Struka feat. Bvana, Bdat Dzutim & DJ Raid - Hip Hop (feat. Bvana, Bdat Dzutim i DJ Raid) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. Bvana, Bdat Dzutim & DJ Raid - Hip Hop (feat. Bvana, Bdat Dzutim i DJ Raid)

Hip Hop (feat. Bvana, Bdat Dzutim i DJ Raid)
Hip Hop (feat. Bvana, Bdat Dzutim and DJ Raid)
Vi ste na frekvencijama radija Grupna Terapija
You are on the frequencies of Grupna Terapija Radio
Moj čovek Marvel na bitu
My man Marvel on the beat
Sada ćemo da se vratimo nazad u dan
Now we're going to go back in time
Vratićemo se korenima
We're going back to the roots
I čućete jednu priču o devojci koju sam upoznao davno, davno
And you'll hear a story about a girl I met a long, long time ago
To je bila ljubav na prvi pogled
It was love at first sight
Sećam se bili smo rima snimila me da je snimam
I remember we were rhymes she recorded me recording her
Od prvog dana znao sam da moram da je imam
From day one I knew I had to have her
Al' kako da joj priđem, a da ne smaram i cimam
But how do I approach her without being annoying and bothering her
Mada da da, reći ću joj sve u formi rima
Yeah, yeah, I'll tell her everything in the form of rhymes
U sobi na svom krevetu sedim, pišem joj pesme
I'm sitting in my room on my bed, writing her songs
Ruku na srce, nisam bio neki keršme
Hand on heart, I wasn't a big shot
Zaljubljeni balavac, nije me ni poznavala
A lovestruck kid, she didn't even know me
Ni pet para davala, ni pod razno jebavala
Didn't give a damn, didn't fuck me in any way
Mor'o sam nekako da privučem njenu pažnju
I had to get her attention somehow
Bacim se u promet, podignem sebi potražnju
I'll throw myself into the traffic, raise the demand for myself
Toliko mi se dopada, toliko njih je spopada
I like her so much, so many of them like her
Dal možda da odustanem, ta opcija otpada
Should I maybe give up, that option is out of the question
Naučim tekst napamet, ali zajebi trud sav
I learn the text by heart, but fuck all the effort
Jer kad joj priđem da joj kažem počnem da mu, mucam
Because when I approach her to tell her I start to, to stutter
Vreme stane, čuka lupa, sve je manje bitno
Time stands still, the heart beats, everything is less important
Moja prva ljubav sine, ime joj je hip hop
My first love son, her name is hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Kad sam upoznao tebe tad sam upoznao sebe
When I met you, I met myself
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Drugi mrze, ako mrze, neka mrze ko ih jebe
Others hate, if they hate, let them hate who cares
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Ti si mi prvo, a i poslednje jer ti si mi sve
You are my first, and also my last because you are everything to me
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Ne znam da li bih ti ikada mogao reći ne
I don't know if I could ever say no to you
Laži me, laži bejbe
Lie to me, lie baby
Ne mogu bez tebe, al' mi sranje žešće
I can't live without you, but it's really shitty
Što te ima ko te 'oće bejbe
That whoever wants you has you baby
Ne želim da te delim, 'oću sve za sebe
I don't want to share you, I want you all to myself
Jer ti mi daješ krila da letim u nebesa
Because you give me wings to fly to heaven
Nikad nisi ljubomorna kada tu je džej
You're never jealous when the DJ is around
Jer pokazala si mi šta znači biti srećan
Because you showed me what it means to be happy
Zato je tebi posvećena svaka pesma
That's why every song is dedicated to you
Veruj mi bejbe bez tebe sam k'o 'lesan
Believe me baby without you I'm like a 'lesan
Budi uz mene, ja biću korektan
Be with me, I'll be fair
Praviću te uvek kad te smarač lera
I'll always make you when the boring guy annoys you
Makar isp'o klinac, neopevani seljak
Even if I come off as a kid, an unsung peasant
Voleću te ipak kao prvog trena
I'll still love you like the first moment
Kad si me srela, tu dileme nema
When you met me, there's no doubt about it
Al' ne želim da znam ko te sve jebe
But I don't want to know who's fucking you
Zato laži me, laži bejbe
So lie to me, lie baby
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Kad sam upoznao tebe tad sam upoznao sebe
When I met you, I met myself
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Drugi mrze, ako mrze, neka mrze ko ih jebe
Others hate, if they hate, let them hate who cares
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Ti si mi prvo, a i poslednje jer ti si mi sve
You are my first, and also my last because you are everything to me
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Ne znam da li bih ti ikada mogao reći ne
I don't know if I could ever say no to you
Znamo se dugo, dosta traje ta priča
We've known each other for a long time, this story has been going on for a while
Bio sam klinac, im'o negde desetak dina
I was a kid, had about ten dinars somewhere
Previše mlad da bi' te skroz skapir'o
Too young to understand you fully
Pa sam te godinama gledao, nisam te dir'o
So I watched you for years, I didn't touch you
Oduševljen svakom tvojom pričom, tripom
Amazed by every one of your stories, trips
Ortaci su te po kraju vozili džipom
Friends drove you around town in a jeep
Ja sam po štekovima s tobom cirk'o pivo
I was drinking beer with you in the hideouts
Zbog tebe sam se sto puta svađ'o sa ekipom
Because of you I fought with the crew a hundred times
S ćaletom i kevom jer sam odjebao školu
With my dad and mom because I ditched school
S tobom u glavi motao sam smolu
I was rolling weed with you in my head
I veruj da još uvek sam naložen k'o dečak
And believe me, I'm still as fired up as a boy
Iako ne izgledaš lepo kao nekad
Even though you don't look as beautiful as you used to
Previše šminke, ekipa trula
Too much makeup, rotten crew
Sjebanu te cima od kluba do kluba
They're fucking dragging you from club to club
Znaš odakle si došla, vrati se do huda
You know where you came from, go back to the hood
Ortaci za tebe jos uvek imaju ljubav
Friends still have love for you
To je to
That's it
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Kad sam upoznao tebe tad sam upoznao sebe
When I met you, I met myself
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Drugi mrze, ako mrze, neka mrze ko ih jebe
Others hate, if they hate, let them hate who cares
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Ti si mi prvo, a i poslednje jer ti si mi sve
You are my first, and also my last because you are everything to me
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Ne znam da li bih ti ikada mogao reći ne
I don't know if I could ever say no to you
It's like magic
It's like magic
What I love the most, I see so much soul
What I love the most, I see so much soul
My love
My love
She hits me in the heart, and it feels so beautiful
She hits me in the heart, and it feels so beautiful
It's like magic
It's like magic
My Love
My Love
I got air for you
I got air for you
And if you keep the way with me, I'll keep the way with you
And if you keep the way with me, I'll keep the way with you
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop

Writer(s): Rick Rubin, Chris Martin, James Todd Smith, Joseph Simmons, Darryl Mcdaniels, Nasir Jones, Kevin Crowe, Khaled Khaled, Kenneth Bartolomei, Peter Overend Watts, Eric Ortiz, Brad Terrance Jordan P/k/a S

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