Struka feat. Dada - Ovde (feat. Dada) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. Dada - Ovde (feat. Dada)

Ovde (feat. Dada)
Here (feat. Dada)
Rekli su mi,
They told me,
Bolje reši problem, da problem ne reši tebe
It's better to solve the problem before the problem solves you
'Il si makro, il' si kurva, il' te jebu, ili jebeš
You're either a pimp, or a whore, either you're getting fucked or you're fucking
Sad snimamo u garaži gde se štancuju tiraži
Now we're recording in a garage where editions are printed
Na pogrešnom si mestu, ako ovde ljubav tražiš
You're in the wrong place, baby, if you're looking for love here
Scena je arena, gledam padaju glave
The stage is an arena, I watch heads roll
Ovde opstaju jaki, ovde spadaju cave
Here the strong survive, here the weak fall
Al' jebeš ko šta misli, dok karam i zarađujem
But fuck what anyone thinks, while I'm hustling and making money
Igra ili kazni te ili te nagrađuje
The game either punishes you or rewards you
Nemam pištolj, ali mi je mirkofon k'o kolt
I don't have a gun, but my mic is like a Colt
Pa reperi su brzi ko crnja Usein Bolt
So the rappers are fast like the black Usein Bolt
Sigi Liberači, 1001 recept, ali jedan začin
Sigi Liberace, 1001 recipes, but one spice
1001 plan, ali jedan način
1001 plans, but one way
Da opstaneš u džungli gde su laki obarači
To survive in the jungle where there are easy shooters
Siuki, apači, čiroki, komarči
Sioux, Apache, Cherokee, mosquitoes
Sve klinci indijanci, kriminalci i pucači
All kids Indians, criminals and shooters
I svaki dan je novi problem (problem)
And every day is a new problem (problem)
Vode me žednog preko vode (vode)
They're leading me thirsty across the water (water)
Osećam potrebu da odem (odem)
I feel the need to leave (leave)
Ne mogu da ostanem ovde (ovde)
I can't stay here (here)
Ljudi su skrenuli sa uma (uma)
People have gone crazy (crazy)
Odavno skrenuli sa druma (druma)
They've been off the road for a long time (road)
Ovde i ljubav ima cenu (cenu)
Love has a price here too (price)
Samo je malo veća suma brate
It's just a little bigger sum, bro
Jebeš mesečne markice, hoću devizne kartice
Fuck monthly passes, I want debit cards
Ja kidam bez stida, briga, bolje spremi se batice
I'm tearing it up without shame or care, you better get ready, brother
Nekad sledim se sasvim, jer vidim šta me okružuje
Sometimes I follow myself completely, 'cause I see what surrounds me
Buraz ne kontaš spiku, u kurac, šta me optužuješ
You don't understand the slang, what are you accusing me of?
Ovde svako se pravi ko da brat mi je
Here, everyone acts like they're my brother
Pa držim blizu neprijatelje najstrašnije
So I keep my worst enemies close
A znaš druže sve te face sa zluradim smeškom
And you know, bro, all those faces with a sinister smile
Da te mrze, zna se, čim sa sobom uradiš nešto
They hate you, you know, as soon as you do something for yourself
Da vratiš skroz drugi flow, požurimo tebra
To bring back a completely different flow, let's hurry up, bro
Da ne poludim skroz, to ti je ko drugi do
Before I go completely crazy, that's like another
Dza ovde nema ljubavi, pa reci kako da vole
There's no love here, so tell me how to love
I šta ti da daš sve od sebe na kraju te slome
And why give your all when they'll break you in the end
Ipak, pa k'o Malkom X na prozoru stojim
Still, like Malcolm X, I stand at the window
Čim se klati luster držim prst na orozu
Whenever the chandelier shakes, I keep my finger on the trigger
Brojim sekunde dok ne čujem kvaku
Counting down the seconds until I hear the doorknob
Klik-klik uđi čič čik
Click-click, come in, chick-chick
Imaćeš oči k'o mrtvak u stripu iks-iks
You'll have eyes like a corpse in an X-X comic
I svaki dan je novi problem (problem)
And every day is a new problem (problem)
Vode me žednog preko vode (vode)
They're leading me thirsty across the water (water)
Osećam potrebu da odem (odem)
I feel the need to leave (leave)
Ne mogu da ostanem ovde (ovde)
I can't stay here (here)
Ljudi su skrenuli sa uma (uma)
People have gone crazy (crazy)
Odavno skrenuli sa druma (druma)
They've been off the road for a long time (road)
Ovde i ljubav ima cenu (cenu)
Love has a price here too (price)
Samo je malo veća suma brate
It's just a little bigger sum, bro
Ne pada sneg da zaveje breg
Snow doesn't fall to cover the hill
Nego da svaka zver pokaže svoj trag (svoj trag)
But for every beast to show its tracks (its tracks)
Pomoli se za kišu mrtvi počeće da dišu
Pray for rain, the dead will begin to breathe
Brate zapaliću ceo Beograd (rokam)
Brother, I'll burn all of Belgrade (rock on)
Za da prave hip-hop glave
To make real hip-hop heads
S ušća Dunava i Save, za ortake i kurave
From the confluence of the Danube and Sava, for the homies and bitches
Srednji prst ide za plave
Middle finger goes out to the cops
(Reprezentujem bee-gee) ali opet neke cave
(Representing bee-gee) but still some chicks
Bi na tape da me stave (brate mora da se šale)
Would put me on a tape (they must be joking, bro)
Kralj se vratio, pa kapije grada neka mi otvore
The king has returned, so let the city gates open for me
Mrtav čovek hoda, al' mrtva usta ne govore
A dead man walks, but dead mouths don't speak
Zajebi me sa pričama što nemaju pokriće
Fuck me with stories that have no basis
I zajebi se sa mržnjom, jer je mržnja za slabiće
And fuck you with your hatred, because hatred is for the weak
Držim ključeve od grada, stojim podignutog garda
I hold the keys to the city, I stand guard
Ja sam čuvar svoga brata, ja sam pastir svoga stada
I am the keeper of my brother, I am the shepherd of my flock
Pa krenite na mene i provešćete se super
So come at me and you'll have a great time
K'o kapetan Kuka, kada levom briše dupe
Like Captain Cook, when he wipes his ass with his left hand
I svaki dan je novi problem (problem)
And every day is a new problem (problem)
Vode me žednog preko vode (vode)
They're leading me thirsty across the water (water)
Osećam potrebu da odem (odem)
I feel the need to leave (leave)
Ne mogu da ostanem ovde (ovde)
I can't stay here (here)
Ljudi su skrenuli sa uma (uma)
People have gone crazy (crazy)
Odavno skrenuli sa druma (druma)
They've been off the road for a long time (road)
Ovde i ljubav ima cenu (cenu)
Love has a price here too (price)
Samo je malo veća suma brate
It's just a little bigger sum, bro
Vi koji mrzite i pljujete
You who hate and spit
Ne znam da li me sad čujete
I don't know if you can hear me now
Za svaki slučaj ću da ponovim
Just in case, I'll repeat
Kurve, kerovi i komani
Whores, dogs and godfathers

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