Strombers - Rei Carnestoltes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Strombers - Rei Carnestoltes

Rei Carnestoltes
King Carnival
Habitants de la vila, ja torno a ser aquí.
People of the town, I am back here again.
Desperteu, que avui la por ha de morir.
Awake, for today fear must die.
Dins del meu cistell hi duc de tot,
Inside my basket I carry everything,
Somnis que avui per fi es compliran.
Dreams that today will finally be fulfilled.
Dins del meu cistell hi duc de tot,
Inside my basket I carry everything,
Amors d'una nit que amb el dia es fondran.
Loves of a night that will melt with the day.
Sóc el rei pagà i la disbauxa regnarà.
I am the pagan king and debauchery shall reign.
Corre i viu la vida com havies somiat,
Run and live your life as you have always dreamed,
Doncs el Carnestoltes ja ha arribat.
For Carnival has arrived.
Corre i viu la vida abans no sigui massa tard,
Run and live your life before it's too late,
Doncs el Carnestoltes ja ha arribat.
For Carnival has arrived.
Dins el meu cistell hi porto portes
In my basket I carry doors
Que avui per fi se t'obriran.
That will finally open for you today.
Dolços, bolets, escombres voladores,
Sweets, mushrooms, flying brooms,
Catifes, làmpades,
Carpets, lamps,
Tot serà possible aquesta nit.
Everything will be possible tonight.
Demana el teu desig.
Ask for your wish.
Corre i viu la vida com havies somiat,
Run and live your life as you have always dreamed,
Doncs el Carnestoltes ja ha arribat.
For Carnival has arrived.
Corre i viu la vida abans no sigui massa tard,
Run and live your life before it's too late,
Doncs el Carnestoltes ja ha arribat.
For Carnival has arrived.
Sóc el rei pagà i la disbauxa regnarà.
I am the pagan king and debauchery shall reign.
Tenim la ment desperta
We have our minds awake
I resistim en aquest món.
And we resist in this world.
No hi ha obediència obligada.
There is no forced obedience.
Hi ha la porta oberta,
There is the open door,
Que després es tancarà.
Which will close later.
Trenca les cadenes
Break the chains
I els teus mal sons d'avui.
And your bad sounds of today.
Corre i viu la vida com havies somiat,
Run and live your life as you have always dreamed,
Doncs el Carnestoltes ja ha arribat.
For Carnival has arrived.
Corre i viu la vida abans no sigui massa tard,
Run and live your life before it's too late,
Doncs el Carnestoltes ja ha arribat.
For Carnival has arrived.
Sóc el rei, sóc el rei, sóc el rei, el rei pagà.
I am the king, I am the king, I am the king, the pagan king.
Sóc el rei, jo sóc el rei, sóc el rei pagà.
I am the king, I am the king, I am the pagan king.
Estic content, estic content de la disbauxa de la gent.
I am happy, I am happy with the debauchery of the people.
Estic content, si estàs content, sóc el rei pagà.
I am happy, if you are happy, I am the pagan king.
Tots ballant del bracet i ens fem beure de galet,
We all dance arm in arm and make each other drink from the jug,
I ens creuem, i ens toquem, i no parem.
And we cross each other, and we touch each other, and we don't stop.
Tres i tres avui fan set, si estem tots tocats del bolet.
Three and three make seven today, if we are all touched by the mushroom.
Mentre m'enlairo, m'acomiado.
As I rise, I take my leave.
Sigueu fidels a aquests principis, amics i ànimes despertes.
Be true to these principles, my friends and awakened souls.
I quan vulgueu que torni, només heu de tenir les portes obertes.
And when you want me to return, you just have to keep the doors open.

Writer(s): Ferran, Sergi, Toni

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