Stres - Legea Strazii - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Stres - Legea Strazii

Legea Strazii
Street Law
Legea celor trei maimuţe înţelepte
The law of the three wise monkeys, babe
N-ai auzit, n-ai văzut şi nu vorbeşti c-un sticlete
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, like a finch in a cage
Sau te duci la fund ca Jules în 20000 de leghe
Or you'll sink like Jules in 20,000 Leagues, that's the truth
Aşa am fost crescuţi şi învăţaţi de garda veche
That's how the old guard raised and taught us, see
Rulăm bancnote pe stradă şi-n farfurie
We roll banknotes on the street and on our plates, living life
Ardem jointuri şi fraieri asta se ştie
We burn joints and suckers, that's a known fact
Muie la gardă la pizde bune şi ţie
Screw the cops, to good chicks, and to you too
Dacă eşti din ăia care se dau ce nu poa′ fie
If you're one of those who pretend to be what they can't
Avem tatuaje d-alea mari şi cicatrici
We got big tattoos and scars, marks of our past
Mă-ta zicea nu umbli cu noi c-o te strici
Your mom said not to hang with us, you'd get messed up, she warned
Dar noi te-am reparat c-ai învăţat multe de aici
But we fixed you up, you learned a lot here, that's for sure
În primul rând ce e demnitatea şi cum s-o aplici
First and foremost, what dignity is and how to apply it, that's key
Asta e legea în cartier, nu e scrisă pe nicăieri
This is the law in the hood, it's not written anywhere, you see
Primeşti respect doar când oferi
You get respect only when you give it, that's the rule
Dacă viaţa e o luptă tre' fii Bull Terrier
If life's a fight, you gotta be a Bull Terrier, tough and strong
Adică nu-i destul ai coaie tre′ fie şi de fier!
Meaning, it's not enough to have balls, they gotta be made of steel!
E legea străzii cea nescrisă bro
It's the unwritten street law, girl
Marfa la pulă, gura mică nu ţi-am dat-o eu
Goods on your body, keep your mouth shut, I didn't give it to you
Cine te-a ars odată o te ardă din nou
Whoever burned you once will burn you again, that's a fact
Unii aleargă după bani alţii fac cardio
Some chase money, others do cardio, different paths
E legea străzii cea nescrisă bro
It's the unwritten street law, girl
Marfa la pulă, gura mică nu ţi-am dat-o eu
Goods on your body, keep your mouth shut, I didn't give it to you
Cine te-a ars odată o te ardă din nou
Whoever burned you once will burn you again, that's a fact
Unii aleargă după bani alţii fac cardio
Some chase money, others do cardio, different paths
Legea străzi e Biblia, coranul am învăţat-o-n Colentina
Street law is the Bible, the Quran, I learned it in Colentina
Cum descurc şi din nimic iasă banu'
How to get by and make money out of nothing, survival skills
te fac din vorbe şi nu vorbesc de fazanu'
To make you speechless, and I'm not talking about the pheasant
Am crescut printre piranha ţi-am mai zis
I grew up among piranhas, I told you before
Unde golanii riscă totu′ pentru un vis
Where thugs risk everything for a dream, ambition is strong
Am crescut printre piranha ţi-am mai zis
I grew up among piranhas, I told you before
Unde suni la poliţie şi-ţi respins
Where you call the cops and they reject you, no help there
Legea străzii separă târfele de băieţi
Street law separates the whores from the boys, the real from the fake
Golanii de epoleţi, trandafirii de boscheţi
Thugs from epaulets, roses from bushes, clear distinction
Legea voastră nu separă nimic, nu vedeţi
Your law doesn't separate anything, you don't see
Decât pe ăia care au nevoi, care n-aveți
Except those who are in need, which you don't have
Sunteţi ca legea voastră care e oarbă
You're like your law, which is blind, can't see the truth
Legea străzii nu ia şpagă şi nu iartă niciodată
Street law doesn't take bribes and never forgives, it's fair
Nu se schimbă e aceeaşi oriunde te duci pe hartă
It doesn't change, it's the same wherever you go on the map
Legea voastră nu e lege, veţi vedea la judecată!
Your law is not law, you'll see at the judgment day!
E legea străzii cea nescrisă bro
It's the unwritten street law, girl
Marfa la pulă, gura mică nu ţi-am dat-o eu
Goods on your body, keep your mouth shut, I didn't give it to you
Cine te-a ars odată o te ardă din nou
Whoever burned you once will burn you again, that's a fact
Unii aleargă după bani alţii fac cardio
Some chase money, others do cardio, different paths
E legea străzii cea nescrisă bro
It's the unwritten street law, girl
Marfa la pulă, gura mică nu ţi-am dat-o eu
Goods on your body, keep your mouth shut, I didn't give it to you
Cine te-a ars odată o te ardă din nou
Whoever burned you once will burn you again, that's a fact
Unii aleargă după bani alţii fac cardio
Some chase money, others do cardio, different paths

Writer(s): Sabrin Mihai-sirghi

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