Strapo - Nasilu flegma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strapo - Nasilu flegma

Nasilu flegma
Forced Phlegm
Toto mi hraje v hlave,
This is what plays in my head,
Vždy keď vidím vaše negatívne tváre v dave,
Whenever I see your negative faces in the crowd,
Keď vidím jak ste pochopili, že to zdanie klame.
When I see how you've understood that appearances are deceiving.
Nejste sami, pozrite sa okolo
You're not alone, look around
A všade budú ľudia, ktorí potrebujú šťastie.
And everywhere there will be people who need happiness.
Toto mi hraje v hlave,
This is what plays in my head,
Vždy keď vidím vaše negatívne tváre v dave,
Whenever I see your negative faces in the crowd,
Keď vidím jak ste pochopili, že to zdanie klame,
When I see how you've understood that appearances are deceiving,
Neni to len občas, ale stále
It's not just sometimes, but always
Budú ľudia, ktorí potrebujú aspoň malé šťastie.
There will be people who need at least a little happiness.
Veľa ľudí, čo by chceli, aby som bol nervák,
Many people would like me to be nervous,
No ja ich nepoteším, lebo ja som megaflegma,
But I won't please them, because I'm a mega-phlegm,
To, čo sere teba, je pre mňa väčšinou ledva ledva,
What pisses you off is usually barely anything for me,
Vždy mierim do stredu, no nevadí ak trafím vedľa.
I always aim for the middle, but it doesn't matter if I miss.
Ležím, mám ruky za hlavou a užívam si orál,
I'm lying down, have my hands behind my head, and enjoying oral,
Jediné, čo ma teraz može nasrať, je len komár.
The only thing that can piss me off right now is a mosquito.
Mám pod nohami pevný konár,
I have a solid branch under my feet,
V ruke plný pohár,
A full glass in my hand,
A je mi všetko jedno aj keď urobím fopá,
And I don't care even if I make a blunder,
Počúvam všetko jedným uchom dnu a druhým von,
I listen to everything with one ear in and the other out,
No napriek tomu registrujem stále každý zlom,
But despite that I still register every detail,
Dobrých vecí je málo a tých zlých je milión,
There are few good things and millions of bad things,
Keď stúpnem do hovna, tak si ho utrem o trávu,
When I step on shit, I simply wipe it on grass,
Nefandím Biblií, Tóre a ani Koránu,
I don't support the Bible, Torah, or even the Quran,
Mám vlastnú filozofiu, ide len o karmu
I have my own philosophy, it's all about karma
A niekedy trochu aj o to, čo zabalím do bluntu: DD
And sometimes a little about what I wrap in a blunt: DD
Furt neviem šoférovať a furt nemám vodičák,
I still don't know how to drive and still don't have a license,
No aj tak s tebou sedím v aute, lebo viem, že čo a jak.
But I'm still sitting in the car with you because I know what's up.
Zaplatím za benzín a nemusím sa stresovať,
I pay for the gasoline and don't have to stress,
Smejem sa na tom jak sa z teba stáva psychopat.
I'm laughing at how you're turning into a psychopath.
Pozri sa na mňa ja som v pohode jak na Valiu,
Look at me, I'm as relaxed as on Valium,
Napriek tomu, že plávam v špinavom akváriu.
Despite the fact that I'm swimming in a dirty aquarium.
Ide po mne poisťovňa, sociálka a aj daňové,
The insurance company, social services, and the taxman are after me,
Prečo všetci takí namotaní na lóve?
Why is everyone so obsessed with money?
Frajerka sa so mnou neháda, lebo nemá jak,
My girlfriend doesn't argue with me because she can't,
Som na tom tak, že sa mi nedá ani nadávať.
I'm in such a state that I can't even insult her.
Počul som na stage-i skoro všetky urážky,
I've heard almost all the insults on stage,
Aj staré, aj nové, aj dobré, aj klasiky na matky.
Both old and new, both good and classic ones about mothers.
Zober mi všetko, čo mám, aj tak toho neni veľa,
Take everything I have from me, there's not much anyway,
Aj tak sa stále budem smiať jak Béla Bugár.
I'll still laugh like Béla Bugár.
Som spokojný a uvoľnený mladý sedlák,
I'm a satisfied and relaxed young peasant,
Lebo som nad vecou a viem, že na mňa nemáš, ty čurák
Because I'm above it all and I know you can't compete with me, you dick
Niekedy nemáš na výber
Sometimes you have no choice
Musíš byť nasilu flegma
You have to be forced to be phlegmatic
Niekedy to inak nejde
Sometimes there's no other way
Musíš byť nasilu flegma
You have to be forced to be phlegmatic
Niekedy to inak nejde
Sometimes there's no other way
Toto mi hraje v hlave,
This is what plays in my head,
Vždy keď vidím vaše negatívne tváre v dave,
Whenever I see your negative faces in the crowd,
Keď vidím jak ste pochopili, že to zdanie klame.
When I see how you've understood that appearances are deceiving.
Nejste sami, pozrite sa okolo
You're not alone, look around
A všade budú ľudia, ktorí potrebujú šťastie.
And everywhere there will be people who need happiness.
Toto mi hraje v hlave,
This is what plays in my head,
Vždy keď vidím vaše negatívne tváre v dave,
Whenever I see your negative faces in the crowd,
Keď vidím jak ste pochopili, že to zdanie klame.
When I see how you've understood that appearances are deceiving.
Nejste sami, pozrite sa okolo
You're not alone, look around
A všade budú ľudia, ktorí potrebujú šťastie.
And everywhere there will be people who need happiness.

Writer(s): strapo

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