
Ai bani de dat, Tamara nu-ti e tie matusa
You have money to give, Tamara is not your aunt
Platesti impozit pe libertate dar stai intr-o cusca
You pay tax on freedom but you live in a cage
N-au maniere, faci cum ti se cere
They have no manners, you do as you are told
Dai tot ce ai in punga fara ca nimic sa ti se ofere
You give everything you have in your pocket without being offered anything
Clasa politica vrea sa mai fac-o remaniere
The political class wants to do another reshuffle
Iar tu bati ritmul da' manele-n calorifere vere
And you're beating the rhythm, yes, manele on the radiators, dude
Pamflet pentr-un sistem defect
Pamphlet for a faulty system
Iei credit ca sa-ti mai platesti un credit, nu-i corect
You take out a loan to pay off another loan, it's not right
Va bateti joc iar noi va batem pe umar
You are making fun and we are patting each other on the shoulder
Ar trebui sa fiti batuti de mici
You should have been beaten from a young age
Cu paru'... fara numar!
With hair... countless!
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state
Am bani de dat
I have money to give
Am datorii la stat
I have debts to the state

Writer(s): Marius Ioan Moga, Sergiu Istrati, Andrei Maria, Alexandru Velea

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