Despierten un mc nunca se esconde y sobresale aunque es under, no piensen que el stan se quedo atras gonorreas) x2
Wake up a mc never hides and sticks out although he is under, don't think that the stan was left behind gonorrhea) x2
En este espacio de compaces estan estos dos aces, en el beatbox NX y el Stan esta en las frases.
In this space of compasses are these two aces, in the beatbox NX and the Stan is in the phrases.
Para que despedases a mas de un trovador de alambre, consumista de nostros de los que del rap sentimos hambre.
For you to fire more than one wire troubadour, consumerist of those of us who feel hungry from rap.
Esa persona ñero)...
That person (that person)...
Yo hago hip hop porque quiero no porque con letras las desvista.
I do hip hop because I want to, not because I undress them with lyrics.
Trepo la cima!!
I climb the top!!
Y aun asi tengo la vista para los que empezaron conmigo ya les conte quien hizo la pista.
And even so I have the view for those who started with me and I told them who made the track.
Al mic le saco chispa solo confio en ki mismo nigga, poco le copio al hp que se cre la puta chimba.
I get a spark out of the mic, I only trust ki nigga himself, I don't copy much to the hp that cre la puta chimba.
Sisas este es un track para la esquina, para la linda, para la fea el buena gente y el de la pipa.
Sisas this is a track for the corner, for the pretty one, for the ugly one, the good people and the one with the pipe.
Despierten un mc nunca se esconde y sobresale aunque es under, no piensen que el stan se quedo atras gonorreas) x2
Wake up a mc never hides and sticks out although he is under, don't think that the stan was left behind gonorrhea) x2
Aunque se acaben siempre tengo las pilas puestas, lo siento lo lamento habeces tengo que morderlas.
Even if they run out, I always have the batteries on, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have to bite them.
Ustedes paren pero el stan parce no frena, trabajo con mi vida entera centrada en plena conciencia, el rap es hoy de ciencia 1000 letras para la audiencia, seguire siendo hip hopper jamas perdere mi escencia.
You stop but the stan parce does not slow down, I work with my whole life focused on full consciousness, rap is today science 1000 lyrics for the audience, I will continue to be hip hopper I will never lose my essence.
Esto fue con mas paciencie para sonar con exelencia, la coherencia sera la sucia.
This was with more patience to sound with excellence, the coherence will be the dirty one.
Asi cualquier payaso rapea.
That's how any clown raps.
Oiga mire vea nea es el stan para que vea hoy son muchos pero de tantos repeto la vieja escuela.
Hey look see nea is the stan for you to see today there are many but of so many repeto the old school.
Oiga mire vea nea, no me asustan letras huecas, miedo a nadie en este cuento porque stan tambirn rapea.
Hey look see nea, I'm not scared of hollow lyrics, scared of nobody in this story because stan also raps.
Despierten un mc nunca se esconde y sobresale aunque es under, no piensen que el stan se quedo atras gonorreas) x2
Wake up a mc never hides and sticks out although he is under, don't think that the stan was left behind gonorrhea) x2
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