Stabil - BILLBOARD - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Stabil - BILLBOARD

Para değiştirdi diyolar
They say money changed me
Dokunamadım egona
I couldn't touch my ego
On metrekare bi′ oda
A ten-square-meter room
Ah, kimler var bak bi' billboard′a
Ah, look who's on a billboard
Stabilo rahat lan, beni boğma, yapıyorum high-fly, görüyorlar
Stabilo is chill, babe, don't suffocate me, I'm doing high-fly, they're watching
Silah ve maytap geliyorlar, tüm adımlar paytak
Guns and flares are coming, all steps are clumsy
Bak bebeler durmaz, der yerin altına, "Bay-bay" (grra), Neopolis aydan parlar
Look, the babes won't stop, tell the underground, "Bye-bye" (grra), Neopolis shines from the moon
No wack, no pray, mikrofona tükürsem prime-time
No wack, no pray, if I spit on the microphone, it's prime-time
Paronoid olabilir onlar, herkese benden meditasyon
They might be paranoid, meditation from me to everyone
Bedava veremem vizyon, sevmem gravat, sevmem papyon
I can't give my vision for free, I don't like ties, I don't like bowties
Bizde geri pas yok, ah, bu başka versiyon
We don't have back passes, ah, this is a different version
Ahmet Şerif İzgören'e gerek yok, taş gibiyim, full motivasyon
No need for Ahmet Şerif İzgören, I'm solid, full motivation
İsyan, halife, sarı bez, kadife
Rebellion, caliph, yellow cloth, velvet
Gariban, milyon, seni takmam bunu biliyon
Poor, millions, you know I don't care about you
Dolu gangster, tipler minyon
Full of gangsters, minion types
Artar libido, Stabil o korumalarla geliyo'
Libido increases, Stabil is coming with the bodyguards
Mercedes Vito, rider mojito
Mercedes Vito, rider mojito
Yerler jelibon, Neva bass′lar titretir bilader
The floors are jelly, Neva basses shake, brother
Gelen gider, kader
What comes goes, fate
Bana inananlar benle beraber
Those who believe in me are with me
Herkes halinden memnunken
When everyone is happy with their situation
Çıkmaz herhangi bi′ problem
No problem arises
Yürüdüm merdiveni, bilirim nerden geldiğini
I walked up the stairs, I know where it came from
Anlat dertlerini, konuşabilen mermilerim var, ya
Tell me your problems, I have bullets that can talk, yeah
Para değiştirdi diyolar (diyolar, diyolar)
They say money changed me (they say, they say)
Dokunamadım egona
I couldn't touch my ego
On metrekare bi' oda
A ten-square-meter room
Ah, kimler var bak bi′ billboard'a
Ah, look who's on a billboard
Para değiştirdi diyolar (diyolar, diyolar)
They say money changed me (they say, they say)
Dokunamadım egona
I couldn't touch my ego
On metrekare bi′ oda
A ten-square-meter room
Ah, kimler var bak bi' billboard′a
Ah, look who's on a billboard
Yaparım hareketimi ben bi' defa
I make my move once
Yapsam n'olur 50 defa? Benim hatam
What if I did it 50 times? My mistake
Alamadım üniversiteden diploma ama
I didn't get a diploma from university, but
Seni gururlandırdım, ha, emeklerin boşa değil, baba
I made you proud, huh, your efforts are not in vain, dad
Bak, "Superstar" diyolar, geri gelir herkes, yürürler de
Look, they say "Superstar", everyone comes back, they walk too
Yeni telefon numaramı sana vermem, veremem
I can't give you my new phone number, I can't
Yeni tecrübeler, yeni düşünceler
New experiences, new thoughts
Yeniden kalıbına girmem, giremem, değilim Diyojen
I won't fit back in, I can't, I'm not Diogenes
Belki de Epiktetos, ha?
Maybe Epictetus, huh?
Nerdeyse bütün acılar
Almost all suffering
Beklentilerden doğarlar
They are born of expectations
Canım acımaz, aşağılıklar beni aşağılayamaz
I don't feel pain, inferiors can't humiliate me
Gezdim, tozdum, her yer mangır
I traveled, I dusted, everywhere is money
Kalpler kırgın, sevmem hır-gür
Hearts are broken, I don't like quarrels
Naklen fır-fır, yap sen dır-dır
Live broadcast, you do the chatter
Arabam vın-vın
My car is humming
Herkes halinden memnunken (ya)
When everyone is happy with their situation (yeah)
Çıkmaz herhangi bi′ problem
No problem arises
Yürüdüm merdiveni, bilirim nerden geldiğini
I walked up the stairs, I know where it came from
Anlat dertlerini, konuşabilen mermilerim var, ya
Tell me your problems, I have bullets that can talk, yeah
Para değiştirdi diyolar (diyolar, diyolar)
They say money changed me (they say, they say)
Dokunamadım egona
I couldn't touch my ego
On metrekare bi′ oda
A ten-square-meter room
Ah, kimler var bak bi' billboard′a
Ah, look who's on a billboard
Para değiştirdi diyolar (diyolar, diyolar)
They say money changed me (they say, they say)
Dokunamadım egona
I couldn't touch my ego
On metrekare bi' oda
A ten-square-meter room
Ah, kimler var bak bi′ billboard'a
Ah, look who's on a billboard

Writer(s): Dagra Solmaz, Mert Evsever, Stabil

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