Smoke Mardeljano - Street Blues 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Smoke Mardeljano - Street Blues 2

Street Blues 2
Street Blues 2
Glupo bi bilo da kažem da me dugo nije bilo
It would be stupid to say I haven't been around for a long time
Pa ću reći eto mene ponovo sa tvrdim štivom
So I'll just say, here I am again with some hard-hitting stuff
Sa kvalitetnim ljudima, ne sa debilom
With quality people, not with some idiot
Ko mi rep bude dir′o izjebaću mu sve milo
If someone touches my rap, I'll fuck up everything they hold dear
Reperi se tripuju da su De Niro
Rappers think they're De Niro
Šatro tu su svi sa stilom, ja sam svoj ispolir'o (ispolir′)
Everyone's trying to be cool, but I've polished my style (polished it)
I mojne da si mi se izgasir'o
And don't you dare fade on me
Da ti ne bi jednu pesnaju u facu instalir'o
Or I'll install a song right in your face
Ja nisam svoje ispaljiv′o nit′ se krio
I haven't shot my shot or hid
Kada vidiš nas u mraku samo crvene nam čio
When you see us in the dark, just look for the red glow
BGD, VŽD igramo žmurke s' rijom
BGD, VŽD playing hide and seek with the crew
Hedina je bila masna pa sam fino se načio
Hedina was fat, so I learned a lot
Fridžu sam isprangij′o prvo kad sam ovo čuo
I robbed the fridge first when I heard this
Brka često zna da šibne mi nešto za moje uvo
Brka often throws something in my ear
Reper što plejbek je tu na stejdžu se upuvo
The rapper who plays playback on stage got scared
Daj mi majk, pusti TBI, ako nema ću na suvo
Give me the mic, play TBI, if there's none, I'll go acapella
Yea', idalje sam ista bitanga
Yea', I'm still the same badass
Po svemu sudeći neću se promeniti nikada
By all accounts, I will never change
Tu sam gde i pripadam, iz priče ne ispadam
I'm where I belong, I'm not dropping out of the story
Il′ jesi ili nisi nema mnogo pitanja
You're either in or you're out, there aren't many questions
Repujem do svitanja ako se tako namesti
I rap until dawn if that's how it goes
Još dugo neću nigde to samo da vas obavestim
Just to let you know, I won't be going anywhere for a long time
Godinama tu sam, mirne duše, čiste savesti
I've been here for years, with a clear conscience
Od kad sam čuo "Pajp", "Muzej", kešuj stil kraljevski
Since I heard "Pipe", "Museum", cashing out in royal style
Moj rep nije nešto da se šale s' njim
My rap isn't something to be messed with
Hip-hop nije kad se krene pa se stane s′ tim
Hip-hop isn't something you start and then stop
Ali džabe pričaj kad bi oni prvo pare svi
But it's pointless talking when they're all about the money first
S' ovim da se poredi ne može ni 11 njih
Not even 11 of them can compare to this
To nije tako moglo nikad neće ni u buduće
It never was and never will be possible in the future
Ja kidišem na majku, neću zbog love da cvrkućem
I'm killing it on the mic, I won't chirp for money
Nađi me na gajbi, fristajlujem ukušen
Find me at the crib, freestyling seasoned
Ovo je za moje ljude koji mozak uključe
This is for my people who use their brains
Svaka strofa za sebe je lekcija
Every verse is a lesson in itself
Po celom Balkanu mi šljaka konekcija
My connection works all over the Balkans
Rime su mi uvek bile oštre kao sečiva
My rhymes have always been sharp as blades
I ova priča je moja lična već i nije nečija
And this story is my personal one, it's not someone else's
Il' dečija, il′ mačija, il′ zečija, il' ničija
It's not childish, it's not manly, it's not rabbit-like, it's not anyone's
I kao besni smo i šatro mrzi se policija
And we act all angry and pretend to hate the police
Il′ nema nikakvog smisla, ili ti fali dikcija
Either it makes no sense, or you lack diction
Ima previše dsipja, mozak je k'o pihtija
There's too much dissipation, your brain is like jelly
Tempo diktiram, "ček it out nau" matru pikiram
I dictate the tempo, "check it out now" I'm aiming at the matrix
Drugačije zvuči i kad uzmem da recikliram
It sounds different even when I recycle
Pa iskidam ko sikira od vikinga il′ pitina
Then I tear it up like a viking or pit bull axe
I posle onaj koji sve to sluša citira
And then the one who listens to it all quotes it
Ja sam istina i od ovog nisam hteo da profitiram
I'm the truth and I didn't want to profit from this
Nit' sam uzeo likove iz filma da imitiram
Nor did I take characters from movies to imitate
Levitiram kad me pukne ovakva bitina
I levitate when a beat like this hits me
Jebeš trend fejku ne dam da se infiltrira
Fuck the trend fake I won't let it infiltrate

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