Soprano feat. Marina Kaye - Mon Everest - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Soprano feat. Marina Kaye - Mon Everest

Mon Everest
My Everest
J'ai grimpé, j'ai grimpé, j'ai grimpé sans lâcher mes principes et mes valeurs
I climbed, I climbed, I climbed without letting go of my principles and values
Jamais j'oublierais d'où je viens, je sais ce que c'est d'être un homme de couleur
I'll never forget where I came from, I know what it's like to be a man of color
Je sais ce que c'est de taffer deux fois plus pour pouvoir être à la hauteur
I know what it's like to work twice as hard to be up to par
Si je chante la cosmopolitanie c'est parce que j'en ai vu de toutes les couleurs
If I sing about cosmopolitanism, it's because I've seen all the colors
On m'a dit, on m'a dit "petit, réveille-toi t'es un peu trop rêveur"
They told me, they told me "kid, wake up, you're a little too dreamy"
Petit, tu as un trop gros appétit, la réalité est fade et sans saveur
Kid, you have too big an appetite, reality is bland and tasteless
Oublie tes rêves d'ados, comme tout le monde suis le troupeau
Forget your teenage dreams, like everyone else follow the herd
Mais le têtu que j'étais avait de la détermination plein le sac-à-dos
But the stubborn person I was had determination packed in my backpack
Aucune de leurs dissuasions m'a mis le genou à terre
None of their dissuasions brought me to my knees
Aucun médecin au monde ne pouvait soigner ma fièvre
No doctor in the world could cure my fever
Tout est possible quand tu sais qui tu es
Everything is possible when you know who you are
Tout est possible quand t'assumes qui tu es
Everything is possible when you accept who you are
Aujourd'hui, regarde-moi contempler mes sacrifices au sommet de mon Everest
Today, watch me contemplate my sacrifices at the summit of my Everest
I spend my life climbing, hiding
I spend my life climbing, hiding
And fighting for what I want
And fighting for what I want
And I don't want my mind stuck
And I don't want my mind stuck
Just my pain, my hunger and my cries
Just my pain, my hunger and my cries
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I gotta fight, fight
I know, I know, I gotta fight, fight
Fight, fight for who I am
Fight, fight for who I am
And I will
And I will
J'ai chanté, j'ai chanté, j'ai chanté l'amour et la paix pendant des années
I sang, I sang, I sang about love and peace for years
Je suis ce mélancolique qui se soigne quand ses m-a-u-x se mettent à rimer
I am that melancholic who heals when his p-a-i-n starts to rhyme
Un rappeur positif pour donner de l'espoir à cette jeunesse désabusée
A positive rapper to give hope to this disillusioned youth
À l'heure on nous braque avec un AK 49.3 pour nous faire plier
At a time when we are being held up with an AK 49.3 to make us bend
Ma famille, ma famille, ma famille tout roule pour moi car ce sont mes moteurs
My family, my family, my family, everything is going well for me because they are my engines
Mon carré VIP c'est mon cercle familial, pour eux j'brillais avant les projecteurs
My VIP square is my family circle, for them I shone before the spotlights
I love you Comoria, I love you Massilia (Alléluia)
I love you Comoria, I love you Massilia (Hallelujah)
Mon image, mon discours, mon parcours, mon combat, tout ça c'est pour pouvoir leur faire honneur
My image, my speech, my journey, my fight, all this is to be able to honor them
Le cancer m'a volé un frère il n'y a que mes gosses pour éponger mes pleurs
Cancer stole a brother from me, only my kids can wipe away my tears
Toujours debout à chanter que l'amour est le meilleur fusil contre la terreur
Still standing, singing that love is the best weapon against terror
Je le décharge quand je chante, dans une MJC ou dans les Restos du Cœur
I unload it when I sing, in a MJC or in the Restos du Cœur
J'suis de retour plus humain que jamais, envoyez-moi des sourires plus que des fleurs
I'm back more human than ever, send me smiles more than flowers
I spend my life climbing, hiding
I spend my life climbing, hiding
And fighting for what I want
And fighting for what I want
And I don't want my mind stuck
And I don't want my mind stuck
Just my pain, my hunger and my cries
Just my pain, my hunger and my cries
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I gotta fight, fight
I know, I know, I gotta fight, fight
Fight, fight for who I am
Fight, fight for who I am
And I will
And I will
This time I know I fight for who I am
This time I know I fight for who I am
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
This time I know I fight for who I am
This time I know I fight for who I am
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
This time I know I fight for who I am
This time I know I fight for who I am
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
For who I am
For who I am
I spend my life climbing, hiding
I spend my life climbing, hiding
And fighting for what I want
And fighting for what I want
And I don't want my mind stuck
And I don't want my mind stuck
Just my pain, my hunger and my cries
Just my pain, my hunger and my cries
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I gotta fight, fight
I know, I know, I gotta fight, fight
Fight, fight for who I am
Fight, fight for who I am
And I will
And I will
Tout est possible quand tu sais qui tu es
Everything is possible when you know who you are
Tout est possible quand t'assumes qui tu es
Everything is possible when you accept who you are
Tout est possible quand tu sais qui tu es
Everything is possible when you know who you are
Tout est possible quand t'assumes qui tu es
Everything is possible when you accept who you are
Marina, Soprano
Marina, Soprano


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