Stan Getz Quartet - I Remember Clifford (Live At The Montreux Pavilion, Montreux, Switzerland/1972) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Stan Getz Quartet - I Remember Clifford (Live At The Montreux Pavilion, Montreux, Switzerland/1972)

I Remember Clifford (Live At The Montreux Pavilion, Montreux, Switzerland/1972)
I Remember Clifford (Live At The Montreux Pavilion, Montreux, Switzerland/1972)
Que ironica es la vida, que yo nunca comprendia
How ironic life is, that I never understood
Esos dichos que mi abuelo me decia
Those sayings that my grandfather would tell me
Pero al pasar el tiempo
But as time passed,
Poco a poco fui entendiendo sus palabras llenas de sabiduria
Little by little I began to understand his words full of wisdom
Por mas que madrugaba, nunca amanecia temprano
No matter how early I woke up, it would never get light early
La corriente muchas veces me dormia
Many times the current would put me to sleep
Y sabia con quien andaba, pero no me imaginaba
And I knew who I was with, but I couldn't imagine
Que una piedra con su mano tiraria
That he would throw a stone with his hand
Por mas que me advertia que yo sufriria por ti
Even though he warned me that I would suffer because of you
No quise ver lo que estaba pasando
I didn't want to see what was happening
Aunque el amor es ciego, todo se va pagando
Although love is blind, everything gets paid
Y COMO DICE EL DICHO no hay mal que dure cien años
AND AS THE SAYING GOES, there is no evil that lasts a hundred years
Mucho mejor estar solo que mal acompañado
Much better to be alone than in bad company
Y COMO DICE EL DICHO no hay mal que por bien no venga
AND AS THE SAYING GOES, there is no evil that does not come for good
Amor con amor se paga y hoy tu estas pagando
Love is paid back with love, and today you are paying
Despues de la tormenta puse tu amor a la venta
After the storm, I put your love up for sale
Y nuestro fuego se quedo en cenizas
And our fire turned to ashes
Pero al pasar los años los refranes de mi abuelo
But as the years passed, my grandfather's sayings
Me enseñaron que no hay que ir de prisa
Taught me that there is no need to rush
Amor sin interes es lo que yo tenia por ti
Love without interest is what I had for you
Y tu interes le gano al sentimiento
And your interest won out over feeling
Pero es que no te tengo y ya me siento mas tranquilo
But now that I don't have you, I feel much more at peace
Y de amarte ya hasta me arrepiento
And I even regret loving you
Brillaste por tu ausencia aunque nunca fuiste oro
You shone by your absence, although you were never gold
En mi vida fuiste un trago amargo
In my life you were a bitter drink
Hoy tengo santo nuevo
Today I have a new saint
Ya tu no haces milagro
You no longer perform miracles
Y COMO DICE EL DICHO la vida te da sorpresas
AND AS THE SAYING GOES, life gives you surprises
Arbol que nace torcido, nunca su rama endereza
A tree that is born crooked, never straightens its branch
COMO DICE EL DICHO echando a perder se aprende
AS THE SAYING GOES, you learn by spoiling
No sabes bien lo que tienes, COMO DICE EL DICHO
You don't know what you have until you lose it, AS THE SAYING GOES
(Y camaron que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente)
(And a shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current)
(No por mucho madrugar amanece mas temprano)
(No matter how early you get up, it doesn't get light any sooner)
(Que el que este libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra... yee)
(Let he who is without sin cast the first stone... yee)
Y COMO DICE EL DICHO la vida te da sorpresas
AND AS THE SAYING GOES, life gives you surprises
Arbol que nace torcido, nunca su rama endereza
A tree that is born crooked, never straightens its branch
COMO DICE EL DICHO echando a perder se aprende
AS THE SAYING GOES, you learn by spoiling
No sabes bien lo que tienes, COMO DICE EL DICHO
You don't know what you have until you lose it, AS THE SAYING GOES

Writer(s): Jon Hendricks, Benny Golson

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