Struka feat. DJ Lucky - Kao san (feat. DJ Lucky) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. DJ Lucky - Kao san (feat. DJ Lucky)

Kao san (feat. DJ Lucky)
Kao san (feat. DJ Lucky)
Dži na bitu
On the beat
BG, NS, Sigi, Stru
BG, NS, Sigi, Stru
Grupna terapija
Group therapy
BG jug
BG south
Niko me nikad nije pit'o, nije pit'o što
No one ever asked me, didn't ask what
Što radim to što radim, kada uzmem mikrofon
What I do what I do when I pick up the microphone
Ali Struka kako to, ja sam čuo da si student
But Struka how is that possible, I heard you're a student
Skapiraj me, samo radim ono što najbolje umem
Get me, I only do what I do best
Pričam o ljudima, vremenu i mestu, u kom živim
I talk about people, time and place I live in
O pričama što čujem, o sranjima što vidim
About the stories heard, about the shits witnessed
I neka mi neko kaže kako ne bi hteo lovu
And let someone tell me how they wouldn't want money
Kao ne bi hteo ribe, kao ne bi jebo ovu
Like they wouldn't want fish, like they wouldn't fuck this
Ljudi žele da me čuju jer zvučim kao san
People want to hear me because I sound like a dream
Ali ironije svega je to da sam realan
But the irony of all of it is that I'm being real
Jeste, ja sam dobar momak
Yes, I'm a good guy
Nemoj pogrešno da shvatiš
Don't get me wrong
Ali nisam brate debil da te pustim da me kratiš
But I'm not brother fool to let you clip me
BG ume da izvuče najgore iz mene
BG knows how to bring out the worst in me
Kada vidim kako tuče moje ljude
When I see it beat my people
Moje žene, moje drugove, ortake
My women, my friends, my partners
Momci života su željni
Guys are eager for life
Ali završe na klupama sa iglama u veni
But end up on benches with needles in the veins
Znam da zvučim kao san
I know I sound like a dream
Znam da zvučim kao san
I know I sound like a dream
Znam da zvučim kao san
I know I sound like a dream
Ali ironija svega je to da sam realan
But the irony of all of it is that I'm being real
Ovo je nešto najrealnije što ikad sam napisao
This is something the most real I've ever written
Da nisam bio realan, danas ne bih ni disao
If I wasn't real, I wouldn't be breathing today
Da nisam bio realan, nikad ne bih zablistao
If I wasn't real, I'd never shine
Ja pričam ovu priču, al' oni ne vide smisao
I tell this story, but they don't see the point
Struka je specifičan sloj, fiktivnog i realnog
Struka is a specific layer of the fictitious and the real
Pa mnogi osporavaju kredibilitet tela mog
So many challenge the credibility of my body
Al' moje reči krvare, svaki stih je proliven
But my words bleed, every verse is shed
To je istina o gradu gde ti isti ljudi žive
That's the truth about the city where the same people live
Pa mi nije jasno kako oni ne mogu da vide
So it's not clear to me how they don't see
Svu tu patnju, svu tu bol i kuda ovaj narod ide
That's suffering, all the pain and where these people go
Brate, nisam kriminalac, al' pričam o kriminalu
Brother, I'm not a criminal, but I talk about crime
Zato ljubomorni reperi kažu, slušaj budalu
So jealous rappers say, listen to the fool
Veruj prič'o bi' o cveću, kad bi' ono ovde raslo
Believe me, I would talk about flowers if they grew here
Ali pričam o Beogradu jer tu sam brate rast'o
But I talk about Belgrade because that's where I grew up
Zato nemoj da mi pričaš, da ne znam šta je to
So don't tell me that I don't know what that is
Rođenog brata sam izgubio, a to je dovoljno
I lost my brother, and that's enough
To je bol, truo koren, tu je problem pa sam pukao (Brate)
It's pain, toxic root, that's the problem so I shot (Brother)
Bio sam tučen, ali i ja sam tukao
I was beaten up, but I fought too
Pre, nisam imao šta da izgubim
Before, I had nothing to lose
Sad imam puno
Now I have a lot
Jer pre sam bio pijun, sada sam figura s krunom
Because before I was a pawn, now I'm a crowned figure
Znam da zvučim kao san
I know I sound like a dream
Znam da zvučim kao san
I know I sound like a dream
Znam da zvučim kao san
I know I sound like a dream
Ali ironija svega je to da sam realan
But the irony of all of it is that I'm being real
Ovo je nešto najrealnije što ikad sam napisao
This is something the most real I've ever written
Da nisam bio realan, danas ne bih ni disao
If I wasn't real, I wouldn't be breathing today
Da nisam bio realan, nikad ne bih zablistao
If I wasn't real, I'd never shine
Ja pričam ovu priču, al' oni ne vide smisao
I tell this story, but they don't see the point
Kao san
Like a dream

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