Struka feat. Ayllah - Veliki zli grad (feat. Ayllah) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. Ayllah - Veliki zli grad (feat. Ayllah)

Veliki zli grad (feat. Ayllah)
Big Evil City (feat. Ayllah)
Lud na biti
Crazy on the beat
Grupna terapija
Group therapy
Pa kaže šta je ovo
So he says what's this
Ulica Miloša Potsrca, 3:15 posle ponoći
Milos Potsrc Street, 3:15 AM
Čujem devojka vrišti, čujem vapaje pomoći
I hear a girl screaming, I hear cries for help
Grupa momaka beži, lete meci niotkuda
A group of guys running, bullets flying from nowhere
Dok jedan momak leži u krvi polubudan
While one guy lies in blood half-awake
Polusvestan da je žrtva lošeg vremena i mesta
Half-conscious that he's a victim of bad time and place
Te policijske sirene, beton, kreda, crna vreća
Those police sirens, concrete, chalk, black bag
Hitna pomoć stiže kasno, suviše kritično stanje
Ambulance arrives late, too critical condition
Još jedna ravna linija, još jedan ortak manje
Another flatline, another buddy less
Još jedan petak veče, još jedan momak isečen
Another Friday night, another guy cut up
Još jedan se predoziro, još jedan uspešno lečen
Another one overdosed, another successfully treated
Još jedna svađa, jedna kuća, jedan pijan suprug
Another fight, one house, one drunk husband
Još jedan ludak postarao se da svi sporo umru
Another madman made sure everyone dies slowly
Još jedno dete nestalo, još jedna pljačka pumpe
Another child missing, another gas station robbery
Još jedna racija kod plavog, pohapsili kurve
Another raid at the blue's, busted the whores
Još samo jedan kobni ishod ukrštenih pogleda
Just another fatal outcome of crossed glances
Još jedna potvrda tragične sudbine Beograda
Another confirmation of Belgrade's tragic fate
Nemaš gde da bežiš, nemaš nigde da se kriješ
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Pre il' kasnije on doći će po vas
Sooner or later he will come for you
Možda ne znaš o kom pričam, al' ubrzo ćeš da vidiš
You may not know who I'm talking about, but you'll soon see
Da je to ovaj veliki zli grad
That this is the big evil city
Nemaš gde da bežiš, nemaš nigde da se kriješ
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Pre il' kasnije on doći će po vas
Sooner or later he will come for you
Možda ne znaš o kom pričam, al' ubrzo ćeš da vidiš
You may not know who I'm talking about, but you'll soon see
Da je to ovaj veliki zli grad
That this is the big evil city
Ukoliko manje znaš, utoliko bolje po vas
The less you know, the better for you
Jer za pare, drolje i vlast te kolje k'o pas
Because for money, whores, and power, he'll kill you like a dog
Crna hronika mog grada k'o roman Stivena Kinga
The black chronicle of my city is like a Stephen King novel
Brate, mnogo užasa se krije iza bling blinga
Brother, a lot of horror hides behind the bling bling
Fasade su od glamura, a temelji od horora
The facades are made of glamour, and the foundations of horror
Pa istina je negde ispod betona i korova
So the truth is somewhere beneath the concrete and weeds
Malo ko je moralan, pa malo ko se stidi
Few are moral, so few are ashamed
Jutros otvaram te novine i ima' šta da vidim
I open the newspaper in the morning and there's a lot to see
Još jedan pešak mrtav je zbog pijanog šofera
Another pedestrian dead because of a drunk driver
Još jedna nova farsa i politička afera
Another new farce and a political affair
Još jedan mrtav taksista zbog hiljadu dinara
Another dead taxi driver for a thousand dinars
I još jedan momak izboden je zbog nešto malo para
And another guy stabbed for a little bit of money
Još jedna silovana žena, pljačka kladionice
Another raped woman, a robbery at a betting shop
Još jedan je navijač umro na putu do bolnice
Another fan died on the way to the hospital
Beli grad, padam na kolena, molim se
White city, I fall to my knees, I pray
Poštedi moje voljene, usliši moje molitve
Spare my loved ones, hear my prayers
Nemaš gde da bežiš, nemaš nigde da se kriješ
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Pre il' kasnije on doći će po vas
Sooner or later he will come for you
Možda ne znaš o kom pričam, al' ubrzo ćeš da vidiš
You may not know who I'm talking about, but you'll soon see
Da je to ovaj veliki zli grad
That this is the big evil city
Nemaš gde da bežiš, nemaš nigde da se kriješ
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Pre il' kasnije on doći će po vas
Sooner or later he will come for you
Možda ne znaš o kom pričam, al' ubrzo ćeš da vidiš
You may not know who I'm talking about, but you'll soon see
Da je to ovaj veliki zli grad
That this is the big evil city
Zbog nešto keša u džepovima, dečko je nadrapo
For some cash in his pockets, the boy got hurt
Jer kad imaš pravi se da nemaš, brzo shvati fazon
Because when you have it pretend you don't, quickly understand the style
Čućeš, jedna je cura nevinost dala na silu
You'll hear, one girl gave her innocence by force
A kada sve to čitaš, ne, ne uspevaš ostati imun
And when you read all that, no, you can't stay immune
Zagreb nema geto, ima devet krugova pakla
Zagreb doesn't have a ghetto, it has nine circles of hell
Ne traži da čuješ istinu jer neće ti to pasat
Don't ask to hear the truth because it won't suit you
Jednoj curi pucali u glavu u samom centru grada
One girl was shot in the head in the city center
Pa kad izađeš na ulice, osetiš, grad je hladan
So when you go out on the streets, you feel the city is cold
Ulicama teče krv dečka, do smrti ga istukli
The boy's blood flows through the streets, they beat him to death
Pobjegli, skrili se, ali nisu se izvukli
They ran away, hid, but they didn't get away
Cura ostavila dečka, on je osudio na groblje
The girl left the boy, he sentenced him to the grave
Koliko je toga ovaj narod stvarno spreman podnijet
How much is this nation really ready to endure
Sve je manja dobna granica, veća iskustva s drogom
The age limit is getting smaller, the experience with drugs is bigger
Prije neg navrše tek 18 dotakli su ponor
Before they even turn 18 they've touched the abyss
Zato pazim kuda hodam, svaki korak je koban
So I watch where I walk, every step is fatal
Samo čujem svoj glas kad u tišini zazovem Boga
I only hear my voice when I call to God in silence
Nemaš gde da bežiš, nemaš nigde da se kriješ
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Pre il' kasnije on doći će po vas
Sooner or later he will come for you
Možda ne znaš o kom pričam, al' ubrzo ćeš da vidiš
You may not know who I'm talking about, but you'll soon see
Da je to ovaj veliki zli grad
That this is the big evil city
Nemaš gde da bežiš, nemaš nigde da se kriješ
You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Pre il' kasnije on doći će po vas
Sooner or later he will come for you
Možda ne znaš o kom pričam, al' ubrzo ćeš da vidiš
You may not know who I'm talking about, but you'll soon see
Da je to ovaj veliki zli grad
That this is the big evil city

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