Stano feat. Matt_ - Nikey Freestyle - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Stano feat. Matt_ - Nikey Freestyle

Nikey Freestyle
Nikey Freestyle
Horu zlata daj mi
Give me a mountain of gold
Nosíme len Nikey
We only wear Nikes
Nosy hore high kick
Head held high, high kick
Nosy dole lajny
Heads down, lines
Žijeme low life
We live the low life
Nič nevyprávaj mi
Don't tell me anything
Nechcem žiadne bájky
I don't want any fables
Chceme zlaté mic-y
We want golden mics
Horu zlata daj mi
Give me a mountain of gold
Nosíme len Nikey
We only wear Nikes
Nosy hore high kick
Head held high, high kick
Nosy dole lajny
Heads down, lines
Žijeme low life
We live the low life
Nič nevyprávaj mi
Don't tell me anything
Nechcem žiadne bájky
I don't want any fables
Chceme zlaté mic-y
We want golden mics
Nič nepamätám si
I don't remember anything
Nič nepamätám si
I don't remember anything
Nič nepamätám si
I don't remember anything
Žijem ako tak
I live as such
Žijem low life
I live the low life
Pilate to povedal si
Pilate already said it
Žijeme ako blázni
We live like crazy people
Nič nepamätám si
I don't remember anything
Nemáme nič aj tak máme všetko
We have nothing yet we have everything
Mám teba bitch, raz budem mať s tebou decko
I have you, bitch, one day I'll have a child with you
Teraz máme tripy yeah
Now we have trips yeah
Divné ako Trippie Redd
Strange like Trippie Redd
Napoly žiť jak hippie yeah
Halfway living like a hippie yeah
Napoly robiť hity yeah
Halfway making hits yeah
Napoly som napoly yeah
Halfway I'm halfway yeah
Stratila sa pointa
The point is lost
Ty neprovokuj more
Don't provoke me anymore
Maťo za pasom flintu
Maťo has a gun at his waist
Ty si von, ja som dnu
You're out, I'm in
Ty si dnu, ja som von
You're in, I'm out
Kto je on
Who is he
Motýľ, ou
Butterfly, ou
Mám pri sebe osy yeah
I have wasps with me yeah
Kľudne chodím bosý yeah
I walk barefoot yeah
Pozor horenosi yeah
Beware of the stuck-up ones yeah
Lebo vás budú nosiť yeah
Because they will carry you yeah
Yeah z hadov nosím opasok, lofasi
Yeah I wear a belt of snakes, loafers
Kvôli hadom nosím kvér za pasom, podrazy
Because of snakes I carry a gun in my belt, betrayals
Kvôli hladu mojich štát zabasol, podrazil
Because of the hunger of my state, he imprisoned me, betrayed me
Yeah oblížte vajca, namiesto kravaty povrazy
Yeah suck eggs, instead of ties, ropes
Horu zlata daj mi
Give me a mountain of gold
Nosíme len Nikey
We only wear Nikes
Nosy hore high kick
Head held high, high kick
Nosy dole lajny
Heads down, lines
Žijeme low life
We live the low life
Nič nevyprávaj mi
Don't tell me anything
Nechcem žiadne bájky
I don't want any fables
Chceme zlaté mic-y
We want golden mics
4:20 ráno
4:20 in the morning
Volá Pilate haló
Pilate calls hello
Brácho robím nový album zopár barov?
Bro, I'm making a new album, a few bars?
Okej kapi idem na to
Okay, bro, I'll get on it
Vypínam fón a
I turn off my phone and
Sedím na pláži a píšem tento shit
I sit on the beach and write this shit
Pijem Malibu na Malibu
I drink Malibu on Malibu
Červené Marlboro
Red Marlboro
V pohári mám Haribo
I have Haribo in my glass
Picasso na stene
Picasso on the wall
Pijeme picollo
We drink piccolo
A nohy v jacuzzi
And my feet in the jacuzzi
Usmiaty popod
Smiling underneath
Á vlastne ja nemám fúzy
Oh yeah, I don't have a mustache
V hoteli na Broadway-i
At the hotel on Broadway
V New Yorku
In New York
Práve som si bookol letenky na Hawaii
I just booked my flights to Hawaii
Checkuj moju instastory a bude to cool
Check my instastory and it will be cool

Writer(s): Stanislav Kubica

Stano feat. Matt_ - Duch
date de sortie

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