Strapo feat. Marian Cekovsky - Tulák - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strapo feat. Marian Cekovsky - Tulák

Nepoznáš, nikoho kto to prežíva jak ja,
You don't know anyone who goes through it like me,
Keď bude treba, tak sa nechám zožrať zaživa,
If need be, I'll let myself be devoured alive,
A nevnímaš tie veci, tak ako ich vnímam ja,
And you don't perceive things the way I do,
Robím to pre svojich, no na svojich nemám čas.
I do it for my loved ones, but I have no time for them.
A nedá sa zastaviť koleso keď točí sa,
And the wheel can't be stopped when it's spinning,
A nedá sa spomaliť a povedať obíď ma,
And it can't be slowed down and told to bypass me,
A netrápia sa fanúšikovia čo milujú,
And the fans who love me don't worry,
No trápia sa moji blízki, čo ma formujú.
But my loved ones who shape me worry.
A čím viac ideš hore, tým si pre nich menej človek,
And the higher you go, the less human you are to them,
Asi majú pocit, že som prestal cítiť jejich bolesť,
They probably feel like I've stopped feeling their pain,
Asi majú pocit, že budem len ďalší bohém,
They probably feel like I'll just be another bohemian,
Zabúdajú na to, že som drak čo pluje oheň.
They forget that I'm a dragon breathing fire.
Zabúdajú na to, že som nezahodil šancu,
They forget that I didn't waste the chance,
čo mi darovali oni, keď som ešte nemal fanklub,
They gave me when I didn't have a fan club yet,
Stále cítim naše puto aj, keď nevidím tie ksichty,
I still feel our bond, even though I don't see those faces,
Na tých čo stáli pri mne, ja nezabudnem nikdy.
I will never forget those who stood by me.
Neni to vaša chyba, ale musíme si veriť,
It's not your fault, but we have to trust each other,
Nebežíme spolu, ale musíme sa stretnúť v cieli,
We're not running together, but we have to meet at the finish line,
No tak neprovokuj moju chorú hlavu, keď mam nervy,
So don't provoke my sick head when I'm on edge,
Ja sa vážne snažím niečo vybudovať, nebuď debil.
I'm seriously trying to build something, don't be an idiot.
Neberiem tak jak oni, neberiem viac jak oni,
I don't take it like them, I don't take more than them,
Len beriem pod seba beat a seriem vám tam slohy,
I just take the beat under me and shit verses on it,
Tak húkajte jak sovy, tak lietajte jak soby,
So hoot like owls, fly like reindeer,
Len nestojte jak sochy, keď sa o to treba pobiť.
Just don't stand like statues when you need to fight for it.
Stále som taký istý kokot, jak si pamätáš,
I'm still the same asshole, as you remember,
Stále si na tie naše kokotiny pamätám,
I still remember our bullshit,
Myslím aj na vás nech tu pre vás niečo zanechám,
I also think about you, so I leave something here for you,
Lebo kto zabudol na svojich, ten nech skape sám.
Because whoever forgets about his own, let him die alone.
Aj keď si nedošiel na koncert, keď sme hrali u vás,
Even if you didn't come to the concert when we played at your place,
Nekúpil si album, nebaví ťa moja hudba,
You didn't buy the album, you don't like my music,
Aj tak zažili sme veľa a to je to, čo sa počíta,
We still experienced a lot and that's what counts,
Tak spomínaj moje meno iba v dobrom, prosím ťa.
So remember my name only in good things, please.
Som voľný ako vták,
I am free as a bird,
čo letí oblohou,
Flying through the sky,
So svojou slobodou,
With my freedom,
Sa občas cítim sám,
I sometimes feel alone,
Keď letím k vám,
When I fly to you,
Nad krajinou,
Over the land,
Tak myslím, len na to, kde domov svoj mám.
So I think only of where my home is.
Predstav si že si ja,
Imagine you are me,
A sleduj svet okolo teba, že jak mení sa
And watch the world around you, how it changes
Cítiš jak beží čas,
You feel time running,
tak že nedýchaš,
So much that you can't breathe,
A ľudí ktorých miluješ vôbec nestíhaš,
And you can't keep up with the people you love,
Ani to neskrývaš.
You don't even hide it.
Hovoríš "zavolaj mi brácho" ale nedvíhaš.
You say "call me, bro" but you don't answer.
Okolo toľko kokotov, v ktorých sa nevyznáš,
So many assholes around, you don't understand them,
Milión vyjebaných výčitiek nepredýchaš,
A million fucked up reproaches you can't breathe,
A obetuješ všetkých, ale nevyhráš!
And you sacrifice everyone, but you don't win!
Mal som byť na veľa miestach,
I was supposed to be in many places,
Keď sme boli na cestách,
When we were on the road,
Ale všetko som zmeškal,
But I missed everything,
A dneska nemôžem prestať,
And today I can't stop,
ľutovať to, že som tam nebol,
Regretting that I wasn't there,
Keď ma tam bolo treba,
When I was needed there,
A že som nedal drink s tým, s kým ho nedám.
And that I didn't have a drink with the one I won't have it with anymore.
A je ich veľa, pohrebov toľko, že nejde vstrebať,
And there are many of them, so many funerals that it's impossible to absorb,
To že neuvidím nikoho z nich po svete behať,
That I won't see any of them running around the world,
Lejem to na zem, za každého kto tu neni,
I pour it on the ground, for everyone who's not here anymore,
A keď skapem, tak to budú robiť moje deti.
And when I die, my children will do it.
Ja cítim ako mi to uteká pomedzi prsty a,
I feel it slipping through my fingers and,
Snažím sa to zastaviť a udržať to v hrsti na,
I'm trying to stop it and hold it in my hands for,
Malú chvíľu uveriť tomu, že som to zvládol za,
A little while to believe that I managed it for,
Všetkých ľudí ktorý stoja predo mnou aj za mnou.
All the people who stand in front of me and behind me.
Ja nechcem stádo, nechcem fáro,
I don't want a herd, I don't want a car,
Nechcem lóve, to je málo,
I don't want money, that's not enough,
Nechcem slávu, nechcem kávu
I don't want fame, I don't want coffee
S prezidentom každé ráno,
With the president every morning,
Ja chcem svojich ľudí všade,
I want my people everywhere,
Nech to stíham, nech to klape,
Let it work, let it click,
Nech šťastní, nech silní,
Let them be happy, let them be strong,
Nech so mnou, nech to šlape.
Let them be with me, let it work.
Ja nechcem prestať lietať,
I don't want to stop flying,
Ja chcem, nech letia so mnou,
I want them to fly with me,
Nechcem blúdiť jak dieťa,
I don't want to wander like a child,
čo nevie trafiť domov.
Who doesn't know how to get home.
Za sebou našich bratov,
Behind us our brothers,
Pred zrakmi našich bohov,
Before the eyes of our gods,
Prišiel som oslobodiť mojich ľudí z vašich okov.
I came to free my people from your shackles.
Pokiaľ budem dýchať, tak budeš počuť názor,
As long as I breathe, you will hear my opinion,
A pokiaľ budem písať, tak budeš cítiť nápor,
And as long as I write, you will feel the pressure,
A ten kto stoji pri mne, ten bude letieť pri mne,
And whoever stands by me will fly by me,
A bude hrdo búchať do tej hrude jak pri hymne.
And will proudly beat his chest like during the anthem.
Som voľný ako vták,
I am free as a bird,
čo letí oblohou,
Flying through the sky,
So svojou slobodou,
With my freedom,
Sa občas cítim sám,
I sometimes feel alone,
Keď letím k vám,
When I fly to you,
Nad krajinou,
Over the land,
Tak myslím, len na to, kde domov svoj mám.
So I think only of where my home is.

Strapo feat. Marian Cekovsky - Versus
date de sortie

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