Sopa De Cabra - No Vull Canviar de Pell - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sopa De Cabra - No Vull Canviar de Pell

No Vull Canviar de Pell
I Don't Want to Change My Skin
El que tinc, el que soc
Who I am, who I have
Pot ser casual i tambe pot durar poc
May be fleeting, may not last long
El que vull, el que faig
What I want, what I do
Pot fer-te mal si ets sempre al meu costat
Could hurt you if you're always by my side
No, no, no pensis que es dolent
No, no, don't think it's bad
Nomes es rock′n'roll
It's only rock 'n' roll
Vaig canviant de ciutat
I wander from city to city
No se d′on vinc, tampoc recordo alla on vaig
Don't know where I'm coming from, can't remember where I'm going
Ja no se quants anys, jo no se que faig
Don't know how old I am anymore, don't know what I'm doing
Quan millor em va mes perdut vull estar
When I'm at my best, I want to be more lost
Pero no, no pensis que es malament
But no, no, don't think it's wrong
Jo nomes vull un món diferent
I just want a different world
No vull canviar de pell
I don't want to change my skin
M'estimo més i més un món diferent
I love more and more a different world
Amb la nit els somnis cauen
At night, dreams fall
Al terra brut d'algun bar o al mig del fang
On the dirty floor of some bar or in the mud
Demà ja és massa tard per viure d′un temps que ha passat
Tomorrow is too late to live a time that has passed
Que ja no podra tornar mai, ai, ei, ei, ei, ei!
That can never come back, oh, eh, eh, eh, eh!
He sentit cridar el meu cor
I've heard my heart cry out
Com un ocell que vol escapar
Like a bird wanting to escape
Pero no sap on ha d′anar ni vol seguir pistes falses
But it doesn't know where to go and doesn't want to follow false trails
Tampoc no vol viure d'enganys
Nor does it want to live on deceptions
Que el facin sentir més estrany, ei, ei, ei!
That make it feel more strange, eh, eh, eh!
Al carrer, tanta gent
In the street, so many people
Vull trobar algu a qui pugui estimar
I want to find someone I can love
No tinc prou, no! satisfaccio!
I don't have enough satisfaction!
Si algú em mossega em sentire millor
If someone bites me I'll feel better
No, no, no vull canviar de pell
No, no, I don't want to change my skin
No, no, no vull canviar de pell
No, no, I don't want to change my skin
No, no, no vull canviar de pell
No, no, I don't want to change my skin
No, no, no vull canviar de pell
No, no, I don't want to change my skin
No vull deixar que el temps em faci correr
I don't want to let time make me run
No vull canviar de pell
I don't want to change my skin
Jo només vull un món diferent!
I just want a different world!

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