Strapo feat. Danost - Janeviemuš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strapo feat. Danost - Janeviemuš

Smrdím jak pravda!
I stink like truth!
Jak jedna tona holých faktov, čo ťa mláti jak tvoj tatko, keď rozbiješ urnu s babkou.
Like a ton of bare facts, that beat you like your dad when you break grandma's urn.
Smrad jak pravda!
Stink like truth!
Preto ma nikto nezdraví a kto ma zdraví, je pravý, zvyšní sa poschovávali.
That's why nobody greets me, and whoever does, is true, the rest are hiding.
Smrdím jak pravda!
I stink like truth!
Fejkoví nemôžu dýchať, majú opuchnuté líca, úprimný neutopí sa.
The fakes can't breathe, their cheeks are swollen, the honest won't drown.
Smrad jak pravda!
Stink like truth!
Doslova hustý jak olej, pokiaľ ho ceníš, tak poď sem, ujebem dekel jak Cobain.
Literally thick as oil, if you value it, come here, I'll blow the lid off like Cobain.
Pachuť jak láska!
Aftertaste like love!
V podstate majú ma radi, pokiaľ nešetrím slovami, nedávam nikomu rady.
Basically, they like me, as long as I don't spare words, I don't give anyone advice.
Chutím jak láska!
I taste like love!
chuť sa ojebať nedá, majú domotané črevá a k tomu pokožka bledá.
That taste can't be faked, their guts are tangled and their skin is pale.
Pachuť jak láska!
Aftertaste like love!
ľudia stratili rozum, aj keď len hľadajú konzum a chcú ma dojiť jak kozu.
Those people have lost their minds, even if they're just looking for consumption and want to milk me like a goat.
Chutím jak láska!
I taste like love!
A preto nechcú ma pustiť, všetko ma nechajú skúsiť, lebo nedávam bullshit.
And that's why they don't want to let me go, they let me try everything, because I don't give bullshit.
Vidím jak karma!
I see like karma!
Vtedy mám oči jak Onyx, kokotko beží jak Sonic, celé to vidím jak komix.
Then my eyes are like Onyx, the motherfucker runs like Sonic, I see it all like a comic.
Oči jak karma!
Eyes like karma!
Vidím čo ovláda mestá, jak je spoločnosť besná a všetci chceli by žezlá.
I see what controls the cities, how the society is mad and everyone wants scepters.
Vidím jak karma!
I see like karma!
Jak všetci kukajú na mňa, chceli by rozhodnúť za mňa, pritom sa sami nesnažia.
How everyone is looking at me, they want to decide for me, while they themselves don't try.
Oči jak karma!
Eyes like karma!
Vidím čo príde keď prídem, že cenia celý ten príbeh, lebo nám nejde o príjem!
I see what comes when I come, that they value the whole story, because we're not about income!
Počujem strach ja!
I hear fear!
Počujem nechutný šepot a v diaľke prepnutý štekot, pekne vám jebe s tým trapom.
I hear a disgusting whisper and in the distance a switched-on barking, you're doing great with that trap.
Zvuky jak strach sa!
Sounds like fear!
Dostali medzi tie červy, žerú im nervy jak termit a na to fúkajú perník.
They got among the worms, their nerves are eaten like termites and they blow gingerbread on it.
Počujem strach tam!
I hear fear there!
Kde všetci mali byť v kľude, kde sľubovali, že bude, ale nedostatok tu je.
Where everyone was supposed to be calm, where they promised it would be, but there is a shortage.
Zvuky jak strach ma!
Sounds like fear chase me!
Naháňajú jak zviera, na miesta kde byť viera, no ostala po nej len diera.
They chase me like an animal, to places where there should be faith, but only a hole remains after it.
Ako im ukázať cestu? Ako im povedať pravdu?
How to show them the way? How to tell them the truth?
Ako im vysvetliť, že nemá zmysel čakať na spásu?
How to explain to them that it makes no sense to wait for salvation?
Ako slobodu nájdu? Ako chorobu zvládnu?
How will they find freedom? How will they cope with the disease?
Ja nevládzem, ja nemôžem, ja nechápem, ja neviem už!
I can't, I can't, I don't understand, I don't know anymore!
Ako im ukázať cestu? Ako im povedať pravdu?
How to show them the way? How to tell them the truth?
Ako im vysvetliť, že nemá zmysel čakať na spásu?
How to explain to them that it makes no sense to wait for salvation?
Ako slobodu nájdu? Ako chorobu zvládnu?
How will they find freedom? How will they cope with the disease?
Ja nevládzem, ja nemôžem, ja nechápem, ja neviem uš! (Ja neviem uš).
I can't, I can't, I don't understand, I don't know anymore! (I don't know anymore).
Divné vzory, ideály, z ktorých som chorý,
Strange patterns, ideals, from which I am sick,
Mnohým nebude sa páčiť, čo dám do tejto slohy,
Many will not like what I put in this verse,
Mojím cieľom ale neni len sa zapáčiť, sorry,
But my goal is not just to please, sorry,
Rád by som vypáčil z vás, prečo ste tak povrchné tvory.
I would like to pry out of you why you are such superficial creatures.
Prečo sám sa mám hanbiť za nosenie pokory,
Why should I be ashamed of wearing humility,
A vklude sledovať na nete žabo-myšie spory,
And calmly watch frog-mouse disputes on the net,
Vaša pridrbanosť zavre normálnosť do nory,
Your stupidity will lock normality in a burrow,
Z komory pustíte mory a všetko nadobro zhorí.
You will release moths from the chamber and everything will burn down for good.
A je vám jedno, čím budú kŕmiť naše deti,
And you don't care what they feed our children,
Narastá počet obetí, neviem už, či nejebe ti,
The number of victims is growing, I don't know if you're crazy,
Mávam pocit, že nedovidia za kraj nosa,
I have the feeling that they can't see beyond the tip of their nose,
Ani nad seba, tak uniká im, jak sa dvíha kosa.
Not even above themselves, so they miss how the scythe rises.
Počkať! ďalej nevidím zmysel,
Wait! I don't see the point anymore,
Poučovať nepoučiteľných ničí mi myseľ,
Teaching the unteachable destroys my mind,
Zabudnite, že budem tým, čo za vás visel,
Forget that I will be the one who hung for you,
len oko si vyser, prosím ťa, čo si si myslel?
Just fuck off, please, what were you thinking?
Preto dištancujem sa, odo mňa jasná správa,
That's why I distance myself, a clear message from me,
Nezdolá ma svetská sláva, poľná tráva,
Worldly glory will not defeat me, field grass,
Nemusíte chápať, čo je moja dráha,
You don't have to understand what my path is,
No mám právo voľby a chopiť sa ho nezdráham.
But I have the right to choose and I don't hesitate to take it.
prestávam veriť, že dostanú rozum,
I'm starting to lose faith that they'll get their wits about them,
Kým konzum bude živiť ich pomýlené fórum,
As long as consumption feeds their misguided forum,
Dovtedy mi daj pokoj, nečum na mňa, kuš,
Until then, leave me alone, don't stare at me, shut up,
Nevládzem, ja nemôžem, ja nechápem, ja neviem už!
I can't, I can't, I don't understand, I don't know anymore!
Ako im ukázať cestu? Ako im povedať pravdu?
How to show them the way? How to tell them the truth?
Ako im vysvetliť, že nemá zmysel čakať na spásu?
How to explain to them that it makes no sense to wait for salvation?
Ako slobodu nájdu? Ako chorobu zvládnu?
How will they find freedom? How will they cope with the disease?
Ja nevládzem, ja nemôžem, ja nechápem, ja neviem už!
I can't, I can't, I don't understand, I don't know anymore!
Ako im ukázať cestu? Ako im povedať pravdu?
How to show them the way? How to tell them the truth?
Ako im vysvetliť, že nemá zmysel čakať na spásu?
How to explain to them that it makes no sense to wait for salvation?
Ako slobodu nájdu? Ako chorobu zvládnu?
How will they find freedom? How will they cope with the disease?
Ja nevládzem, ja nemôžem, ja nechápem, ja neviem uš! (Ja neviem uš).
I can't, I can't, I don't understand, I don't know anymore! (I don't know anymore).

Strapo feat. Danost - Versus
date de sortie

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