Spike - La Treabă - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Spike - La Treabă

La Treabă
The Hustle
Am planuri mari de mic
I've had big plans since I was young,
Construiesc si stric
Building and breaking things down.
Toleranta zero, nu ma sperie nimic.
Zero tolerance, nothing scares me.
Cine a zis ca R. I. P nu stiu ce sa zic
Whoever said R.I.P., I don't know what to say,
Sa nu te bucuri daca pic,
Don't get happy if I fall,
E mai nasol cand ma ridic
It's worse when I rise again.
Personaj fictiv, ce zic e pe dume
Fictional character, what I say is fading,
Stii ma cheama Paul, da' ma stii dupa alt nume (Spike)
You know my name is Paul, but you know me by another name (Spike).
La microfon, da-te putin mai in colo'
At the microphone, step aside a bit,
Un fel de trupa cu brand si cariera solo.
Kind of like a band with a brand and a solo career.
Hop si eu p-aici, inca nu mi-au gasit pereche
Here I am too, they haven't found my match yet,
Am versuri d-alea complicate le dau floare la ureche.
I have those complicated verses, I whisper them in your ear.
Treaba d-aia veche cu intentie serioasa
That old thing with serious intention,
Dau in ea sa sara tabla la toti dealerii in casa.
I hit it so hard the table jumps for all the dealers in the house.
N-am plecat nicaieri, am fost aici de la inceput
I haven't gone anywhere, I've been here from the beginning,
Stiu ca frustatii ma stiu, da' se fac ca nu m-au vazut
I know the frustrated ones know me, but they pretend they haven't seen me.
Tot aici ma gasesti chiar daca-i bine sau greu
You'll still find me here, whether it's good or bad,
Si daca hip-hopul e mort, asta-i piesa de muzeu.
And if hip-hop is dead, this is a museum piece.
M-am intors de tot inapoi la treaba
I'm back to the hustle,
Nu mai plec nici mort, inapoi la treaba
I'm not leaving even if I'm dead, back to the hustle,
Uite-ma-s aici, inapoi la treaba
Here I am, back to the hustle,
Haterii n-au sanse, inapoi la treaba.
Haters have no chance, back to the hustle.
Am venit sa afle fraierii ca inca se poate
I came to let the suckers know it's still possible,
Printre toti superficialii cu mizerii camuflate
Among all the superficial ones with their camouflaged miseries,
Standarde sub mediu si figuri imprumutate
Sub-par standards and borrowed looks,
Cu iluzii de succes, da' nu se vad de departe.
With illusions of success, but they can't be seen from afar.
Sunt aici sa matur gunoaie, am dopuri de urechi
I'm here to sweep away the garbage, I have earplugs,
Voi va stoarceti de pomana, freshu' vostru ei vechi
You're squeezing yourselves in vain, your freshness is stale,
O tin asa pana mor, acum e doar maraton
I'll keep it up till I die, now it's just a marathon,
Stii cand trece curentul prin mine, frate sunt ton.
You know when the current runs through me, brother, I'm in tune.
Bestial de tare, construiesc o reputatie
Beastly strong, building a reputation,
Vreau sa mai sustin situatia macar o generatie
I want to support the situation for at least a generation,
Sa dea ai mei din cap pana-si rup gatul ca sticksu'
For my people to headbang until their necks break like sticks,
Mai clasic decat derulatul de caseta cu pixu'.
More classic than rewinding a cassette with a pen.
N-am venit sa stau, vezi ca ti-o iau inainte
I didn't come to stay put, see, I'm getting ahead of you,
Si n-am facut niciun pas, da-i fac pe toti din cuvinte
And I haven't taken a single step, but I'm making everyone move with words,
N-ai inteles nimic, sa-ti fie invatatura de minte
You didn't understand anything, let this be a lesson to you,
Si nu vorbesc pentru nimeni, e pentru cine se simte.
And I'm not speaking for anyone, it's for whoever feels it.
Am ajuns putin cam tarziu, da' mi se rupe de restu'
I arrived a bit late, but I don't give a damn about the rest,
Fac asta pentru mine, ma doare-n p***a ce crezi tu
I do this for myself, I don't give a f*** what you think,
Totul ca mine, cum vreau si cum imi convine
Everything my way, how I want it and how it suits me,
Merg inainte cu toate ca inainte era mai bine.
I move forward even though it was better before.
Drumu' asta-l stiu, am descoperit secretu'
I know this path, I discovered the secret,
Aparent in lumea mea sunt savantu' si profetu'
Apparently in my world, I'm the scholar and the prophet,
Ipocritu' drecu', fac pe prostu' si desteptu'
The damn hypocrite, I play the fool and the wise man,
Vad cuvinte-n aer si le pun la milimetru.
I see words in the air and I place them to the millimeter.
Nu suport sa fiu in centru
I can't stand being in the center,
Circul pe ascuns, mi-am pierdut abonamentul,
I'm hiding in plain sight, I lost my subscription,
Nu stiu unde merg aici m-a lasat curentu'
I don't know where I'm going, the current left me here,
Si fac ce ma taie capu', n-am citit regulamentu'.
And I do what comes to mind, I haven't read the rules.
Oau, vai da' ce calatorie
Wow, what a journey,
Am scanteia-n ochi, muza mea e o bujie
I have a spark in my eye, my muse is a spark plug,
Care poezie? Asta-i mult mai mult de-un hobby
What poetry? This is much more than a hobby,
Pun suflet in ce fac, d-aia cand ma vezi sunt zombie.
I put my soul into what I do, that's why when you see me, I'm a zombie.

Writer(s): spike

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