Strapo feat. Gabryell - Echo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strapo feat. Gabryell - Echo

Furt, furt len kokotiny, povinnosti, robota,
Nothing but bullshit, duties, work again,
Vyzváňa telefón, tlaky, frajerka, maily,
Phone's ringing off the hook, pressure, girlfriend, emails,
Koncerty, rodina, charita, lóve. JEBAŤ!
Concerts, family, charity, money. FUCK IT!
Lebo každodenné pičoviny, robota a hneď stres,
Because everyday crap, work and instant stress,
Tlak na prsa, jak 500 na bench press,
Pressure on my chest, like 500 on the bench press,
Nebaví ma čakať na váš umelý rešpekt,
I'm tired of waiting for your artificial respect,
Idem hneď preč, uletím jak jetpack,
I'm leaving right now, flying away like a jetpack,
Furt spotený a dojebaný, horko jak v pekle
Always sweaty and fucked up, hot as hell
A namotaný na to, že kedy ma z toho prepne
And obsessed with when it's gonna make me snap
A chceli by, aby sme verili, že je to pekné,
And they want us to believe that it's all nice,
Len makaj a papaj tie hovná, jak packman.
Just work and eat that shit like Pac-Man.
Presne! To je to, o čo tu ide, to je to, jak sa tu žije, to je praktická taktika.
Exactly! That's what it's all about, that's how we live here, that's practical tactics.
Trestné! Je všetko, čo je iné, lebo rozhodujú svine a ich právnická matika.
Criminal! Everything that's different, because pigs decide and their lawyer's math.
Kde ste?! Treba odolať tej sile, lebo ver mi, že príde a zavíta panika.
Where are you?! We need to resist that force, believe me, panic will come and visit.
Pekne! Len čakaj na chvíle, keď začne ten príbeh, čo páli jak paprika!
Nicely! Just wait for the moments when the story begins, burning like paprika!
Pomaly prestávam mať strach,
I'm slowly losing my fear,
Ostalo ticho pred búrkou a bude padať dážď, problémy sa budú liať, ale nebudem len
Silence before the storm and the rain will fall, problems will pour, but I won't just
Lebo cítim, jak sa so mnou musí niečo začať diať!
Because I feel something has to start happening to me!
Ja viem, že to nevydržím, neudržím to v sebe, prečo vám všetkým furt nejdem a
I know I can't take it anymore, I can't keep it inside, why don't I just go and
V tejto chvíli pochopiť neni cesty späť,
At this point, there's no turning back,
Neoklameš nikoho, je to aj o tebe.
You can't fool anyone, it's about you too.
Hej! Bežte! Všetci vyjebanci pojebaní, ktorí ma len ojebali, kedykoľvek mohli!
Hey! Run! All you fucked up fuckers who just screwed me over whenever you could!
Nejste! na to stavaní, aby ste vydržali také šupy, popadáte ako kolky!
You're not! Built to withstand such blows, you'll fall like bowling pins!
Čestné! slovo na to, že ti nezaručujem, že prežijú tie vaše dohodnuté spolky!
Honest! Word is, I don't guarantee your agreed-upon gangs will survive!
Ešte! jedno slovo týmto tónom mojim smerom a nahádžem vás do sopky!
One more! Word in that tone in my direction and I'll throw you into a volcano!
Morálka je pičovina, adrenalín sa mi dvíha, režem to jak motorová píla. Sleduj!
Morality is bullshit, adrenaline is rising, I'm cutting through it like a chainsaw. Watch!
Mama by to necenila, sleduj toho skurvysyna, ide zo mňa hororová sila. Čekuj!
Mom wouldn't appreciate it, watch this son of a bitch, horror power is coming out of me. Check it!
Nebudeš tu pindať, keď ťa budem pitvať,
You won't be bitching when I dissect you,
Jebem vaše čísla, nechytí ma ringla,
Fuck your numbers, the burner won't catch me,
My máme pykať, ale vaša politika,
We have to pay, but your politics,
Systém je piča, zdravím R. Fica!
The system is a bitch, greetings to R. Fico!
Ja viem, že to nevydržíme udržať to v sebe, prečo vám všetkým furt nejdem a
I know we can't hold it in anymore, why don't I just go and
V tejto chvíli pochopiť není cesty späť,
At this point, there's no turning back,
Neoklameš nikoho, je to aj o tebe.
You can't fool anyone, it's about you too.
Mám v pláne!
I plan to!
Odkusnúť reťaze, založiť povstanie,
Bite off the chains, start a rebellion,
Vybehnúť do zbrane, zapáliť peniaze,
Run into the arms, set fire to money,
Všetci to vidia, že národ nevládze,
Everyone sees that the nation is exhausted,
Visí na povraze, nikto nedokáže
Hanging on a rope, no one can
Povedať normálne ľudom, že skapeme,
Tell people normally that we're dying,
Pokiaľ furt nechceme povstať za zázemie,
As long as we still don't want to stand up for our background,
Volíte skazené hyeny zákerné,
You vote for corrupted, insidious hyenas,
Od ktorých máme len úsmevy zmrazené.
From whom we only have frozen smiles.
Informácia, čo poskytne návod
Information that will provide guidance
A evolúcia, čo postihne národ
And evolution that will affect the nation
A populácia zrazu nárok,
And the population suddenly has a right,
Keď revolúcia vyreže nádor.
When the revolution cuts out the tumor.
A ver tomu, alebo furt nasleduj stádo,
And believe it, or keep following the herd,
Máš na to právo, kľudne krič áno,
You have the right, calmly shout yes,
Ale ja budem furt sám sebe pánom,
But I will always be my own master,
Sám sebe kráľom, sám sebe zákon!
My own king, my own law!
Pomaly prestávam mať strach,
I'm slowly losing my fear,
Ostalo ticho pred búrkou a bude padať dážď, problémy sa budú liať, ale nebudem len
Silence before the storm and the rain will fall, problems will pour, but I won't just
Lebo cítim, jak sa so mnou musí niečo začať diať!
Because I feel something has to start happening to me!
Ja viem, že to nevydržíme udržať to v sebe, prečo vám všetkým furt nejde ma
I know we can't hold it in anymore, why don't I just go and
V tejto chvíli pochopiť není cesty späť,
At this point, there's no turning back,
Neoklameš nikoho, je to aj o tebe.
You can't fool anyone, it's about you too.

Strapo feat. Gabryell - Versus
date de sortie

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