Sniper SP - Imperfecto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sniper SP - Imperfecto

Oh, baby!
Anoche tuve un sueño
Last night I had a dream
Bien raro
It was quite wild
Escuchaba una voz
I kept hearing a voice
Que me repetía una y otra vez lo mismo
That repeated the same thing over and over again
No entendía
I didn't understand
Me decía que
It told me that
Don't you see i'm imperfect
Don't you see I'm imperfect
no vez que soy perfecto
Can't you see I'm perfect
They don't know me
They don't know me
Ellos no me conocen
They don't know the real me
Don't you see i'm imperfect
Don't you see I'm imperfect
Yo no entendí al principio
At first I didn't get it
They don't know me (hasta que decidí contestarle)
They don't know me (until I decided to answer it)
No soy perfecto
I am not perfect
Claro, tengo miles de defectos
Of course, I have thousands of flaws
Hecho a tu semejanza, el mejor proyecto
Made in your image, the best project
He fallado al respecto confundiendo los afecto
I have failed in this regard, confusing affection
Desviando el concepto, así es la cultura que pertenezco
Distorting the concept, that's the culture I belong to
El hombre
The man
Que la verdad detrás de la mentira esconde
Who hides the truth behind the lie
El que te olvida
The one who forgets you
Pero cuando esta en problema se arrodilla y menciona nombre
But when he's in trouble, he kneels and mentions your name
Pretende que con ese acto todo solucione
He pretends that with that act everything is solved
Te reclama si no le responde
He claims you if you don't answer him
Así somos desde que nos diste libre albedrío
That's how we have been since you gave us free will
Cada quien escoje su camino y yo escoji el mío
Everyone chooses their own path, and I chose mine
Laberinto de espina, con los golpes e crecio
A labyrinth of thorns, I grew up with the blows
Muchas veces e sentio a la muerte con escalofrío
Many times I have felt death with chills
Nadie sabe hasta cuando dure la estadía
Nobody knows how long the stay will last
Todo tiene su final, mañana puede ser mi día
Everything has its end, tomorrow could be my day
Estoy perdio en esta selva ignorando a mi guía
I am lost in this jungle, ignoring my guide
A sabiendo que lo estoy haciendo mal yo sigo en la mía
Even though I know I'm doing wrong, I keep going
Don't you see i'm imperfect
Don't you see I'm imperfect
Yo que eres perfecto
I know you are perfect
They don't know me
They don't know me
Yo quisiera seguir tus pasos, pero
I would like to follow in your footsteps, but
Don't you see i'm imperfect
Don't you see I'm imperfect
No es fácil con tantas cosas negativas que me rodean
It's not easy with so many negative things around me
They don't know me
They don't know me
Es inevitable
It's inescapable
Sentir odio en este mundo miserable
To feel hate in this miserable world
Donde madres matan a sus hijos y los hijos matan a sus madres
Where mothers kill their children, and children kill their mothers
Y la hija es violada por su propio padre
And the daughter is raped by her own father
La amenaza pa' que la niña no hable
The threat for the girl not to speak
Yo soy el malo porque a la calle yo le canto
I am the bad guy because I sing to the street
Mi música es mala influencia pa' la Isla del espanto
My music is a bad influence on the Island of Fright
Soy juzgado por los cuellos blancos
I am judged by the white-collar criminals
Lo mismos que se sientan en la mesa con los narcos
The same ones who sit at the table with the drug dealers
Por lo tanto
Somos iguales
We are the same
Iguales de tramposo con malos modales
We are all cheaters with bad manners
La diferencia es la corbata, el gaban y las clases sociales
The difference is the tie, the coat, and the social class
El poder que tiene la justicia pa' limpiarse en términos legales
The power that justice has to clean itself up in legal terms
Dios mío
My God
O yo
Or do I know
Quien eres pero admito yo no te conozco
Who you are, but I admit I don't know you
He escuchado todas tus historias pero no he visto rostro
I've heard all your stories, but I haven't seen your face
Aquel que no tiene fe no tiene nada y tiene que asumir el costo
He who has no faith has nothing and must bear the cost
Don't you see i'm imperfect
Don't you see I'm imperfect
They don't know me
They don't know me
Don't you see i'm imperfect
Don't you see I'm imperfect
They don't know me
They don't know me
Oh, baby!
Las mayorías de las veces
Most of the time
Hacemos las cosas sabiendo que están mal
We do things knowing that they are wrong
Pero como quieran seguimos haciéndolas
But we keep doing them anyway
Esa es nuestra naturaleza
That's our nature
Dicen que errar es de humanos
They say to err is human
Y si es así
And if so
Entonces yo soy un súper humano, porque
Then I am a superhuman, because
Siempre estoy cometiendo errores
I am always making mistakes
Oh, baby!
El Francotirador
The Sniper
Kas-PR "El Phantom"
Kas-PR "The Phantom"
Jetson "El Super"
Jetson "The Super"
Sp Inc Family
Sp Inc Family
Como decimos el Jetty y yo
Like the Jetty and I say
Esto es
This is
Y narrativa
And narrative
Más música
More music
Menos drama
Less drama
Oh, baby!

Writer(s): Marcos Yadiel Munoz, Richard Cortez

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