Struka feat. Grzi - Drolje 3 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. Grzi - Drolje 3

Drolje 3
Sluts 3
Ti plaćaš infostan i struju
You pay the rent and bills
Za tu nimfomansku kuju
For that nymphomaniac bitch
Sinoć u Cineplexxu pip'o sam joj bulju
Last night at the Cineplex, I touched her eye
Gledali smo neko sranje, tipa Besne Ptice
We watched some crap, like The Birds
Šta god, samo da dođem do njene tesne pice
Whatever, just to get to her tight pussy
Rek'o sam joj: "Bolje da smo pogledali Betmena"
I told her, "We should've watched Batman."
I tad je uzela da mi ga sisa k'o ometena
And then she started sucking my dick like a maniac
Nemoj da si tužan, plus ružan si kad plačeš
Don't be sad, plus you're ugly when you cry
Plus plakanje mi nekako ne ide uz muškarce
Plus, crying doesn't really go with men
Jednom plak'o sam za pičkom, rek'o sebi nikad više
Once I cried over a pussy, told myself never again
Jer za pičkom, šta? Plaču samo pičke
'Cause over pussy, what? Only pussies cry
Tako je, to je stoprocentno pimp znanje
That's right, that's one hundred percent pimp knowledge
Čisto pimpovanje, tvrdokorno pimp stanje,
Pure pimping, hardcore pimp state,
Pimp stanje uma, pimp kuma brate
Pimp state of mind, pimp godfather bro
Danas svako marko je
Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry is
I svaka šuša misli da pimpovanje lako je
And every bitch thinks pimping is easy
Pustim ih da se pale
I let them burn
Al' sažaljevam budale
But I pity the fools
Ti znaš moj steelo
You know my steelo
Menjam kučke k'o kanale
I change chicks like channels
Svaki put kad vide me u klubu
Every time they see me in the club
One postroje se kao da je kasting
They line up like it's a casting
Dok otvaram tu flašu, one mašu mi
While I'm opening that bottle, they wave at me
I nadaju se da ću da ih častim
And hope that I'll treat them
Al' pravi igrač kad te vidi zna te
But a real player knows you when he sees you
Pravi igrač na tu priču neće pasti
A real player won't fall for that story
Pa pazi kako pričaš sa mnom droljo
So watch how you talk to me, slut
Bolje bi ti bilo da obuzdaš strasti
You better curb your passions
Pičke poput Bekvalčeve sisaju mi nožne palčeve
Bitches like Bekvalac suck my toes
Dečiji dodatak spiskaju na kožne rančeve
They spit children's allowance on my leather wounds
Kada večera ona prosto nema apetita
When it's dinner time she simply has no appetite
Pošto najela se kita i prilično je sita
Since she had enough of my dick and is quite full
Kada podrigne, smrdi na karu
When she burps, it smells like curry
Takve su odrasle na beogradskom trotoaru
That's how they are raised on the Belgrade sidewalk
Moje krokodilske šuze liju krokodilske suze
My crocodile shoes shed crocodile tears
Kada ih nabijem u njihove krokodilske guze
When I shove them in their crocodile asses
Da ja sam Stru, gorila pimp betonske džungle
Yes, I'm Stru, the concrete jungle gorilla pimp
Ja samo ispustim znanje na te mentolske vugle
I just drop the knowledge on those menthol burrows
Braću ponesu emocije, pa naprave dete kurvi
Brothers carry emotions, then they make whore children
Posle plaču i prete, hoće da se svete kurvi
Then they cry and threaten, they want to take revenge on the whores
Kurva ne bi bila kurva, da nema kurvinske fore
A whore wouldn't be a whore, if she didn't have whore tricks
Kurva ne da ti saglasnost da vodiš dete na more
A whore won't give you consent to take the child to the sea
Sve u svemu mali brate, probaj da upamtiš ovo (Šta?)
All in all little brother, try to remember this (What?)
Pravu i ravu deli samo jedno slovo (O, da)
True and raw are separated by only one letter (Oh, yeah)
Svaki put kad vide me u klubu
Every time they see me in the club
One postroje se kao da je kasting
They line up like it's a casting
Dok otvaram tu flašu, one mašu mi
While I'm opening that bottle, they wave at me
Nadaju se da ću da ih častim
They're hoping that I'll treat them
Al' pravi igrač kad te vidi zna te
But a real player knows you when he sees you
Pravi igrač na tu priču neće pasti
A real player won't fall for that story
Pa pazi kako pričaš sa mnom droljo
So watch how you talk to me, slut
Bolje bi ti bilo da obuzdaš strasti
You better curb your passions
Kita stalno je u grlu, zaglavljena k'o kost
The dick is always in her throat, stuck like a bone
Pa je stvorila tu naviku da diše na nos
So she developed the habit of breathing through her nose
Rekla je: "Baš ti dobro stoji taj pink i zebra dezen"
She said, "That pink and zebra pattern really suits you"
Pa je dodala: "Ma ložim te, ti si tebra kreten"
And then she added: "I'm just kidding, you're a stupid dude"
Rekoh: "Kurvo, jaka ti fora"
I said: "Whore, strong game"
Da li treba da te podsetim da mala si drolja?
Do I need to remind you that you're a little slut?
I da Siggy je pimp, to je sranje u krvi
And that Siggy is a pimp, it's shit in the blood
Pa da šutnem tvoju bulju nazad u Svrljig
So I'll shove your eye back in Svrljig
Previše si smešna, tripuješ se da si bad bitch
You're too funny, tripping like you're a bad bitch
A pola grada, dobro zna da jebeš se za sendvič
And half the city knows you fuck for a sandwich
Nekad gradske mačke sam jurio k'o besni pas
I used to chase city cats like a mad dog
Kurve su me zvale Strulio Iglesas
Whores called me Strulio Iglesias
Ali ne jer sam im pevao na uvce
But not because I sang to their ears
Ovde svaki drugi džugac isevao ih kurcem
Here every other jughead fucked them with his dick
Glume glamur, potiču sa društvene margine
They act glamorous, they come from the social margins
I ne razlikuju kavijar od sušene sardine
And they can't tell caviar from dried sardine
To su drolje
They're sluts
Svaki put kad vide me u klubu
Every time they see me in the club
One postroje se kao da je kasting
They line up like it's a casting
Dok otvaram tu flašu, one mašu mi
While I'm opening that bottle, they wave at me
I nadaju se da ću da ih častim
And hope that I'll treat them
Al' pravi igrač kad te vidi zna te
But a real player knows you when he sees you
Pravi igrač na tu priču neće pasti
A real player won't fall for that story
Pa pazi kako pričaš sa mnom droljo
So watch how you talk to me, slut
Bolje bi ti bilo da obuzdaš strasti
You better curb your passions
Brzi odvedi ih u crkvu brate
Brzi, take them to church, brother
Svaki put kad vide me u klubu
Every time they see me in the club
One postroje se kao da je kasting
They line up like it's a casting
Dok otvaram tu flašu, one mašu mi
While I'm opening that bottle, they wave at me
I nadaju se da ću da ih častim
And hope that I'll treat them
Al' pravi igrač kad te vidi zna te
But a real player knows you when he sees you
Pravi igrač na tu priču neće pasti
A real player won't fall for that story
Pa pazi kako pričaš sa mnom droljo
So watch how you talk to me, slut
Bolje bi ti bilo da obuzdaš strasti
You better curb your passions
Svaki put kad vide me u klubu
Every time they see me in the club
One postroje se kao da je kasting
They line up like it's a casting
Dok otvaram tu flašu, one mašu mi
While I'm opening that bottle, they wave at me
I nadaju se da ću da ih častim
And hope that I'll treat them
Al' pravi igrač kad te vidi zna te
But a real player knows you when he sees you
Pravi igrač na tu priču neće pasti
A real player won't fall for that story
Pa pazi kako pričaš sa mnom droljo
So watch how you talk to me, slut
Bolje bi ti bilo da obuzdaš strasti
You better curb your passions

Struka feat. Grzi - Opet se obrce
Opet se obrce
date de sortie

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