Smoking Souls - Volves de neu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Smoking Souls - Volves de neu

Volves de neu
Melting Snow
Vine, fora fa fred prepare un te
Come inside and I'll make you some tea to warm you up
Descansa l'ànima ferida
Rest your weary soul
I a cada llàgrima una corba en el camí
And for every tear, I'll draw a curve on the road
Parles, la claredat al teu mirar
You speak, your eyes are clear
El nostre món damunt la taula
Our world is on the table
Hi ha molt d'amor i poques ganes d'arriscar
There is a lot of love and little desire to take risks
I que algun moment serà
I know that someday it will be
Tornar al teu carrer
To return to your street
Per saber que t'he trobat a faltar com la neu
To know that I have missed you like the snow
Des d'aquella finestra mirava
From that window, I watched
Cada dia esperant que tornares
Every day, waiting for you to return
Partir fa menys mal per a qui se'n va
For the one who leaves, it hurts less to go
Seguirà, seguirà, seguirà
It will continue, it will continue, it will continue
I a l'alba marxar de nou i així, i així serà
And at dawn, I'll leave again and so it will be
Voler esborrar meridians per tornar
Wanting to erase meridians to get back
I seguir el teu rastre de llum
And follow your trail of light
Passen les hores com passen els anys
Time passes like the years
Hi ha molt de fum i poca flama
There is a lot of smoke and little flame
Hi ha molt de joc i poques ganes de jugar
There is a lot of play and little desire to play
Casa, feina i comptes corrents
Home, work, and bank accounts
I una llista que no acaba
And a list that never ends
Sempre més i amb qui, m'és igual
More and more, with whom, I don't care
I que algun moment serà
I know that someday it will be
Tornar al teu carrer
To return to your street
Per saber que t'he trobat a faltar com la neu
To know that I have missed you like the snow
Vespre vestit, nua la nit
Evening dressed, the night naked
Desobedients, llavis carmí
Disobedient, your lips like crimson
Des d'aquella finestra mirava
From that window, I watched
Cada dia esperant que tornares
Every day, waiting for you to return
Partir fa menys mal per a qui se'n va
For the one who leaves, it hurts less to go
Seguirà, seguirà, seguirà
It will continue, it will continue, it will continue
I a l'alba marxar de nou i així, i així serà
And at dawn, I'll leave again and so it will be
Voler esborrar meridians per tornar
Wanting to erase meridians to get back
I seguir el teu rastre de llum
And follow your trail of light
Des d'aquella finestra mirava
From that window, I watched
Cada dia esperant que tornares
Every day, waiting for you to return
Partir fa menys mal per a qui se'n va
For the one who leaves, it hurts less to go
Seguirà, seguirà, seguirà
It will continue, it will continue, it will continue
I a l'alba marxar de nou i així, i així serà
And at dawn, I'll leave again and so it will be
Voler esborrar meridians per tornar
Wanting to erase meridians to get back
I seguir el teu rastre de llum
And follow your trail of light

Writer(s): Carles Cendra Caselles, Josep Bolufer Cendra, Pau Camps Escrivà

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