Struka feat. Ana Masulovic & Covizzie - Negde tamo gore (feat. Covizzie, Ana Mašulović) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. Ana Masulovic & Covizzie - Negde tamo gore (feat. Covizzie, Ana Mašulović)

Negde tamo gore (feat. Covizzie, Ana Mašulović)
Somewhere Up There (feat. Covizzie, Ana Mašulović)
Ne znam kol'ko svrhe ima što ti ovo sada pišem
I don't know how much sense it makes me writing this to you now
Jer je 10 'dina prošlo kako prest'o si da dišeš
Because 10 years have passed since you stopped breathing
Hteo malo više, a i onog malog lišen
You wanted a little more, but even that little was taken away from you
Pa zbog parčeta papira poraze počeo da nižeš
So, because of a piece of paper you started racking up losses
Nisam znao šta te je navelo na ta sranja
I didn't know what led you to that shit
I posle ovih 10 godina često te sanjam
And after these 10 years I often dream of you
Al' da pređem na stvar jer verovatno se sad pitaš
But to get to the point, because you are probably asking now
Kojim razlogom ti pišem, ako uopšte ovo čitaš
For what reason I'm writing this to you, if you are even reading this at all
Vid'o ti ortaka, soliter pored parka
I saw your buddy, a high-rise building next to the park
Iznad premijera, jeste video sam Darka
Above the prime minister, yes I saw Darko
Kad je bano do BG-a na prad dana za novaka
When he moved to Belgrade at dawn for a rookie
Sada ima divnu ženu u Vegasu i šljaka
Now he has a lovely wife in Vegas and he is working
Pričo mi je satima o svemu što ste radili
He told me for hours about everything you did
Kad pravili ste sranja i kako ste se vadili
When you were doing crazy stuff and how you got out of it
Soma ludih priča, nema koju nije takao
Tons of crazy stories, he didn't miss a single one
Do jaja sam se smejao, po malo mi se plakalo
I laughed my ass off, I cried a little
Jednoga dana, srešćemo se opet
One day, we'll meet again
Negde tamo, negde tamo gore
Somewhere up there, somewhere up there
A toga dana seti se svog brata
And that day, remember your brother
Kada bude zakuc'o na vrata
When he knocks on the door
Neke odgovore tražim još od kada si sa Hristom
I've been looking for some answers ever since you've been with Christ
A tek sam sad pročit'o tvoje poslednje pismo
And just now I read your last letter
Štošta znali nismo, al' smo s tim na čisto
Whatever we didn't know, we are clear about it
Znamo šta te je sjebalo kad si najviše blist'o
We know what fucked you up when you were shining the brightest
Kao samoubistvo na koje nisi prist'o
Like a suicide you didn't agree to
Znam da zvuči glupo, al' to mu dođe na isto
I know it sounds stupid, but it comes down to that
Pa pravio si greške, al' nekako sa smislom
You were making mistakes, but somehow with a purpose
Jer sada shvatam, shvatio si, sve je bilo gistro
Because now I understand, you understood, it was all crystal clear
Brate, ljudi su pičke, i najbliži te sjebe
Bro, people are bitches, and even the closest ones will fuck you over
Na ovom hladnom svetu, svako gleda samo sebe
In this cold world, everyone only looks out for themselves
Vidiš, ćale, keva, Steva, svi su tu, svi su do jaja
You see, Dad, Mom, Steva, they are all here, they are all great
Stevan video je neku ribu, kaže: "Ista Maja"
Stevan saw some girl, he says: "Same as Maja"
Držala je svoga klinca
She was holding her kid
A bilo mu je glupo da joj priđe
And he was too embarrassed to approach her
Kaže: "Nije bio siguran da pita" brate
He says: "He wasn't sure he should ask" bro
Nisam ni znao da ti je nosila klince
I didn't even know she was carrying your kids
Sada zamišljam te blizance sa njihovim stricem
Now I'm imagining those twins with their stripes
Jednog dana, srešćemo se opet
One day, we'll meet again
Negde tamo, negde tamo gore
Somewhere up there, somewhere up there
A toga dana seti se svog brata
And that day, remember your brother
Kada bude zakuc'o na vrata
When he knocks on the door
Reci kako je u raju, da l' je isto k'o u kraju
Tell me what's it like in heaven, is it the same as in the hood
Da l' je bolje nego ovde ili tu počeci staju
Is it better than here or do the beginnings stop there
Reci kako je Marina, da li možda viđaš Babca
Tell me how's Marina, do you maybe see Babca
Da li tu imaš ekipu ili živiš život samca
Do you have a crew there or are you living life alone
Da li imaju kazino i košarkaške terene
Do they have a casino and basketball courts
Da li gasiraš kolica, reci, kakve su im žene
Are you pushing a wheelchair, tell me what their women are like
Dosta toga se desilo, mada ne bi ti se svidelo
A lot has happened, though you wouldn't like it
Al' kapiram da tu odozgo sve se dobro videlo
But I understand that from up there, you saw everything clearly
Bombe nad Beograd i obilje afera
Bombs over Belgrade and an abundance of affairs
Zatim otimanje Kosova i ubistvo premijera
Then the taking of Kosovo and the assassination of the prime minister
A što se tiče mene, ne bih mogao da kukam
And as for me, I couldn't complain
Da je loše brate, kul je, držim rep u svojim rukama
That it's bad bro, it's cool, I'm holding my own destiny
Živim svoje snove, guram taj fakultet
I'm living my dreams, pushing through that faculty
Gledam da se klonim sranja i da hodam pravim putem
I try to avoid shit and walk the right path
A ti mi budi pozdravljen i znaj da dokle god svet se vrti
And greetings to you, and know that as long as the world keeps spinning
Kroz pesme koje pišem, tvoje ime će se čuti
Through the songs I write, your name will be heard
Jednog dana, srešćemo se opet
One day, we'll meet again
Negde tamo, negde tamo gore
Somewhere up there, somewhere up there
A toga dana seti se svog brata
And that day, remember your brother
Kada bude zakuc'o na vrata
When he knocks on the door
Jednoga dana, srešćemo se opet
One day, we'll meet again
Al' ne ovde u kraju, nego negde tamo gore
But not here in the hood, but somewhere up there
A do tada, ako možeš
And until then, if you can
Čuvaj mesto za brata
Save a place for your brother
Ne zaboravi da otvoriš
Don't forget to open up
Kada zakucam na vrata
When I knock on the door
Da l' me čuješ?
Can you hear me?
Jednoga dana, srešćemo se opet
One day, we'll meet again
Al' ne ovde u kraju, nego negde tamo gore
But not here in the hood, but somewhere up there
A do tada, ako možeš
And until then, if you can
Čuvaj mesto za brata
Save a place for your brother
Ne zaboravi da otvoriš
Don't forget to open up
Kada zakucam na vrata
When I knock on the door
Da l' me čuješ?
Can you hear me?

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