Strapo - Loading - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strapo - Loading

Nie som v cieli a nie som na vrchole, neserem na teba z vrchu jak väčšina,
I'm not in heaven and I'm not at the top, I don't shit on you from above like most,
A nemôžem, pretože to by sa za mňa hanbila komplet celá rodina.
And I can't, because my whole family would be ashamed of me.
A aj keby som bol kráľom a pánom všetkých ľudí tak ja nemám právo,
And even if I was the king and master of all people, I would have no right,
Kecať ti do života, lebo sám som bol ako ty- sprostý jak tágo.
To tell you how to live your life, because I myself was once like you - stupid as a stick.
Spermia, decko, chlapec, muž,
Sperm, child, boy, man,
A talent a odvaha boli moje plus
And talent and courage were my pluses
A najprv pomaly, ale potom
And at first slowly, but then already
Rýchlo a dravo jak Spartakus.
Fast and furiously like Spartacus.
A neviem ti povedať úplný návod a neviem ti povedať, že ako na to,
And I can't tell you the full instructions and I can't tell you how to do it,
Viem ti len povedať čo sa stalo a viem ti len povedať kto je Strapo.
I can only tell you what happened and I can only tell you who Strapo is.
A keď sa v tom vidíš a pomáha ti to, tak mega to cením a prajem ti to
And if you see yourself in it and it helps you, I appreciate it very much and I wish it for you
A ideme spolu a ideme si to, čo jé? ideme si to jak nikto
And we go together and we go for it, what is it? we go for it like nobody else
čó, ideme do toho brácho,
Bro, let's do it,
čó, ideme do toho ségra,
Sis, let's do it,
čó, ideme do toho ľudia,
Folks, let's do it,
čó, ideme do toho drž sa.
Hang in there, let's do it.
Nebudeme ľutovať a nebudeme plakať, ale budeme sa radovať a budeme sa tešiť
We won't regret and we won't cry, but we will rejoice and we will be happy
A budeme to budovať a budeme to pilovať a budeme si hovoriť, že my sme lepší.
And we will build it and we will perfect it and we will tell ourselves that we are the best.
A nechceme debatovať, nechceme sabotovať, nechceme slávu, ale my chceme žiť
And we don't want to debate, we don't want to sabotage, we don't want fame, but we want to live
A nebudeme hovoriť, že nemôžeme pochopiť, že ostatní nevedia byť jak my.
And we will not say that we cannot understand that others do not know how to be like us.
Nechcem to pokaziť, že vidím očami obrazy, ktoré som vidieť chcel
I don't want to spoil it, that I see pictures with my eyes that I wanted to see
A neverím, že môžem svojimi ušami počúvať hudbu čo mi dáva cieľ.
And I don't believe that I can listen to the music that gives me a goal with my own ears.
A beriem to vážne a som plný vášne a tento rok všetkým dokážem,
And I take it seriously and I am full of passion and this year I will prove to everyone,
že ešte len začína to moje obdobie kedy to úplne ovládnem.
That my time to completely dominate is just beginning.
Stavám základy, tehlu po tehle a neskončím s tým, ani ma nehne,
I lay the foundation, brick by brick, and I won't stop, I won't even budge,
Behám po tvojom meste jak Batman a čakám kým hladina fakeu klesne.
I run around your city like Batman, waiting for the level of fake to drop.
A aj keby som fakt nemal prežiť a mal by som pri tom naozaj skapať,
And even if I didn't really have to survive and I had to really croak doing it,
Tak skúsim zachrániť úplne všetkých, a musím, lebo to je moja práca.
So I'll try to save everyone, and I have to, because that's my job.
Vždy som to robil tak aby to malo odkaz a vždy som to robil tak aby to bolo top
I always did it so that it had a message and I always did it so that it was top
A vždy mi to sedelo jak Redbull a vodka a bavilo ma to jak nikoho.
And it always suited me like Red Bull and vodka and I enjoyed it like nobody else.
A budem tu stáť a svietiť jak maják a vychytám si to jak Halák a Lašák
And I'll be here and shine like a beacon and I'll catch it like Halak and Lasak
A budem sa snažiť zas posunúť level a budem to brúsiť jak samuraj čepeľ.
And I'll try to raise the level again and I'll grind it like a samurai blade.
A nebudeme ľutovať a nebudeme plakať, ale budeme sa radovať a budeme sa tešiť
And we won't regret and we won't cry, but we will rejoice and we will be happy
A budeme to budovať a budeme to pilovať a budeme si hovoriť, že my sme lepší.
And we will build it and we will perfect it and we will tell ourselves that we are the best.
A nechceme debatovať, nechceme sabotovať, nechceme slávu, ale my chceme žiť
And we don't want to debate, we don't want to sabotage, we don't want fame, but we want to live
A nebudeme hovoriť, že nemôžeme pochopiť, že ostatní nevedia byť jak my.
And we will not say that we cannot understand that others do not know how to be like us.

Writer(s): Strapo

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