Sr. Chen feat. Lildami - 2080 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sr. Chen feat. Lildami - 2080

El pol sud es van fondre ja fa vint anys
The South Pole melted twenty years ago
No existeix l'hivern i no baixem de 30 graus
Winter doesn't exist, and it's never below 90 degrees
Hem perdut aquesta gran batalla
We've lost this great battle
Al menos l'únic bo és que Terrassa ya tiene playa
At least the only good thing is that Terrassa finally has a beach
La realitat virtual se'ns en va anar de les mans
Virtual reality got out of hand
La gent torna a la vida real quan vol desconnectar
People return to real life when they want to disconnect
De vacances a la lluna quan arriba l'agost
Vacations on the moon when August arrives
Han posat tres hotels, cada un amb un camp golf
They've put up three hotels, each with a golf course
Han prohibit festes, han prohibit bromes
They've banned parties, they've banned jokes
Acabo de veure un gos passejant a una persona
I just saw a dog walking a person
Ja no tinc finestres, és una pantalla LED
I don't have windows anymore, it's an LED screen
Diuen que ara permet vеure el món en 3D
They say it now allows you to see the world in 3D
Lildami va dеixar de fer concerts al 2028
Lildami stopped doing concerts in 2028
Diuen que es va jubilar, però que mai es va fer ric
They say he retired, but he never got rich
La Mariona ho va petar tant que li van fer un carrer
Mariona made it so big they named a street after her
I el Chen ha produït el nou àlbum del fill de Kanye West
And Chen produced the new album by Kanye West's son
No sabem com arribar-hi
We don't know how to get there
Vaig cap endavant, jo no paro, no
I'm moving forward, I don't stop, no
El poquet que tinc tot és de debó
The little I have is all real
Tinc un maquinot
I have a big machine
I pots venir amb mi
And you can come with me
On el temps no sentit
Where time has no meaning
On el teu rellotge ja no fa tic
Where your watch no longer ticks
On medim les coses d'aquí a l'infinit
Where we measure things from here to infinity
I pots venir amb mi
And you can come with me
Per viure un nou matí
To live a new morning
Potser lo nostre encara no està escrit
Maybe our story isn't written yet
O potser sí, o potser
Or maybe it is, or maybe it is
La política segueix igual, mai han solventat res
Politics remain the same, they never solved anything
Però segueix servint per discutir al bar a les tres
But it still serves to argue at the bar at three
Si vols sentir-te acompanyat per algú que ja no hi és
If you want to feel accompanied by someone who is no longer here
Ara fan colònies amb l'olor de la gent que estimem
Now they make colonies with the scent of the people we love
Resulta que un robot ara és mi médico
Turns out a robot is my doctor now
Le pago las recetas con papel higiénico
I pay for prescriptions with toilet paper
Chojin i ZPU no tenen patrocinadors
Chojin and ZPU have no sponsors
Des que van tancar cases d'apostes a la tardor
Since they closed betting houses in the fall
Lo de la llum solar van posar un impost extraordinari
They put an extraordinary tax on sunlight
I ara surt més a compte fer servir piles d'urani
And now it's cheaper to use uranium batteries
Al 2020 una pandèmia va posar a prova la gent
In 2020, a pandemic put people to the test
I al final vam sortir més forts, però no més intel·ligents
And in the end, we came out stronger, but not smarter
Et volia dir, et volia explicar
I wanted to tell you, I wanted to explain
Que les coses van com van i millor no facis plans
That things go as they go, and it's better not to make plans
El futur és una merda i no és per tant
The future sucks and it's not for long
Per això pensa que el dia d'avui és lo realment important
So think that today is what's really important
No sabem com arribar-hi
We don't know how to get there
Vaig cap endavant, jo no paro, no
I'm moving forward, I don't stop, no
El poquet que tinc tot és de debó
The little I have is all real
Tinc un maquinot
I have a big machine
I pots venir amb mi
And you can come with me
On el temps no sentit
Where time has no meaning
On el teu rellotge ja no fa tic
Where your watch no longer ticks
On medim les coses d'aquí a l'infinit
Where we measure things from here to infinity
I pots venir amb mi
And you can come with me
Per viure un nou matí
To live a new morning
Potser lo nostre encara no està escrit
Maybe our story isn't written yet
O potser sí, o potser sí, eh
Or maybe it is, or maybe it is, eh
No sabem com arribar-hi
We don't know how to get there
Vaig cap endavant, jo no paro, no
I'm moving forward, I don't stop, no
El poquet que tinc tot és de debó
The little I have is all real
Tinc un maquinot
I have a big machine
I pots venir amb mi
And you can come with me
On el temps no sentit
Where time has no meaning
On el teu rellotge ja no fa tic
Where your watch no longer ticks
On medim les coses d'aquí a l'infinit
Where we measure things from here to infinity
I pots venir amb mi
And you can come with me
Per viure un nou matí
To live a new morning
Potser lo nostre encara no està escrit
Maybe our story isn't written yet
O potser sí, o potser sí, eh
Or maybe it is, or maybe it is, eh

Writer(s): Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Sr. Chen feat. Lildami - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
date de sortie

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