Smoking Souls - En Nom del Vent - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Smoking Souls - En Nom del Vent

En Nom del Vent
In the Name of the Wind
Tan bonic i abrubte el cel
How beautiful and rough the sky
Travessen els nuvols l'hivern
Clouds soaring through the winter
Somnis d'argent suren a l'aire espés
Dreams of silver float in the thick air
Intencions sobtades frustades sense fi
Sudden intentions dashed to oblivion
I es que l'oblit no es pot entendre
For forgetting can't be understood
Tan profunds i clars els ull
Eyes so deep and clear
Mirades fredes de rebuig
Cold disapproving stares
Intervenen en aquesta situació
Intervene in this situation
Transmetent l'angoixa
Transmitting the anguish
Que no pogueres triar
That you couldn't choose
I es que l'oblit no es pot entendre
For forgetting can't be understood
Sembla difícil estar ací
It seems hard to be here
Si no veus la llum
If you can't see the light
Sempre que ix el sol
Whenever the sun comes out
Tu somrius de nou
You smile again
Per saber qui ets i on vas
To know who you are and where you're going
Saber qui ets i on vas
To know who you are and where you're going
Vam buscar la veu del so, que hi ha no hi era
We sought the voice of sound, which wasn't there
Cridarem en nom del vent, oh oh
We'll call in the name of the wind, oh oh
Enfilarem el destí, a una altra espera
We'll climb fate, to another wait
Convençuts per començar
Convinced to begin
Busque la pau en la ment
I seek peace of mind
El conflicte tanmateix
The conflict nevertheless
Lligasses de la glòria d'un temps passat
Ties of a glory from the past
Esperant respostes que et diguen la solució
Waiting for answers that tell you the solution
D'aquest laberint sense sortida
Of this labyrinth with no exit
Sembla difícil estar ací
It seems hard to be here
Si no veus la llum
If you can't see the light
Sempre que ix el sol
Whenever the sun comes out
Tu somrius de nou
You smile again
Per saber qui ets i on vas
To know who you are and where you're going
Saber qui ets i on vas
To know who you are and where you're going
Vam buscar la veu del so, que hi ha no hi era
We sought the voice of sound, which wasn't there
Cridarem en nom del vent, oh oh
We'll call in the name of the wind, oh oh
Enfilarem el destí, a una altra espera
We'll climb fate, to another wait
Convençuts per començar
Convinced to begin
Sembla difícil estar ací
It seems hard to be here
Si no veus la llum
If you can't see the light
Sempre que ix el sol
Whenever the sun comes out
Tu somrius de nou
You smile again
Per saber qui ets i on vas
To know who you are and where you're going
Saber qui ets i on vas
To know who you are and where you're going
Sembla estar ací
It seems to be here
Lluitant contra l'oblit
Fighting against oblivion
Díficil somrius
It's hard to smile
I ara tu em somrius
And now you smile at me

Writer(s): 2013 Smoking Souls

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