Nadie queria que pasara esto, no pensaste en contar con esta situación
& tal vez nuestras vidas tomaron distintos rumbos, pero... Ambos sabemos que, nuestros corazones por siempre estaran juntos te deseo lo mejor
& quiero que seas muy feliz!
No one wanted this to happen, you didn't think about having this situation
& maybe our lives took different directions, but... We both know that, our hearts will forever be together I wish you the best
& I want you to be very happy!
Pero dime que hubiera pasado si estuvieras conmigo
But tell me what would have happened if you were with me
necesitaria un abrazo tu cuerpo que era mi abrigo
i would need a hug your body that was my coat
pero ya es muy tarde y yo no te tengo ni como enemigo
but it's too late and I don't even have you as an enemy
pero yo no te olvido
but I don't forget you
como olvidar los momentos que contigo yo pase
how to forget the moments that I spend with you
ocasiones en que yo te abraze
occasions when I hold you in my arms
ya no es hora de lamentos ni perdones
it's no longer time for regrets and forgiveness
ya no hay modode que vuelvan nuestros corazones
there is no longer a way for our hearts to return
por mi culpa como nunca tu lloraste
because of me like you never cried
nunca lo dude se que me amaste
i never doubted it I know that you loved me
quien te acompañara en aquellas noches frías?
who will accompany you on those cold nights?
quien te acompara esa será mi pregunta
who will accompany you that will be my question
de quien será Sólo dejame decirte Para mi fuiste lo mejor y gracias por permitirme compartir horas del reloj eso es lo que pienso yo
from who it will be Just let me tell you For me you were the best and thank you for allowing me to share clock hours that's what I think
Pero dime que hubiera pasado si tu estuvieras conmigo
But tell me what would have happened if you were with me
necesitaria un abrazo tu cuerpo que era mi abrigo
i would need a hug your body that was my coat
pero ya es muy tarde Y yo no te tengo ni como enemigo
but it's too late and I don't even have you as an enemy
pero yo no te olvido
but I don't forget you
Como olvidar
How to forget
y por más que grite no creo que me escuches
and no matter how much I scream I don't think you'll hear me
queda una vida por delante
& quiero que luches
there's one life left in front
& I want you to fight
que te diviertas y termines tus estudios
have fun and finish your studies
recuerda el último beso
remember the last kiss
en las vaciones de julio
in the July holidays
se que pasamos situaciones peores
i know we've been through worse situations
no es mi cumpleaños
& me compras flores
it's not my birthday
& you buy me flowers
se que pasamos situaciones duras
i know that we go through hard situations
por que cubres tu rostro con gafas oscuras
why do you cover your face with dark glasses
eres una chica llena de virtud te deseo vida
& salud espero que encuentres a alguien igual que tú
you are a girl full of virtue I wish you life
& health I hope you find someone just like you
mi cuerpo esta en un ataúd
my body is in a coffin
pero en el cielo estoy yo
but in heaven I am
Pero dime que hubiera pasado si estuvieras conmigo
But tell me what would have happened if you were with me
necesitaria un abrazo tu cuerpo que era mi abrigo
i would need a hug your body that was my coat
pero ya es muy tarde y yo no te tengo ni como enemigo
but it's too late and I don't even have you as an enemy
Pero dime que hubiera pasado si estuvieras conmigo
But tell me what would have happened if you were with me
necesitaria un abrazo tu cuerpo que era mi abrigo
i would need a hug your body that was my coat
pero ya es muy tarde y yo no te tengo ni como enemigo
but it's too late and I don't even have you as an enemy
Pero dime que hubiera pasado si estuvieras conmigo
But tell me what would have happened if you were with me
necesitaria un abrazo tu cuerpo que era mi abrigo
i would need a hug your body that was my coat
pero ya es muy tarde y yo no te tengo ni como enemigo
but it's too late and I don't even have you as an enemy
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