Spike - Clar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Spike - Clar

Asta-i doar o piesa de album,
This is just an album track,
Nu e' sa dai de veste,
Not meant to make headlines,
Da' ma astept sa ridice cateva controverse.
But I expect it to stir up some controversy.
Aici pentru bani gen p***e - nu vrei sa treci peste?
Here for the money, like a b***h - don't you want to get over it?
Nu e ca si cum fac casa - sa ti-o las tie zestre!
It's not like I'm building a house - to leave it to you as a dowry!
Si mai du-te-n mortii tai, cu pretentii de nemultumit,
And go to hell, with your unsatisfied claims,
De cand vorbesti cu mine, ba, de parca m-ai citit?
Since when do you talk to me, like you've read me?
Printre hituri de c***t si balade de vomit,
Among s****y hits and vomit ballads,
O dau pe beat cand si cum vrea p***a mea ca imi permit - clar? (clar!)
I'll play drunk whenever and however I f***ing please - clear? (clear!)
Nu ma ascund dupa vorbe,
I'm not hiding behind words,
Asta e proba cu cantec - pai sa bagam niste tobe!
This is the song test - let's throw in some drums!
Versuri cu substrat- nu e ca sa las' impresii,
Lyrics with substance - it's not just to impress,
Vreau prostii sa gandeasca daca-mi reproseaza chestii
I want fools to think if they criticize me
Sigur apreciez critica,
Of course I appreciate criticism,
Si multumesc pentru like,
And thanks for the like,
Astept sa-mi dea si gagica-ta!
I'm waiting for your girlfriend to give it to me too!
Apropo de fani, socializare si de look,
Speaking of fans, socializing and looks,
Nu-ti place cat de prost o ard,
You don't like how bad I'm burning it,
Daca nu te mai excit am niste soft porn pe hard.
If you're not turned on anymore, I have some soft porn on my hard drive.
Dus cu pluta, inca n-am barca si vasle,
Gone with the flow, I still don't have a boat and oars,
Da' te fac bucati si te pun la loc ca pe puzzle
But I'll tear you apart and put you back together like a puzzle
Da, ai dreptate, meseria e' mortala,
Yeah, you're right, the job is deadly,
Daca stiam unde ajung mai bine ma tineam de scoala!
If I knew where I'd end up, I'd rather have stayed in school!
Si daca trec pe la televizor sunt in excursie,
And if I go on TV, I'm on a trip,
Wow, vai ce misto e' in industrie!
Wow, how cool the industry is!
Vezi ca eu tratez vrajeala ca pe vremea inchizitiei,
See, I treat bullshit like in the Inquisition,
M-am prins ca tu te-ai prins,
I caught on that you caught on,
Si e sfarsitul propozitiei.
And that's the end of the sentence.
Cu asta am incheiat,
With that I'm done,
Ma las pe mana intuitiei... aaa... nu!
I'll leave it to my intuition... aaa... no!
Mai stau de dragul investitiei!
I'll stay for the sake of the investment!
Ba, asta nu-i muzica de dat din buca,
Yo, this ain't music to shake your ass to,
Aia-i peste tot, asta-i muzica de dupa!
That's everywhere, this is the after-music!
Prima oara cand ma auzi, vezi sa nu te seduca,
The first time you hear me, don't be seduced,
Daca nu-ntelegi nimic suna un prieten sa-ti traduca!
If you don't understand anything, call a friend to translate!
Zii ca-l ai pe unu' Spike aici cu nu stiu ce album,
Say you have a Spike here with some album,
Care canta ca la noua ca de zece nu e bun,
Who sings like at nine because at ten he's not good,
Si daca tie acum nu-ti mai place ca ai crescut,
And if you don't like it anymore because you've grown up,
Vreau sa fie clar ca eu eram fumat de la inceput - clar? (clar!)
I want to be clear that I was stoned from the beginning - clear? (clear!)
Acuma du-te-n mortii tai la gara - a doua oara cand zic mortii tai, - a treia oara.
Now go to hell at the station - the second time I say to hell, - the third time.
Asta nu-i tupeu de capitala,
This ain't capital city boldness,
E' tupeu inregistrat, restu' crede-ma se insala!
It's recorded boldness, the rest believe me are mistaken!
Si nu vorbesc frumos doar asa sa-mi creasca cota,
And I don't speak nicely just to raise my quota,
Sa ma placa p***ele, sa poze cu marmota,
To be liked by b*****s, to take pictures with the marmot,
Sa ma halesti pe gratis, dar nu-ti trimit nota.
To eat me for free, but I won't send you the bill.
Ai dat albumul jos de pe net si se urca pe ma-ta?!
You downloaded the album from the net and it's climbing on your mom?!
Duma-i catastrofala,
The word is catastrophic,
Sa vezi ce le-a zis Paul, cum au dat toti in boala,
See what Paul told them, how they all went crazy,
Stiu foarte bine ce fac, si ca treaba-i nasoala,
I know very well what I'm doing, and that it's bad,
Asa ca lasa-ma si du-te-n mortii tai! - A patra oara!
So leave me alone and go to hell! - The fourth time!

Writer(s): Mitza, Spike

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