Sp Deville feat. VEECIOUS V - Bring You Down - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sp Deville feat. VEECIOUS V - Bring You Down

Bring You Down
Bring You Down
Deixo o piano
I leave the piano
Dar a entrada mano tirano
To give the entrance to the tyrant man
Preto cigano
Gypsy black man
Alcunha dos anos
Nicknames from the years
Mais bacanos
More thugs
Da life dum gajo
Of the life of a guy
Mas pedaços dum gajo
But pieces of a guy
Morrem são deixados pa trás
They die and are left behind
Somem como as chaves do carro
They vanish like the keys to the car
Relato o passado
I relate the past
Meu mano mais velho agarrado
My older brother holding on
Nossa Mãe foi heroína,
Our mother was a heroin addict,
Heroína era a Mãe do gajo
Heroin was the mother of the guy
Mãe descansa em paz
Mother rest in peace
E o meu Pai também
And my father too
Imagino vos abraçados
I imagine you hugging each other
à minha espera no Além
Waiting for me in the afterlife
Tento seguir os meus sonhos
I'm trying to follow my dreams
Mas mano pesadelos
But, dude, only nightmares
Tento chegar ao topo
I'm trying to reach the top
Mas cortam os tendões do meus tornozelos
But they cut the tendons of my ankles
é cotovelos
It's all elbows
Então eu parto-vos os braços
So I break your arms
E nem que fodesses com um violoncelo
And even if you fucked with a cello
Cuspias algo tão clássico
You wouldn't spit something so classic
Vivendo no trágico
Living in tragedy
Nunca vendo milagres
Never seeing miracles
Quanto mais conheço os humanos
The more I know humans
Mais entendo o Diabo
The more I understand the devil
Emprego está escasso
Employment is scarce
Os meus negros tão baços
My blacks are dull
Não creme para a baúka
There is no cream for the box
Mas baúka po mercado.
But there is a box for the market.
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
No matter you got to stand up,
No matter what you got to stand up,
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
You fall deep, and you will get up.
You fall deep, but you'll get up.
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
No matter you got to stand up,
No matter what you got to stand up,
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
You fall deep, and you will get up.
You fall deep, but you'll get up.
Voltemos às Origens,
Let's go back to the origin
Onde o Fogo nos fascinava
Where fire fascinated us
Onde o vento falava
Where the wind spoke
E nos deixava com vertigens
And left us dizzy
Onde o Tempo parava e nos contava
Where time stopped and told us
Que o Mundo é mais pequeno que a nossa mente
That the world is smaller than our mind
Voltemos ao Tempo que sonhar era livre
Let's go back to the time when dreaming was free
Ao Tempo que a Morte temia a Vida, e não tínhamos medo do escuro.
To the time when Death feared Life, and we were not afraid of the dark
Voltemos ao Princípio,
Let's go back to the Beginning,
Para percebermos o Fim
To understand the End
Ao Tempo que a escolha era mais que simples um sim ou não
To the time when choice was more than just a simple yes or no
Voltemos ao Voltar,
Let's go back to the Return,
Para sabermos de onde viemos.
To know where we come from.
Te encontras no poço
You find yourself in the well
Mesmo no fundo
Even at the bottom
Samara faz-te companhia
Samara keeps you company
Não sentes o corpo
You don't feel your body
Estás noutro Mundo
You are in another world
Declaras derrota à vida
You declare defeat to life
Descontas no outros
You take it out on others
Em todos que amas
On everyone you love
As tuas más energias
Your bad energies
Perdeste aos poucos
You lost them little by little
Tu próprio te enganas
You deceive yourself
E vão passando os dias
And the days go by
Semanas meses anos
Weeks, months, years
A raiva cresce e tu não és como antes
The anger grows and you are no longer the same
E as damas os dreads os planos
And the ladies, the dreads, the plans
Desaparecem todos eles pelos canos
All of them disappear down the drain
Mas pegas na corda da forca
But you grab the hangman's rope
Meu irmão MacGyver shit
My brother MacGyver shit
E o ódio dá-te aquela força
And hatred gives you that strength
E vês-te tornar um Lord Sith
And you see yourself become a Lord Sith
Skywalker nas nuvens
Skywalker in the clouds
Somos filhos dos deuses
We are children of the gods
E é isso que tu tens
And that's what you have
Que te fará ser ouvido nos Céus
That will make you be heard in the heavens
O sistema nos teme
The system fears us
Avilo pergunta a Zeus
Avilo asks Zeus
Mas hoje eu sou Prometeus
But today I am Prometheus
Entrego Fogo aos meus
I deliver fire to my people
Mas sou castigado
But I am punished
Abutres comem-me o fígado
Vultures eat my liver
Mas serei relembrado
But I will be remembered
Pelas rupturas no tímpano
By the ruptures in the eardrum
O flow maligno
The malignant flow
Liricismo obtuso
Obtuse lyricism
E uma voz
And a voice
Que deixa qualquer um neste Mundo confuso.
That leaves anyone on this world confused.
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
No matter you got to stand up,
No matter what you got to stand up,
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
You fall deep, and you will get up.
You fall deep, but you'll get up.
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
No matter you got to stand up,
No matter what you got to stand up,
They will bring you down
They'll bring you down
You fall deep, and you will get up.
You fall deep, but you'll get up.

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