Strapo - Takoj - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strapo - Takoj

Veríš ľuďom, čo neveria tebe,
You believe in people who do not believe in you,
A cítiš sa pri tom jak najväčší rebel,
And you feel like the biggest rebel when doing so,
A oni potom zožerú tvoj dezert,
And then they eat your dessert,
Keď nevidíš hyeny, sa.
When you can't see the hyenas, it's doable.
Bývať na ulici a nemať nič,
Living on the street and having nothing,
A žebrať o jedlo jak parazit,
And begging for food like a parasite,
A čakať na ficove istoty,
And waiting for Fico's certainties,
Keď si nedáš pozor, tak sa.
If you do not pay attention, it's doable.
Od pondelka do piatku pracujem,
I work from Monday to Friday,
A cez víkend utekám na koncert,
And at the weekend I run away to a concert,
A nesťažujem sa, lebo mám čo chcem,
And I do not complain, because I have what I want,
A preto ti hovorím, sa.
And that is why I tell you, it's doable.
Nemôžem zastaviť, musím sa prekonať,
I cannot stop, I have to overcome myself,
Vypustiť zo seba svojeho démona,
Let my demon out,
Navlečem na seba kostým Venoma,
I will put on the costume of Venom,
A trap od Lkamu sa.
And the trap from Lkama is doable.
Nebereme, nežereme váš štýl,
We do not take or eat your style,
Ale prebereme, zebereme váš deal,
But we will take over, we will take your deal,
Aj keď hovorili, že sme sa potopili,
Even though they said that we sank,
Tak teraz to asi pochopili blázni.
So now the fools probably understood it.
Nebudem básnik, nebudem krásny,
I will not be a poet, I will not be beautiful,
Nebudem lacný, nebudem on,
I will not be cheap, I will not be him,
A neverili, ale uverili,
And they did not believe, but they believed,
Lebo uvideli na vlastné oči, kto je top.
Because they saw with their own eyes who is the top.
Som hrdý na svojich a oni zas na mňa,
I am proud of mine and they of me,
A pomáhame si a sa,
And we help each other and it's doable,
On urobí toto, ja urobím hento,
He will do this, I will do that,
A dokopy to bude krása.
And together it will be beautiful.
Keď makáme na sebe, tak nás to baví,
When we work on ourselves, we enjoy it,
A nakopne nás to jak káva,
And it kicks us like coffee,
No dávam si pozor na všetkých a všade,
But I watch out for everyone and everywhere,
Bo život je krehký jak váza.
Because life is fragile like a vase.
Nevidím len seba, ja vidím aj teba, ja nejsom jak naša vláda,
I do not only see myself, I also see you, I am not like our government,
Chceli by aby si zapadol do jejich veľkého, tupého stáda,
They would like you to fit into their big, dull herd,
Dajú ti okovy na ruky jakmile ti trochu zachutí tráva,
They will put shackles on your hands as soon as you get a little taste of grass,
Vždy to tak bolo, však nemajú problém a dajú ťa dole jak Chára.
It has always been like that, because they have no problem and will put you down like Chara.
Na pódiu uvidíš zázrak,
You will see a miracle on stage,
Som legendery jak Maztah,
I am a legend like Maztah,
A môj DJ je veľký jak barák,
And my DJ is big like a house,
A chcel by si vidieť do našich karát.
And you would like to see into our cards.
Lenže zbytočne čakáš, že blafujeme,
But you wait in vain that we bluff,
My ideme svoje a pracujeme,
We do our thing and work,
Skillujeme, trénujeme,
We skill, we train,
Lebo milujeme a ďakujeme.
Because we love and thank you.
Nebereme, nežereme váš štýl,
We do not take or eat your style,
Ale prebereme, zebereme váš deal,
But we will take over, we will take your deal,
Aj keď hovorili, že sme sa potopili,
Even though they said that we sank,
Tak teraz to asi pochopili blázni.
So now the fools probably understood it.
Nebudem básnik, nebudem krásny,
I will not be a poet, I will not be beautiful,
Nebudem lacný, nebudem on,
I will not be cheap, I will not be him,
A neverili, ale uverili,
And they did not believe, but they believed,
Lebo uvideli na vlastné oči, kto je top.
Because they saw with their own eyes who is the top.

Writer(s): Jan Strapec, Peter Klamo

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