Sodoma Gomora - Music Made Me Do It - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sodoma Gomora - Music Made Me Do It

Music Made Me Do It
Music Made Me Do It
Jmenoval se Alex, poslouchal DeSáda,
His name is Alex and he listens to DeSada,
Myslel na sex a chtěl těm kurvám nakládat,
He thinks about sex and wants to beat up those whores,
šahat jim na těla, žádná ho nechtěla,
Touch their bodies, none of them want him,
Všichni ve škole měli ho za úchyla,
Everyone at school thinks he's a pervert,
Holky ze školky, pohlídám svou sestru,
Girls from kindergarten, I'll watch over my sister,
Si rapoval v hlavě když unes dítě v metru,
That's what he rapped in his head when he kidnapped a child on the train,
Doma ho pak mrdal do rytmu jeho breku,
At home he fucked her to the rhythm of her cry,
Udělal to protože to slyšel v tracku!
He did it because he heard it in the song!
Jmenoval se David, miloval řezníka,
His name is David and he loves the butcher,
Sjel se skalicí a šel upálit bezďáka,
He got high on crack and went to burn a homeless man,
Zastřelil dealera, devítkou ho vypnul,
He shot the dealer, knocked him out with a nine,
Potom si pouštěl hudbu u který ten zmrd chcípnul,
Then he played the music as the asshole died,
Fanoušek dement měl ve sklepě ženu s dcerou,
The idiot fan had a woman and daughter in the basement,
Jako omluvu měl to, že ho všichni serou,
His excuse was that everyone was pissing him off,
Věznil tam i Vašíka a dával mu do špeků,
He even imprisoned Vašík and fucked him in the ass,
Udělal to protože to slyšel v tracku!
He did it because he heard it in the song!
Svět jinak vnímám, když sluchátka mám
I perceive the world differently when I have headphones,
A hraje Esham, včera to odnesl Imám,
And Esham is playing, yesterday the Imam suffered,
Celej Islám vyslal jsem do pekel,
I sent the whole Islam to hell,
Proklel jsem ho, protože mi to řekla Razakel.
I cursed it because Razakel told me to.
Zažranej do hardkapel vraždím lidi na povel,
Hooked on hardcore, I kill people on command,
Zažranej do kapel co dávaj na vraždy apel.
Hooked on bands that incite murder.
Nenávis tu kape z každý druhý věty,
There's hate dripping from every sentence,
Probodávám krky, když slyším morbid trapy
I stab necks when I hear morbid raps,
Jak? a pusť si Narkotus
How? Just play Narkotus,
Bushpig vlastně nutí dětem nasrat do pus.
Bushpig basically makes kids shit in their mouths.
udělal jsem pokud a pustil si punk,
I did if and put on punk,
Pak sežral tři pankáče jako Brotha Lynch Hung.
Then I ate three punks like Brotha Lynch Hung.
Jenom horor styl nutí požívat pilly,
Only horror style makes me take pills,
Death rap a Necro zas rajcujou nekrofily.
Death rap and Necro excite the necrophiles.
Hulím PCP a v hlavě ICP,
I smoke PCP and ICP in my head,
A doufám, že se mi konečně rozsvítí.
And I hope that I finally see the light.
Music made me do it
Music made me do it
Wicked shit nutí vraždit, lidi vyhubit, domy vypálit
Wicked shit makes you want to murder, annihilate people, burn down houses
Music made me do it
Music made me do it
Wicked shit nutí vraždit, lidi vyhubit, domy vypálit
Wicked shit makes you want to murder, annihilate people, burn down houses
Musím bouchačku odjistit, když hrajou Twistyd
I have to unload my gun when Twistyd plays,
Musím to čistit, fragy ukořistit.
I have to clean it, collect the frags.
Cejtim se jak psycho ve stínu společnosti.
I feel like a psycho in the shadow of society.
? Dohání do šílenosti
? It drives you to madness
Tvrdej jako? melu lidi jako mlejn
Hard as?, I grind people like a mill
Asociál, Desade the serial killer
Anti-social, Desade the serial killer
Jak z děsivýho hororu jsou tyhlety mordy
Like a horror movie, these murders are terrifying
Z nenávisti i v Sodomě byl King Gordy
Even in Sodom, there was King Gordy out of hatred
King of horor, midnight terror,
King of horror, midnight terror,
Rozpoutám peklo, jsem smrti lektor.
I'll unleash hell, I'm the lecturer of death.
Jebe satan, když píšu ty svý sloky
Fuck Satan when I write these verses
Satanic verses trvá to celý roky
Satanic verses, it's been going on for years
Za barem chlastám krev, jsem barbarem
I drink blood at the bar, I'm a barbarian
Przním malý děti si stavim Butchers Harem
I abuse little children and build my Butcher's Harem
Pedofilní rýmy dětem stahujou plíny
Pedophile rhymes make kids pull down their diapers
Do prdele, obličeje i do vagíny
In the ass, face and vagina
Music made me do it
Music made me do it
Wicked shit nutí vraždit, lidi vyhubit, domy vypálit
Wicked shit makes you want to murder, annihilate people, burn down houses
Music made me do it
Music made me do it
Wicked shit nutí vraždit, lidi vyhubit, domy vypálit
Wicked shit makes you want to murder, annihilate people, burn down houses
Music made me do it
Music made me do it
Wicked shit nutí vraždit, lidi vyhubit, domy vypálit
Wicked shit makes you want to murder, annihilate people, burn down houses
Music made me do it
Music made me do it
Wicked shit nutí vraždit, lidi vyhubit, domy vypálit
Wicked shit makes you want to murder, annihilate people, burn down houses

Writer(s): martin pohl, michael vaněk, jiří nižník, michal schmutzer

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