Smoke Mardeljano feat. Sole - Sugavac - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Smoke Mardeljano feat. Sole - Sugavac

Ti si šugavac, mater ti jebem
You're a scab, I fuck your mother
Tol′ko proziran da vidi se kroz tebe
So transparent that you can see through you
Tko te jebe, ostani jadan
Who gives a fuck about you, stay miserable
Jer ko se hrani nadanjem, umire gladan
Because he who feeds on hope, dies hungry
Prljava igra, stvari i prevara
Dirty game, things and deceit
Ne treba niko da kaže mi da ne valjam
Nobody needs to tell me that I'm no good
To ti je tako, lako se sjebe
That's how it is, it's easy to fuck up
Ko laže za tebe lagaće i protiv tebe
He who lies for you will lie against you
Puno ih je ušlo u kombu kružnu
Many have entered the circular combo
A jaka ljubav rađa stoput jaču mržnju
And strong love breeds a hundred times stronger hate
Motam si sve dužu, misli da si smirim
I'm rolling myself a longer one, thinking to calm down
Nekad bile pesme, sad su zgužvani papiri
They used to be songs, now they're crumpled papers
A ne mogu me smirit' ni pljuge, ni tablete
And neither cigarettes nor pills can calm me down
Rast′o sam u kvartu, nisam sretno dijete
I grew up in the hood, I'm not a happy child
Mnogi se ne sjete, rade svi probleme
Many don't remember, they all cause problems
A njih boli kurac, boli kurac i mene
And they don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck either
Takvo ti je vrijeme, sve je naglo pustilo
Such is the time, everything has suddenly let go
Uspijehe sad srećem, pitam ko nije uspio
Now I meet successes, I ask who hasn't succeeded
Nema udio ak' nije bilo ulaganja
There's no share if there wasn't any investment
Nema istine ak' je bilo laganja
There's no truth if there was lying
Tu nema vaganja, svi budu porekli
There's no weighing here, everyone will deny
Izgubljeno je ono čega smo se svi odrekli
Lost is what we all gave up
Neki se opekli pa pušu sad na hladno
Some got burned so they blow on the cold now
Neki malo jače pa ostaće im trajno
Some a little harder so it will stay with them forever
Ne, nije valjno, daleko je od toga
No, it's not good, it's far from that
Bog vam jebo mater, igrate se boga
God fuck your mother, you're playing God
Seks, novci, droga, ništa ispred toga
Sex, money, drugs, nothing before that
Al′ ko će koga ak′ neće svoj svoga
But who's gonna fuck who if he doesn't fuck his own
Ludosti u mladosti mudro su u starosti
Follies in youth are wise in old age
Kad pogledaš kome kaiš dao si
When you look at who you gave the belt to
Živi kako možeš kad ne možeš kak' hoćeš
Live as you can when you can't as you want
Stpljen spašen, sve na svoje dođe
Patience - saved, everything comes to its own
Sve znaj proć će, ne moraš se brinut
Know that everything will pass, you don't have to worry
Jer svi bi jebali, a niko ne zna skinut
Because everyone would fuck, but nobody knows how to take it off
Šole opet repa, nemoj mislit da stra′ me
Sole raps again, don't think I'm scared
Jer tvrđi sam neg kurac u pički tvoje mame
Because I'm harder than a dick in your mom's pussy
Bez galame, za to vrijeme ti si
Without shouting, during that time you are
Tko krivo gleda, taj krivo i misli
He who looks wrong, thinks wrong
Ja sam ost'o isti, sve ti se promijenilo
I stayed the same, everything changed for you
Još jedna traka od koje si zanjemio
Another track you learned from
I posle toliko vremena znam ko su oni koji vrede
And after all this time I know who are those who are worth
A ti si jedan šugavac mater li ti jebem
And you're one scab, I fuck your mother
Uspomene ne blede samo ako jake su
Memories don't fade only if they are strong
Ja skidam krunu svakom imaginarnom kraljevstvu
I take the crown off every imaginary kingdom
Ulica ne mjenja se, mjenjaju se ljudi
The street doesn't change, people change
Ispali su glupi oni što su htjeli da budu mudri
Those who wanted to be wise turned out to be stupid
A rekli su ti budi čovjek bez foliranja
And they told you to be a man without faking
A ti si iste likove namešt′o za akcijanja
And you set up the same characters for action
Ja sam učen da ne dajem informacije
I was taught not to give information
Da nanjušim plave i kad ne upale rotacije
To smell the blue even when the rotations don't start
Pitaj prave ljude oni isto će ti reći
Ask the right people, they'll tell you the same
Ja pitam se šta ćeš ti da kažeš svojoj deci
I wonder what you're going to tell your kids
Život je surov ako ne prepoznaš ljubav
Life is cruel if you don't recognize love
Ja je imam u najtvrđim ekipama huda
I have it in the toughest hood crews
I ako zanima te stvarno ko je Mardeljano
And if you really care who Mardeljano is
Onda 'ajde sa mnom da se prošetaš Balkanom
Then come with me for a walk around the Balkans
Jutro je rano, a ti oka nisi sklopio
It's early morning, and you haven't closed your eyes
Uočio sam tvoj brod, skoro se potopio
I noticed your ship, it almost sank
Nema okeana koji bi postupke ti opr′o
There is no ocean that would forgive your actions
Budi srećan što te niko nije izrok'o
Be happy that nobody cursed you
Igraš se sa karmom, a i sa životom
You play with karma, and with life
Nije isti put za izlazak i ulazak u čopor
It's not the same way out and into the pack
I čovek duše šugave nikada ne bi skonto
And a man with a scabby soul would never understand
Da kad se nešto deli to se gleda kao poklon
That when something is shared it is seen as a gift
Ovaj motor ne meri se snagama konja
This engine is not measured by horsepower
To je nešto mnogo jače, zove se jaka volja
It's something much stronger, it's called strong will
I kad se zabada njonja u posla koja nisu tvoja
And when the sissy gets involved in jobs that are not yours
Tada kazna je škola koja proći se mora
Then punishment is a school that must be passed
A ta škola nekad ume snažno da udari
And that school can sometimes hit hard
Al' uvek jače otrese ove što su šugavi
But it always shakes off these scabby ones stronger
Ja ne znam što bi htjeli da vas prebiju
I don't know what they want to beat you up for
Al′ znam da vam ne dam da mi crpite energiju
But I know I won't let you drain my energy
I reći ću vam isto marš bre u kevinu
And I'll tell you the same, fuck off to Kevin
Čak i da sretnemo se negde u svemiru
Even if we meet somewhere in space
Pa pređi preko ako negde se sretnemo
So step over if we meet somewhere
Da ne sruši te nešto što je stvarno proletelo
So you don't get crushed by something that really flew by
U prah i pepeo sam poslao lažnjake
I sent the fakers to dust and ashes
Onda kada dim se stišao tad sam video ortake
Then when the smoke cleared, I saw the buddies
A ti glupi šugavcu ne zovi me brate
And you stupid scab, don't call me brother
Ako sa mnom nisi izaš′o iz vatre
If you didn't come out of the fire with me

Writer(s): Dj Bero Zmay, Milos Stojanovic

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