Still Ill feat. Acid Lemon & Lágrimas De Sangre - Vinc - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Still Ill feat. Acid Lemon & Lágrimas De Sangre - Vinc

No vinc a posar-t'ho fàcil, ni a donar-t'ho mastegat
I don't come to make it easy for you, nor to give it to you chewed up
Vinc del poble, vinc del barri, de les places i del parc
I come from the village, I come from the neighborhood, from the squares and the park
De les platges del Maresme, dels valls del Pirineu
From the beaches of Maresme, from the valleys of the Pyrenees
Jo no reconec estats, amics, jo sóc de tot arreu
I don't recognize states, friends, I'm from everywhere
De quan l'Ateneu molava anàvem endavant i Blancs Wutan tenia veu
When the Ateneu was cool, we moved forward and Blancs Wutan had a voice
Vinc d'una ciutat en peu, ara calla i seu, creu-me
I come from a city that is standing, now shut up and sit down, trust me
Cada cop que en el carrer mostrem la força
Every time we show our strength in the street
La borsa cau com la neu
The stock market crashes like snow
He vist caure tant de fang a sobre meu
I've seen so much mud fall on me
Que ja pots imaginar-te el que m'importa el que digueu
That you can imagine what I care about what you say
Ara em moc entre el meu somni
Now I move between my dream
Ja complet, i les ganes de tornar a casa fet caldo
Already complete, and the desire to return home cold
Regalo a preu de saldo el meu trofeu
I give away my trophy at a bargain price
És que no m'enteneu? No vull haver de caure't
Don't you understand me? I don't want to have to be nice to you
No vull el teu protocol quan em coneguis pel carrer
I don't want your protocol when you meet me in the street
No vull el like, no vull ser fake, no sóc l'artista del moment
I don't want the like, I don't want to be fake, I'm not the artist of the moment
Soc un gra de sorra que ha portat fins aquí el vent
I'm a grain of sand that the wind has brought here
En el món de "guanya, gasta, suma, cansa"
In the world of "win, spend, sum, get tired"
"Corre que a l'entorn has de convèncer"
"Run that you have to convince the surroundings"
Corre que t'aixafen si no penses, si no fas les seves merdes
Run that they will crush you if you don't think, if you don't do their shit
Et censuren si protestes, en aquestes ens trobem
They will censor you if you protest, that's where we find ourselves
Però ja quasi no ens trobem, ens creuem i no parlem
But we hardly ever meet each other anymore, we cross paths and don't talk
Cada ànima camina contenint el seu infern, és la vida
Each soul walks, containing its own hell, that's life
La meva és terrenal i cognitiva
Mine is earthly and cognitive
És curta però intensa i, com la teva, és tot mentida
It's short but intense and, like yours, it's all a lie
I mentre anem passant l'estona, esquivant veritats incòmodes
And as we pass the time, dodging uncomfortable truths
Buscant en cada acte la passió que mou el món
Looking in each act for the passion that moves the world
L'amistat, l'amor i l'art que fugen de la moda nòmada
Friendship, love and art that flee from the nomadic fashion
L'instant que vol prevaldre en la memòria al nostre nom
The moment that wants to prevail in the memory of our name
És un tresor, menyspreat i quotidià
It is a treasure, despised and everyday
Somriure no forçat que fas anant a comprar el pa
Smile not forced that you do going to buy the bread
Jo em tallaria un braç perquè el poguessis conservar
I would cut off an arm so that you could keep it, love
Perquè tota ajuda és poca en el
Because any help is little in the
Barranc, i el rap encara no dóna per tant
Canyon, and rap still doesn't give enough
Encara recordo quan, vivíem de la il·lusió
I still remember when, we lived off the illusion
Recolzant sempre la causa i prioritzant sempre la unió
Always supporting the cause and always prioritizing unity
Deixebles orgullosos de l'escena
Proud students of the scene
Els carrers encara parlen de lo gran d'aquella època
The streets still talk about how great that era was
Un nou dia comença i que així sigui
A new day begins and so be it
Que aquesta providència proveeixi cada cop que el món lidiï
May this providence provide whenever the world struggles
Cada cop que em mogui l'odi la consciència dialogui
Every time I move, let consciousness dialogue with hate
Jo prop de la llar de foc, cada cop que fora plogui
I near the hearth, every time it rains outside
Cada cop que algú m'escolti, que no sigui en va el que digui
Every time someone listens to me, may what I say not be in vain
I que el nostre dol es fongui quan la música ens abrigui
And may our mourning melt away when the music shelters us
Allò que mai no mor, la pulsió, aquell batec del cor
That which never dies, the pulse, that beat of the heart
Les pors i les misèries enterrades per l'amor
The fears and miseries buried by love
Això és un cant a la vida
This is a song to life
Furgant en la ferida per sentir-me
Delving into the wound to feel myself
Viu fins al final dels meus dies, un al·legat intens
Live until the end of my days, an intense plea
I una al·legoria contra l'agonia del silenci
And an allegory against the agony of silence

Writer(s): Jordi Estivill Nonell

Still Ill feat. Acid Lemon & Lágrimas De Sangre - Vinc
date de sortie

1 Vinc

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