Sopa De Cabra - El Far Del Sud - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sopa De Cabra - El Far Del Sud

El Far Del Sud
Southern Lighthouse
La va trobar a una sala mig buida
I found her in a half-empty room
Buscant un somni, fugint del dolor
Searching for a dream, escaping her pain
Entrant pels ulls va sentir mil espurnes
As I caught her eye, I felt a thousand sparks
Aquella història va canviar-li el món
That story changed my world
Va perdre-ho tot, la partida i la vida
She lost everything, the game and her life
Cada ciutat li esmicolava el cor
Every city tore her heart out
Només el far de sud ella es mira
Only the southern lighthouse helps her see
Segueix la flama fins que res no es mou
She'll follow its flame until nothing moves
I empeny el sol tant bruna, tant forta i prohibida
And she'll push against the sun so fierce, so strong and forbidden
I es descorda la brusa, el seu cos un somriure viu, hey
And she'll unbutton her blouse, her body a living smile, hey
Et donaria amor si poguessis tornar-me′n
I would give you love if you would return it
Et donaria amor si ens poguéssim mirar
I would give you love if we could look at each other
Et donaria el món si poguessis parlar-me
I would give you the world if we could talk
Ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
I would give you everything if I could love you
Tantes nits va pagar per tenir-la
He paid so many nights to have her
Tantes excuses per anar tot sol
So many excuses to go alone
Però cada cop amb un plor la perdia
But he always lost her with a cry
La llum s'apaga quan la sort es pon
The light goes out when luck runs dry
I el seu record s′estima en ciutats adormides
And her memory is cherished in sleeping cities
I somnia fins l'alba el seu far sense vida trist, seh
And he dreams until dawn of his lifeless lighthouse, sad, alone
Et donaria amor si poguessis tornar-me'n
I would give you love if you would return it
Et donaria amor si ens poguéssim mirar
I would give you love if we could look at each other
Et donaria el món si ens poguessis parlar-me
I would give you the world if we could talk
Ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
I would give you everything if I could love you
Tremolant poc a poc surt del cine
He leaves the cinema, trembling slightly
Sessió de nit, avui ja és l′últim dia
Evening screening, it's the last day
S′endú el cartell, arriba casa i l'espia
He takes the poster, goes home and studies it
L′habitació es transforma en un món nou
The room transforms into a new world
I li escriu cent mil cartes de busca i viatge
And he writes her a hundred thousand search and travel letters
I el seu centre s'escapa, perd l′ordre i la casa
And his center escapes, he loses his way and his home
I apaga el sol tant bruna, tant febla i prohibida
And he turns out the sun so fiercely, so weakly and forbiddenly
S'enfonsa en les ombres, el seu cos un somriure viu, seh
He sinks into the shadows, his body a living smile, alone
Et donaria amor si poguessis tornar-me′n
I would give you love if you would return it
Et donaria amor si ens poguéssim mirar
I would give you love if we could look at each other
Et donaria el món si ens poguessis parlar-me
I would give you the world if we could talk
Ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
I would give you everything if I could love you
Et donaria amor
I would give you love
Et donaria el món si pogués ser veritat
I would give you the world if it could be true
Et donaria amor
I would give you love
Ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar
I would give you everything if I could love you

Writer(s): Josep Maria Thio Fernandez De Henestrosa, Gerard Quintana Rodeja

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