Sopa De Cabra - L'Auca del Temps - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sopa De Cabra - L'Auca del Temps

L'Auca del Temps
The Story of Time
La mare ens deia sigueu bons
Mother would tell us to be good
Val més ser ovella que esmolar les dents del llop
Better to be a sheep, she'd say, than a wolf in sheep's clothing
Al món no heu de fer cap soroll
Don't make a sound in this world
La vida és curta i ningú paga el teu dolor
Life is short and no one will pay for your sorrow
El pare ens deia no us feu grans
Father used to tell us not to grow up
Feu tantes voltes fins que el cel es torni blau
Go round and round until the sky turns blue
No estareu mai segurs enlloc
You'll never be safe anywhere
Si guanyeu la partida podreu veure sortir el sol
If you win the game, you'll see the sun come out
Mira el temps com dansa
Look at the time, how it dances
Va canviant totes les coses de lloc
Changing everything in its path
Gira i mai no es cansa
It spins and never tires
Sap que res tornarà a ser com abans
Knowing that nothing will ever be the same again
Que les pedres ja no seran diamants
That stones will never again be diamonds
Perseguint una estrella em deies
Chasing after a star, you told me
Però no s′estava quieta
But it wouldn't stay still
No ens queda ja res a les mans
Now we have nothing left
El vent ens deia sigueu forts
The wind would tell us to be strong
Per arribar haureu de posar-hi tots el coll
To get there, you have to put your neck on the line
Quan el fred cridava més fort
When the cold was at its worst
Fèiem camí mentre ens robaven les raons
We kept walking, even as our reasons were stolen
Mira el temps com dansa
Look at the time, how it dances
Va canviant totes les cares i els noms
Changing every face and name
Gira i mai no es cansa
It spins and never tires
Dius que tot tornarà a se com abans
You say everything will be as it was
Però la roda ja trepitja un altre asfalt
But the wheel is already rolling on a different road
Perseguint una idea em deies
Chasing after an idea, you told me
Però no s'estava quieta
But it wouldn't stay still
No ens queda ja res a les mans
Now we have nothing left
L′amor ens deia no esteu sols
Love would tell us we're not alone
Caminant junts no heu de tenir mai por a la por
Walking together, you'll never have to fear fear
Podeu encendre tots els cors
You can light up every heart
Fer tanta llum que es quedi cega la foscor
Creating so much light that the darkness goes blind
Mira el temps com dansa
Look at the time, how it dances
Va canviant totes les peces del joc
Changing every piece of the game
Gira i mai no es cansa
It spins and never tires
Sap que res tornarà a ser com abans
Knowing that nothing will ever be the same again
Que les pedres mai més seran diamants
That stones will never again be diamonds
Perseguint una estrella em deies
Chasing after a star, you told me
Però no s'estava quieta
But it wouldn't stay still
No ens queda ja res a les mans
Now we have nothing left
Creus que tot tornarà ser com abans
Do you think everything will be as it was
Però la roda ja trepitja una altre asfalt
But the wheel is already rolling on a different road
Perseguint una idea em deies
Chasing after an idea, you told me
Però no s'estava quieta
But it wouldn't stay still
No ens queda ja res a les mans
Now we have nothing left

Writer(s): Gerard Quintana, Josep Thio

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