Struka - Betonski Snovi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka - Betonski Snovi

Betonski Snovi
Betonski Snovi
Oprosti mu zbog sedih sad moras biti najjaca
Forgive him for the mistakes now you have to be the strongest
Aj seti se dana kada je radila varjaca
Remember the days when he played in the shade
Kad davala si da se samo igra u hodniku
When you let him play alone in the hallway
Nisi htela dete opisano kredom na plocniku
You didn't want your child to be drawn with chalk on the sidewalk
Drama, ispod njegovog kreveta se naslo 30 grama i caletova devetka
Drama, under his bed were found 30 grams and a gun
Fali par metaka ups! Ljudi zeljeli ga mrtvog sve od Senjaka do Medaka
Missing a few bullets, oops! People wanted him dead from Senjak to Medak
A ti si strepela za petama tvog deteta su puboviii nevraceni dugoviii!
But you trembled after your child's footsteps are public debts unpaid for a long time!
Niko nema ljubavi ni drugovi kad dopadne marice
No one has love or friends when he goes to jail
Izvuces ga iz stanice gde salecu ga palice
You get him out of the station where they hit him with sticks
Ne nema granice mamice ne razumes
There are no limits, mommy, you don't understand
Ne nece stati cak i ako sutra umre
He won't stop even if he dies tomorrow
Rodit ce se ponovo ko Feniks iz pepela
He'll be born again like a phoenix from the ashes
Jer znas da nema kraja dok ne propeva debela
Because you know it's not over until the fat lady sings
Vidi mama ga je rodila a ulica podigla
See, his mother gave birth to him, but the streets raised him
Naucila da odigra za soma kupi proda ga za deset
Taught him how to play for profit, buy it and sell it for ten
Zna se sta se sme a sta ne sme
He knows what is and isn't allowed
Mama dolazi sa pijace ponese joj kese
Mom comes from the market, he carries her bags
Nekad djubre iznese tamo-vamo malo pomogne
Sometimes he takes out the trash, helps out a little here and there
A gleda samo kako da se ulice domogne
But he only thinks about how to control the streets
Tu roka snima ima velike planove
Here, his hand is a weapon, he has big plans
Betonske snove ove zuljevite dlanove
Concrete dreams, these blistered palms
Bio je glup oprosti mu Boze!
He was stupid, forgive him, God!
Tatino seme je lose pravo sa nose na cose
His father's seed is bad, right from the nose to the toes
Dig' di dezurni krivac ko da ime mu je Soze
Get up, the usual culprit, as if his name were Soze
Doli Rose a sad sve skupa, kola skupa,
Roll the dice and now everything together, a car together,
Bola sta sine hoces od 15 centi dolar?
My son, do you want 15 cents on the dollar?
Brate betonski snovi to je ko Mecka i Bendjola
Brother, concrete dreams are like Mecca and Bendjola
Kad primi rola kola ko pod auto skola
When you get a roll, a car like in driving school
Momenat sine zvoni mi Motorola
Moment, son, my Motorola is ringing

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