Starlight Orchestra & Singers - 雨に願いを(ザ・ダイバー) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Starlight Orchestra & Singers - 雨に願いを(ザ・ダイバー)

Rainy Wish (The Diver)
あなたの中(なか)で 迷(まよ)っている
I'm lost in your memories
And gently I'll let them all go
輕輕地將你心中 猶豫不決的記憶
Lightly, I'll toss your wavering thoughts
流(なが)れる時間(とき)の 川(かわ)に投(な)げて
Into the river of flowing time
And drown them there
丟進流動的時間河川 讓它永遠的沉落吧
I'll cast them into the river of flowing time and let them sink forever
例(たと)えば 每日(まいにち) が雨(あめ)なら
For example, if everyday was rainy
青空(あおぞら) 見上(みあ)げられなくても
I wouldn't be able to look up at the sky
If everyday were rainy
Even if I looked up, I couldn't see the blue sky
あなたの 悲(かな)しみが
Your sorrows
Will melt away into the sea
但是可以將你的悲傷 溶解在海水裡
But your sorrow can dissolve into the sea
It′s gonna rain 指先(ゆびさき)から こぼれる雫(しずく)
It's gonna rain The drops that fall from your fingertips
拾(ひろ)い集(あつ)めて 作(つく)るメロディー
I'll gather them up and create a melody
"下起雨了" 從指尖滑落的水滴
"It's gonna rain" The water droplets that slide from your fingertips
將它撿取收集 創造出旋律
I'll pick them up and collect them, creating a melody
濡(ぬ)れた髮(かみ)が 乾(かわ)いた時(とき)
When your wet hair dries
I'm sure you'll understand
當淋濕的頭髮 風乾的時候
When your wet hair dries in the wind
I think you'll finally understand
The spaces between the clouds
浮(う)かぶ虹(にじ)の 意味(いみ)が
The meaning of the rainbow that appears
從雲的切口 浮現出的彩虹 的意義
The gaps in the clouds
真実(しんじつ)の音(おと) 雨(あめ)に消(け)されて
The true sound is erased by the rain
And becomes inaudible
真實的音律 被雨聲所淹滅
The true sound is drowned out by the rain
Let everything become inaudible
曇(くも)るガラスを たたくリズム
The rhythm that taps on the cloudy glass
Is like a lullaby
Beating on the misty windowpane
The rhythm is like a lullaby
揺(ゆ)らしてみようよ ゆりかごを
Let's rock the cradle
あの日(ひ)の想(おも)いが 眠(ねむ)ってる
Where the memories of that day sleep
試著讓搖籃晃動吧 那一天的回憶陷入了沉眠
Let's try rocking the cradle where the memories of that day lie dormant
その瞳(め)を 覚(さ)ましたら
When your eyes open
Even if your steps are trembling
When you finally open your eyes
Your steps will tremble
It's gonna rain 二つ(ふたつ)の傘(かさ) 広(ひろ)げて歩(ある)こう
It's gonna rain Let's walk together, holding two umbrellas
少(すこ)し後(うし)ろを 付(つ)いてゆくから
I'll follow close behind you
"下起雨了" 張開兩把雨傘 一起走吧
"It's gonna rain" Let's open two umbrellas and walk together
我會跟在 離你不遠處的後方
I'll be following close behind you
鐘(かね)が響(ひび)く 懷(なつ)かしい場所(ばしょ)で
In that nostalgic place where the bells ring
I want to see you now
在鐘聲響起 令人懷念的地方
In that nostalgic place where the bells chime
I want to see you now
かけがえのない 二人(ふたり)の思(おも)い出(だ)に
To our irreplaceable memories of those two
無可取代的 兩個人的回憶
Two irreplaceable memories
It′s gonna rain 指先(ゆびさき)から こぼれる雫(しずく)
It's gonna rain The drops that fall from your fingertips
拾(ひろ)い集(あつ)めて 作(つく)るメロディー
I'll gather them up and create a melody
"下起雨了" 從指尖滑落的水滴
"It's gonna rain" The water droplets that slide from your fingertips
將它撿取收集 創造出旋律
I'll pick them up and collect them, creating a melody
二つ(ふたつ)の傘(かさ) 広(ひろ)げて歩(ある)こう
Let's walk together, holding two umbrellas
少(すこ)し後(うし)ろを 付(つ)いてゆくから
I'll follow close behind you
張開兩把雨傘 一起走吧
Let's open two umbrellas and walk together
我會跟在 離你不遠處的後方
I'll be following close behind you
濡(ぬ)れた睫毛(まつげ) 乾(かわ)いた時(とき)
When your wet eyelashes dry
I'm sure you'll see
當淋濕的睫毛 風乾的時候
When your wet eyelashes dry in the wind
I think you'll finally see
The spaces between the clouds
浮(う)かぶ虹(にじ)の 意味(いみ)が
The meaning of the rainbow that appears
從雲的切口 浮現出的彩虹 的意義
The gaps in the clouds
雨上(あめあ)がりに 浮(う)かぶ虹(にじ)の先(さき)が
The end of the rainbow that appears after the rain
當雨停之後 浮現出的彩虹 的那一方
The other side of the rainbow that appears when the rain stops

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