Stereopony - はんぶんこ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Stereopony - はんぶんこ

Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
どこかで同じ空気を吸って どこかで同じ事を考えて
Breathing the same air somewhere, thinking the same things somewhere,
どこかに繋がる道を歩き どこかで同じ月を見る
Walking the path that leads somewhere, seeing the same moon somewhere,
どうしてあの時あなたに 何にも伝えられなかったんだろう
Why couldn't I tell you anything then?
どうしてあの時あなたと サヨナラしてしまったんだろう
Why did I end up saying goodbye to you then?
太陽が昇りきる前に あなたを抱きしめていたい
I want to hold you before the sun rises,
月が闇飲み込む前に あなたを抱きしめていたい
I want to hold you before the moon swallows the darkness.
Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
二人で歩いた街並み 二人で交わす初めてのキス
The cityscape we walked together, our first kiss we exchanged,
二人で眠る夢の中 二人で歌う恋の歌
The dream we slept together, the love song we sang together,
二人で選んだコップや 二人で笑う古い写真や
The cup we chose together and the old photo we laugh in together,
二人で交わした約束 あなたはもう忘れたかな?
The promise we made together, have you forgotten?
あなたのぬくもり消えてく前に もう一度抱きしめていたい
I want to hold you again before your warmth disappears,
あなたの匂い消えて行く前に もう一度抱きしめていたい
I want to hold you again before your scent disappears.
Do you still remember the memories we shared?
Can I still have your heart we shared?
「もういいや 諦めよう」って
“It's okay, let's give up,”
I know it in my head,
But my hands, ears, and lips are looking for your fragments,
会いたくて 会いたくて
I want to see you, I want to see you.
Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
Do you still have the piece of love we shared?
大粒の塩辛い涙があふれて来る程 あなたを愛してる あなたを愛してる
I love you as much as the big salty tears that overflow, I love you, I love you.
大粒の塩辛い涙があふれて来る程 あなたを愛してる あなたを愛してる
I love you as much as the big salty tears that overflow, I love you, I love you.

Writer(s): 堤 晋一, 堤 晋一

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