Smoking Souls feat. Berri Txarrak - Cançó de la son - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Smoking Souls feat. Berri Txarrak - Cançó de la son

Cançó de la son
Song of the Sleep
Cançó de la son
Song of the Sleep
Avui no despertaran
Today they will not wake up
Darrere les façanes dormiran tranquils
They will sleep peacefully behind the facades
Les dones de dol
Ladies in mourning
Avui vesteixen amb vestits blancs
Today dress in white dresses
Cansades de plorar avui volen ballar
Tired of crying today they want to dance
Cançó de la son
Song of the Sleep
Muntanyes de cendra i or
Mountains of ashes and gold
Caminen per les faldes hòmens plens de por
Men full of fear walk through the skirts
I agafen les armes
And they take up arms
Creient-se que son valents
Believing that they are brave
Pensant-se que si moren
Thinking that if they die
Ploraran per ells
They will mourn for them
Encara que tinguem son desperta
Even if we are sleepy, wake up
Que ara es el nostre torn i anem
That now it is our turn and let's go
La nostra gent esta esperant
Our people are waiting
Batalles fetes Cançóns
Battles made Songs
Nosaltres dormirem pels racons
We will sleep for the corners
Crear den nou el nostre món
To create our world anew
Voldrem viure ací
We want to live here
Traçar el camí
To trace the path
Mirant-nos de front als ulls de nord a sud
Looking each other in the eyes from north to south
Eo eo eo eo
Eo eo eo eo
I que sapigues
And let you know
Que sempre estaré ahí
That I will always be there
Hemen Gaudela
Hemen Gaudela
Edozertarako prest
Edozertarako prest
Itzalen artean
Itzalen artean
Argia gordetzen
Argia gordetzen
Izar biltzen
Izar biltzen
Errautsa bilakatuz urre
Errautsa bilakatuz urre
Encara que tinguem son desperta
Even if we are sleepy, wake up
Que ara es el nostre torn i anem
That now it is our turn and let's go
La nostra gent esta esperant
Our people are waiting
Gudu zelai kantu
Gudu zelai kantu
Abesteko ordua datorkigu
Abesteko ordua datorkigu
Mundu berri bat sor dezagun
Mundu berri bat sor dezagun
Voldrem viure ací
We want to live here
Traçar el camí
To trace the path
Mirant-nos de front als ulls de nord a sud
Looking each other in the eyes from north to south
Eo eo eo eo
Eo eo eo eo
Eta hortze egongo
Eta hortze egongo
Naizela jakin
Naizela jakin
Voldrem viure ací
We want to live here
Traçar el camí
To trace the path
Mirant-nos de front als ulls de nord a sud
Looking each other in the eyes from north to south
Eo eo eo eo
Eo eo eo eo
I que sapigues
And let you know
Que sempre estaré ahí
That I will always be there
Mai sabran que haurem somiat
They will never know that we have dreamed
Despertarem valents
We will wake up brave
Cansats d'anar callant
Tired of being silent
Escriurem en aquells fulls
We will write on those pages
Com hem guanyat la son
How we have overcome the sleep
Ara cal caminar
Now it is time to walk
Fins el vent està buscant
Even the wind is looking for
Les ales per volar
The wings to fly
Els somnis més gegants
The biggest dreams
La batalla ha derivat
The battle has turned
I ara lluitem més forts
And now we fight harder
Un guèiser d'esperança
A geyser of hope
En la ciutat més morta
In the deadest city
Alça't el cor ja no descansa
Rise, the heart no longer rests
La ment em diu aguanta
The mind tells me to hold on
I el cor bombeja amb força i avança
And the heart pumps strong and makes progress
Hem venut tota la sort
We have sold all our luck
Ja no podem dormir
We can't sleep anymore
Les besties que alimenten el dolor han mort avui
The beasts that feed pain have died today
I deixa el teu treball
And leave your job
Canviem-nos de ciutat
Let's change cities
Tapem-nos que la nit
Let's cover up the night
Pot ser eterna si estem sols
That can be eternal if we are alone
No deixes que ningu
Don't let anyone
Apague mai la llum
Ever turn off the light
Que brilla en els teus ulls
That shines in your eyes
Que ens fan de guia si estem lluny
That guide us if we are far away
I avui haure somiat
And today I will have dreamed
Despertare valent
I will wake up brave
I cantare de nou per a tu
And I will sing again for you
La Cançó de la son
The Song of the Sleep

Writer(s): Smoking Souls

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