Sopa De Cabra - Era Dolça - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sopa De Cabra - Era Dolça

Era Dolça
Sweet Age
Cada nit la tenia
Every night she kept me
Esperant-me dins del llit,
Waiting for me in bed,
Fins que li he dit
Until I told her
Deixa′m tranquil!!
Leave me alone!!
Cada dia et faig més por,
Every day I scare you more,
Dius que em comporto com un boig.
You say I behave like a madman.
I would love you
Però he perdut l′amor.
But I've lost love.
I quan marxis no et trobaré a faltar,
And when you leave I won't miss you,
Encara que el temps m'ho recordarà
Although time will remind me
I em dirà no hi ha ningú al teu costat, no,
And it will tell me there is no one by your side, no,
T'has quedat sol!!
You're all alone!!
Eres dolça, m′afalagaves
You are sweet, you flattered me
Amb les teves tendres paraules,
With your tender words,
No deien res,
They said nothing,
Estaven mortes.
They were dead.
Tants anys ensopegant
So many years stumbling
Entre l′afecte i els enganys,
Between affection and deception,
Tanta rutina ens va anar enfonsant.
So much routine sank us.
Sota la tormenta i sobre el fang
Under the storm and on the mud
Compartint la vida amb un estrany,
Sharing life with a stranger,
Sovint sense dir-ho a ningú, pensaràs.
Often without telling anyone, you will think.
S'ha quedat sol!!
He's all alone!!
Se′m fa tard, vora el riu,
It's getting late, by the river,
Una cançó fosca lladren els gossos,
A dark song the dogs bark,
No tornaré ha escalfar-me el niu.
I will not come back to warm the nest.
Corro als carrers i a les tavernes,
I run in the streets and in the taverns,
Busco una excusa pel meu gest,
I'm looking for an excuse for my gesture,
O si mes no, ofegaré les penes.
Or at least I will drown my sorrows.
Per fi he trobat l'amor sense reixes
I have finally found love without bars
Ara que la distància m′ha fet comprendre
Now that distance has made me understand
Que és millor el record que tu mateixa.
That memory is better than yourself.
M'he quedat sol...!!
I'm all alone...!!

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