Sokrat St - Nafile - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sokrat St - Nafile

Düşünse nafile, boşa nafile
For you to think would be in vain, for naught it would be
Düşünsen ayrı, düşünmesen ayrı dert
Whether you think about it or not, it's all the same pain
Düşünse nafile, boşa nafile
For you to think would be in vain, for naught it would be
Problem nedir?
What's the problem?
Standardın altından üstüne rapçiler karıştırır
Rappers who used to be below standard are now confused
Altınlar küstü be dolar bugün çıktı ne?
Is it that gold has become scarce or has the dollar risen today?
Merhamet isteme ve bu bıçak en derine
Don't beg for mercy, this knife cuts the deepest
Çatışmanın ortasında atışlar hep yerine
In the midst of the conflict, the shots always hit their mark
Çakıştın hep zeminle, sonra lirik mahzenime
You've always clashed with the ground, now you're in my lyrical vault
Büyük yalandır hallederiz ve beni yaz bi' yere
It's a big lie that we'll solve this problem, so write me down somewhere
Bahar geldi zannederiz, kış oldu yaz yerine
We think spring has come, but it's winter again instead of summer
Sokakta kan seline, hastanede kanserine
In the streets, rivers of blood, hospitals full of cancer
Geleceği görürsün çıkıp sahneye konserime
You'll see the future when you come on stage for my concert
Bu dandik mikrofon çalıştı fazladır on seneden
This lousy microphone has worked for over ten years
Kulak cızırtıya alıştı, hepsi çok bilir
My ears are used to the crackling, everyone knows so much
Nesiller değiştikçe kaçtı gitti çok bilenler
With each generation that came and went, many of the know-it-alls disappeared
Yoruldum her bilenden, şarj ettim harbiden ben
I'm tired of all the know-it-alls, I've really had enough
Bencillikte yürüdün hep sen, yok oldun harbiden len
You've always been selfish in your ways, you've really lost your way
Dışarıda ayıp edersen, sokakta kaybeden sen
If you make a fool of yourself outside, you'll be the loser in the street
Bizimle harbedenler, genelde kaybedenler
Those who fight us usually end up losing
Düşünsen ayrı, düşünmesen ayrı dert (hep aynı dert ya)
If you think about it, it's a different kind of pain (it's always the same pain)
Düşünsen nafile, düşünmesen nafile
For you to think would be in vain, for naught it would be
Düşünsen ayrı, düşünmesen ayrı dert (hep aynı dert ya)
If you think about it, it's a different kind of pain (it's always the same pain)
Düşünsen nafile, düşünmesen nafile
For you to think would be in vain, for naught it would be
Kalemimde hiç kimseyi yeme maksadı yok
There's no intention of hurting anyone with my pen
Çünkü burası monkey business Soko da MIC'ta Cio
Because this is Monkey Business, Soko's on the MIC, Cio is the CEO
Efo, Kamuf, Redo eşdeğerdi kayda suya, konuşmanın bi' faydası yok
Efo, Kamuf, Redo were all equals in the studio, talking is useless
Maalesef farklı yolları seçmek ağır basıyo
Unfortunately, choosing different paths is too important
Bi' gezgin oldum, sırtında çantası yok
I became a traveler, with no backpack
Bazen şerefsizdim, hiç mi hiç utanması yok
Sometimes I was a jerk, with no shame at all
İki yıl hastalıkla geçti, eksiği var fazlası yok
Two years passed in illness, with nothing less and nothing more
Müziğe dair tüm umutlarım damarlarıma kan basıyo
All my hopes for music are pumping blood into my veins
Ayakta kalması zor çünkü sanatın faydası yok
It's hard to stay on your feet because there's no point in art
Endüstrinin içinde her taraf karatma siyah
Inside the industry, everything is a blackout, black
Paranın zar atmasından, sıkıldım kan akmasından
I'm tired of the money game, tired of the bloodshed
Medyanın maymunlardan, starlar yaratmasından
I'm tired of the media creating stars out of monkeys
Palavrasın, kompradorlar seni pazarlasınlar
May your words and your compradores market you
Soko'nun kadavrasıyla
With your Soko's dead body
Tamamlasınlar, çenemin kapanmasıyla
Together with the closing of my jaw
Hikayen bitecektir elbet gözümün kararmasıyla
Your story will surely end with the darkening of my eyes
Düşünsen ayrı, düşünmesen ayrı dert (hep aynı dert ya)
If you think about it, it's a different kind of pain (it's always the same pain)
Düşünsen nafile, düşünmesen nafile
For you to think would be in vain, for naught it would be
Düşünsen ayrı, düşünmesen ayrı dert (hep aynı dert ya)
If you think about it, it's a different kind of pain (it's always the same pain)
Düşünsen nafile, düşünmesen nafile
For you to think would be in vain, for naught it would be

Writer(s): Ekincan Arslan, Samet Gonullu, Burak Kaya

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