SpeXial - 小太陽大月亮 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SpeXial - 小太陽大月亮

Little Sun, Big Moon
〈宏正〉 心跳仍然在噗通 搞不清什麼症頭
〈Hongzheng〉 My heartbeat is still thumping, I can't figure out what's wrong
好像怎樣都不夠 還能為你做什麼
It seems like it's never enough, what else can I do for you
〈Evan〉 記得第一次的邂逅 就決定要一起走
〈Evan〉 I remember our first meeting, we decided to walk together
I still remember that touch
〈明杰〉 說不上什麼時候 許下了這個承諾
〈Mingjie〉 I can't say when I made this promise
不論需要多麼久 只為彼此的守候
No matter how long it takes, I'll only wait for you
〈子閎〉 戒不掉你的一舉一動 著迷的無藥可救
〈Zi Hong〉 I can't quit your every move, I'm hopelessly obsessed
〈晨翔〉 教教我 該怎麼做 想大聲對你說
〈晨翔〉 Teach me, what should I do, I want to tell you loudly
〈全〉 你是小太陽 溫暖的照亮
〈All〉 You are the little sun, shining warmly
Our dream belongs to us
而我是 你的大月亮 藉著你發光
And I am your big moon, shining through you
Unwavering companionship
我想要珍惜每一天 每一個瞬間 都陪在你身旁
I want to cherish every day, every moment, and be by your side
不去管別人的眼光 想都不用想
Ignore what others think, don't even think about it
Together we orbit the world, happy
〈Rap子閎〉 Hey Lady 謝謝你義無反顧的愛
〈Rap Zi Hong〉 Hey Lady, thank you for your selfless love
是你們 陪我們努力到現在
It's you who have been with us and helped us until now
讓我們 不用再害怕未來
Let us not be afraid of the future
承蒙一直以來的照顧 我們真的很感謝
Thank you for taking care of us, we really appreciate it
〈易恩〉 Hey baby 有些話不很好講開
〈Yi En〉 Hey baby, some things are hard to say
你懂得 總是會有些許的期待
You know, there will always be some expectation
〈偉晉〉 不簡單 卻是那樣的溫暖
〈Wei Jin〉 It's not easy, but it's so warm
捨不得放開 絕不會分開
I can't let go, we'll never be apart
〈偉晉〉 說不上什麼時候 許下了這個承諾
〈Wei Jin〉 I can't say when I made this promise
〈晨翔〉 不論需要多麼久 只為彼此的守候
〈晨翔〉 No matter how long it takes, I'll only wait for you
〈Teddy〉 戒不掉你的一舉一動 著迷的無藥可救
〈Teddy〉 I can't quit your every move, I'm hopelessly obsessed
〈Evan〉 教教我 該怎麼做 想大聲對你說
〈Evan〉 Teach me, what should I do, I want to tell you loudly
〈全〉 你是小太陽 溫暖的照亮
〈All〉 You are the little sun, shining warmly
Our dream belongs to us
而我是 你的大月亮 藉著你發光
And I am your big moon, shining through you
Unwavering companionship
我想要珍惜每一天 每一個瞬間 都陪在你身旁
I want to cherish every day, every moment, and be by your side
不去管別人的眼光 想都不用想
Ignore what others think, don't even think about it
Together we orbit the world, happy
〈子閎〉 還記得 Super Style Break it down
〈Zi Hong〉 Do you remember Super Style to Break it down
〈晨翔〉 Missing you 唱回了超人一樣
〈晨翔〉 Singing Missing you, I felt like I was Superman
〈Evan〉 犀利Girl 愛這種離譜的感覺
〈Evan〉 Chic Girl, I love this crazy feeling
〈全〉 Killah Killah Kil Killah Killah Kil
〈All〉 Killah Killah Kil Killah Killah Kil
〈Dylan〉 我知道 未來的路還很長
〈Dylan〉 I know the road ahead is long
〈偉晉〉 很珍惜 你們貼身的陪伴
〈Wei Jin〉 I cherish your companionship
〈全〉 答應我 要做永遠永遠綻放的SpeXial
〈All〉 Promise me, we'll always be SpeXial, forever blooming
你是小太陽 溫暖的照亮
You are the little sun, shining warmly
Our dream belongs to us
而我是 你的大月亮 只為你發光
And I am your big moon, shining only for you
Unwavering companionship
我想要珍惜每一天 每一個瞬間 都陪在你身旁
I want to cherish every day, every moment, and be by your side
不去管別人的眼光 想都不用想
Ignore what others think, don't even think about it
Together we orbit the world, happy
Wow yeah hey
Wow yeah hey

Writer(s): Jin Yi Liao, Bo Xun Huang

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