Strapo - Jason - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Strapo - Jason

Mesto, svetiel trilión päťsto,
The city has a trillion five hundred lights,
A všetko sa blyští a každý chce členstvo,
And everything shines and everyone wants membership,
A blesko-vo na ňom vysíš a chceš ho,
And you're flashing on it, lightning-fast, wanting it,
A nasávaš to z tých ceckov jak decko,
Sucking it from those teats like a child,
A farby, ľudia, kluby, hudba,
And colors, people, clubs, music,
Stačí len chvíla a hneď ťa to spúta,
Just a moment and it binds you,
Ja naučil som sa nosiť tie púta
I've learned to wear these shackles
A zaručil som sa, že nebude tupá, mládež,
And I've guaranteed that the youth won't be stupid,
Chápeš, čo tu chcem nechať,
Do you understand what I want to leave here?
Keď máš meč a vládzeš, tak to musíš sekať,
If you have a sword and strength, you have to slash,
No dnes sa len prechádzam mestom a chcem sa,
But today I'm just walking through the city and I want to,
Cítiť jak niekto, kto neni, pre nich, hviezda.
Feel like someone who's not, for them, a star.
V kľude si pochodiť všetky tie miesta,
To calmly walk through all these places,
Navštíviť všetky tie bývalé hniezda.
To visit all those former nests.
Schovať sa po tichu vzadu do tieňa
To quietly hide in the back, in the shadows
A sledovať ľudí jak bežia do ciela.
And watch people run to the finish line.
Ja tu nejsom, dnes tu nejsom,
I'm not here, not here today,
Len tam sedím v rohu v klube s rozkopaným faceom.
Just sitting there in the corner of the club with a busted face.
Nejsom, dnes tu nejsom, ja tu nejsom,
I'm not, not here today, I'm not here,
Len tam stojím v tieni vzadu s maskou na ksichte jak Jason.
Just standing there in the back, in the shadows, with a mask on my face like Jason.
A každý ma zdraví
And everyone greets me
A každý ma pozýva na drink
And everyone invites me for a drink
A potom sa tvári,
And then they pretend,
že my sme známi
That we're the famous ones
A všade sa chváli,
And they brag everywhere,
že ťa huba ne-páli.
That your mouth doesn't burn.
Nemyslím ľudí, čo platia tie vstupy
I don't mean the people who pay the entrance fees
A zdvíhaju ruky do tej našej hudby.
And raise their hands to our music.
Ja myslím tie nuly, čo sa len vezú,
I mean those zeros who just ride along,
Ja myslím tie KURVY, čo silu mi berú.
I mean those BITCHES who take my strength.
Lebo ja nejsom len fotka, ty potkan,
Because I'm not just a photo, you rat,
Tak posnaž sa spoznať, že necením od vás,
So try to understand that I don't value it from you,
Keď fotíš si dôkaz a nechápeš odkaz
When you take a picture as proof and don't understand the message
Nerozoznáš poklad a odpad, tak čo sa,
You can't tell treasure from trash, so what,
Mám potom tváriť, že jak ma to baví,
Should I then pretend that I like it,
Keď vidím, že jak si si kokotka tu zo mňa spravil.
When I see how you've made me into your little whore.
Nepovieš z hlavy ani dva moje bary,
You can't even say two of my bars from memory,
A máš úplne v piči, že jak som sa snažil.
And you don't give a damn about how hard I tried.
Nezaújima ma kto ťa za padavana,
I don't care who thinks you're their padawan,
Idem tvrdohlavo na barana rovno na barmana,
I'm going headstrong like a ram, straight to the bartender,
Kapuca jak kebyže tu mama hladala ma,
Hood up like my mom's looking for me here,
Otoč sa a toto choď skúšat na šamana.
Turn around and go try this on a shaman.
Neskočím ti na to aj keď tie kozy krásne,
I won't fall for it even though those tits are beautiful,
Lepíš sa na mňa len pretože chodievam na stage,
You're sticking to me just because I go on stage,
Ťaháš ma za tričko a voláš ma k sebe domov,
You pull my shirt and call me to your place,
Ale také lacne kurvy majú u mňa nula bodov.
But such cheap whores get zero points from me.
A nebolo by krásne, kebyže sklapneš,
And wouldn't it be nice if you just shut up,
Kebyže chápeš, že si mi len na smiech,
If you understood that you're just a laughing stock to me,
Neberem ťa vážne, ale každopádne
I don't take you seriously, but anyway
Si ťa dneska večer nejaký lovec v klube nájde.
Some hunter in the club will find you tonight.
Nebudem to ja, lebo ja tu dnes nejsom,
It won't be me, because I'm not here today,
Si smutná a bledá jak Marylin Mason.
You're sad and pale like Marilyn Manson.
Zdrhám do davu, ladne jak panter
I'm escaping into the crowd, gracefully like a panther
Zatial čo z hajzlu sa vracia tvoj frajer.
While your boyfriend comes back from the toilet.
Ja tu nejsom, dnes tu nejsom,
I'm not here, not here today,
Len tam sedím v rohu v klube s rozko-paným faceom.
Just sitting there in the corner of the club with a busted face.
Nejsom, dnes tu nejsom, ja tu nejsom,
I'm not, not here today, I'm not here,
Len tam stojím v tieni vzadu s maskou na ksichte jak Jason.
Just standing there in the back, in the shadows, with a mask on my face like Jason.
Nejsom, dnes tu nejsom, ja tu nejsom,
I'm not, not here today, I'm not here,
Len tam stojím v tieni vzadu s maskou na ksichte jak Jason.
Just standing there in the back, in the shadows, with a mask on my face like Jason.

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